The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 761 Daily life...probably~

Chapter 761 Daily life...probably~ (one more)
Ling Huohuo finally agreed with Toyotomi Hideya to join the Void Hundred Ghosts.

Ling Huohuo and all the members who were determined to join the Void Hundred Ghosts adjusted their states in a valley for three days, and they all adjusted their states to their peak.

Ling Huohuo stood in the middle, looked at all the familiar or unfamiliar figures around him, and nodded.

"let's start!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Huohuo released his void power, covering the entire valley.

The conversion time lasted for three full days.

Except for the members of the Void Hundred Ghosts, no one knew what happened in the Valley of Time during those three days.

However, everyone later found out that a force called Void Hundred Ghosts had quietly appeared, and the leader was a man with a purple-gold long sword on his shoulder.

And behind the man, there are countless powerful void creatures!


a week later.

In the real world, in Yaotian Moren's studio, Ling Huohuo is sitting at the dining table and browsing the computer pages, and at Ling Huohuo's feet is the idler Hapi who is fighting with the legs of the table.

At this time, although Hapi still looks like a Erha, but it is a void with the terrifying strength of the seventh-level owner... Erha.

Whether it is a void Erha or a monster Erha, there is no doubt that this is an Erha. If you don’t look at Erha who is likely to demolish the house, the corner of the dining table is the best proof.

Although Ling Huohuo has returned, the Yaotian Moren studio is still as usual.

And also joined the four new members.

Toyotomi Xiuya, Hongshuang, Du Xiaoxue, and... Dean Lori.

The Extraordinary Academy is gone, and Dean Luoli ended up in Ling Huohuo's job.

At present, Ling Huohuo is not included in Yaotian Demonren's studio, Gabriel, Vinette, Satania, Raphael, Ding Ning, Rabbit Jiji, Kamaitachi, Mai Shiranui, Yuyi Fox, Rogier, Dean Luoli, Toyotomi Hideya, Hongshuang, Du Xiaoxue.

And the white dog, happy, goldfinch, green cotton bird, three chestnut bird.

For a while, the studio became a little crowded.

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo had already expected that there were a lot of rooms in the studio, but although he could guarantee accommodation, the range of activities in the living room would be much smaller.

Ling Huohuo was also thinking about whether to change to another house.

The Void Hundred Ghosts were let out by Ling Huohuo to practice, and only Hongshuang, Du Xiaoxue, Toyotomi Xiuya and Hapi were with Ling Huohuo.

The general strength of all ghosts in the void is at the seventh level.

Although it is not top-notch, it can deal with most problems, and even if it is in danger, it can run.

It is worth mentioning that Fudo Mingwang and Ling Yaoyao went together to revive the four clans. Ling Huohuo pointed out a clear path for the two, that is, armor users. In this case, all armor users should have four family lineage.

Speaking of the armor user, Ling Huohuo also caught the rabbit armor user and a fake armor user before, and now they are cleaning the toilet with Suzaku.

However, when Ling Huohuo comes over and is ready to chat with the rabbit armor user, Suzaku also needs to pay attention, and last time Ling Huohuo left the contact information of Mandrill, Ling Huohuo decided to have a chance to talk to Mandrill too Let's talk, as for the fake armor user, let's clean the toilet in the future city.

The treatment in the future city is good, and he is far away from fighting. When he performs well, he may be able to become a regular, and then marry a wife in the future city, and live his life in peace and stability.

Thinking of this, Ling Huohuo also remembered that there is still a sleeping girl's body in the future city, and it is necessary to take a look at it when there is time. Ling Huohuo's strength has improved now, and it is very likely that he will see something different.

Ling Huohuo couldn't help sighing, this is still a hands-off shopkeeper, and there are so many things, if everything is under his control, wouldn't he be exhausted?

Ling Huohuo's monsters have left, and now the people in the future city who accept the monster mission are Yu Yihu's followers.

At this time, Ling Huohuo was browsing about the events of "The Lost World" during his absence, especially the events in Jiuying City.

Ding Ning also sorted out a lot of information.

Although the relationship between the Jiuyingcheng guilds is becoming more and more tense, it is still some time before the explosion.

In the game, Yaotian Moren Studio has also developed impressively.

Aogu Tiangong has successfully connected with Youmeng Pavilion secretly, so it also takes care of Yaotian Demonren Studio, so that Yaotian Demonren Studio can develop steadily when Ling Huohuo is not around.

Except for Ling Huohuo, all the members of Yaotian Demonren Studio have been upgraded to level [-] or above, their equipment is excellent or above, and their occupations are all at least level [-].

However, the blood rabbit still has not become a sixth-level forging master.

And the Kamaitachi people with the highest level are relieved to do the upgrade task.

Only Ling Huohuo is still at level [-], but his equipment is the best.


Ling Huohuo pushed his glasses and continued to look at the documents.

Happy, who was lying at Ling Huohuo's feet just now, was making a fuss with the white dog.

A jelly-like object crawled to Ling Huohuo's feet on the ground.

Ling Huohuo looked down.

"Huh? Somewhat familiar!"

After several glances, Ling Huohuo finally realized that this was the sixth-order Transformed Slime King!

It's just that, since King Slime transformed and vented all his strength, he has become what he is today, very cute.

Ling Huohuo remembered that it seemed that Hongshuang had been raising and transforming King Slime.

Ling Huohuo looked aside, and sure enough, Hongshuang walked over with a flower pot in her slippers.

"Slime, don't disturb the general." Hongshuang said.

As for Ling Huohuo, his eyes fell on the flowerpot in Hongshuang's hand.

"Hongshuang, that can't be..."

"It's ginseng, General." Hongshuang said with a smile.

Growing ginseng in flower pots, pay attention, wait, this is not the point now!
Ling Huohuo suddenly thought of that fat Yaoshen baby with twisted appearance and strange voice.

"Hongshuang, don't you want to continue raising demon ginseng?" Ling Huohuo asked suspiciously.

"Ala, let the general see it, I just want to see what kind of species can be raised by raising ginseng with the evil spirit of the void monster~"


At this time, Toyotomi Xiuya also came to Ling Huohuo with a plate of snacks and tea.

"Ling Jun, you are tired, eat something and rest." Toyotomi Hideya said with a smile.

Ever since Toyotomi Hideya joined the Void Hundred Ghosts, she has completely looked like a newlywed wife.

Dean Luoli appeared on the sofa in the distance at some point, drinking tea, watching Ling Huohuo silently.

Du Xiaoxue is doing housework with Mai Shiranui.

Rabbit Xiaoji went downstairs to drink water. So far, Rabbit Xiaoji still hasn't noticed that everyone in the studio is abnormal, and is still focused on finding opportunities to break through the forging level in the game.

And Yuyihu looked at Tu Xiaoji with a strange smile on his face.

This is probably...everyday.

(End of this chapter)

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