Chapter 762 Stile Cafe (Part Two)

The atmosphere in the Demon King's Army is a bit weird recently.

In the previous battle with the Extraordinary Academy, the Demon King’s Army suffered heavy casualties, but in the end it was the Extraordinary Academy that announced its disbandment. Logically speaking, the Demon King’s Army should have won, but the subordinates of the Demon King’s Army always felt that something was wrong. They obviously died on their side. Many, there were no dead people at the Extraordinary Academy, why did my side win instead?
In addition to this matter, there is another matter that also affects the atmosphere of the Demon King's Army.

That is, the expressions of the demon generals are very serious recently, as if there is something sad.

Moreover, "Murder Priest" Lord Claudia and "Magic Moon Fairy" Lord Sisli are also very upset recently, as if someone has offended them.

However, these matters are high-level matters, and the members of the Demon King Army feel that they only need to do their own things well.

In fact, the atmosphere among the Twelve Demon Generals has been really depressing recently.

Most of the reasons are due to their master, the Demon King.

Since returning from the last battle against the Extraordinary Academy, Lord Demon King has been in a trance, and his state is not right.

The keen demon generals discovered this matter at the first time, but no matter how you asked the Lord Demon King, the Lord Demon King would not reveal a word.

Esfelt and Jeffrey Telos deliberately went to investigate the battlefield that night, and finally found that the Lord Demon King was also fighting with others, and in the remaining energy, they found the breath of a brave man!

The change of Lord Demon King is related to the brave?
I'm afraid it's almost inseparable!
This ignited a fire in the hearts of the Twelve Demon Generals, and they decided that one day, they would vent their anger on Lord Demon King!

Among the Twelve Demon Generals, "Murder Priest" Claudia and "Magic Moon Fairy" Sisli still had a fire in their hearts.

That night, why were they beaten so badly among the five people? !

And Ling Huohuo's identity also meant that they could not use drastic means, but they couldn't let go of their anger.

They decided that one day, they would find this place back!

At this time, Ling Huohuo led a person to a coffee shop.

Because of the population increase, Yaotian Moren's studio is moving. Today, Ding Ning is taking everyone to move and tidy up the new studio.

And Ling Huohuo also took time out to come to the coffee shop, ah bah, it's for an appointment, definitely not to avoid moving!

As for who to make an appointment at the maid cafe...

Just look at the people who lead Linghuohuo.

Suzaku looked at the coffee shop in a daze.

This is a feeling like a world away.

Suzaku has been working as a coolie in the future city, Ling Huohuo led him out today, which gave Suzaku some guesses.

You may be free yourself!
Being locked up in a small world and hanging on a tree, then went to the primitive wild forest to mine, and then went to the future city to clean the toilets, and I finally made it out!

"Stile, a strange name." Ling Huohuo looked at the name on it.

Ling Huohuo took Suzaku into the coffee shop.

"Welcome, Oni-chan~"

A small and cute "sister" stood in front of Ling Huohuo and Suzaku, wearing yellow overalls, with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Oye~" Ling Huohuo and Suzaku made extremely synchronized voices.

Just when they entered the coffee shop, Ling Huohuo and Suzaku felt that this coffee not ordinary~
"Where are the two Oni-chans going to sit?" "Sister" pointed a finger at her cheek and said innocently.

"Ah, that, we already have an appointment." Suzaku spoke first.

"Where is the person who didn't know that Oni-chan made an appointment?" "Sister" asked with wide eyes.

"Ah~~~My heart is going to melt, the little one is so cute~" Suzaku bent down and rubbed his "sister"'s hair with one hand, sighed, his voice trembling.

Suddenly, Ling Huohuo and Suzaku's expressions were one sided, and Suzaku's movements also froze.

When Suzaku was rubbing "sister"'s hair, Ling Huohuo and Suzaku felt a strong killing intent suddenly emanating from "sister"!Although it was only for a short time, it was still felt by the two of them.

Suzaku withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

"Oni-chan is disgusting, it messes up other people's hair." "Sister" tidied her hair with a troubled look.

Ling Huohuo glanced at Suzaku gloatingly, and stretched out his hand to press Suzaku's shoulder.

"Little sister, let's go by ourselves, goodbye~"

With that said, Ling Huohuo pulled Suzaku away.

But "sister" looked at Ling Huohuo with a displeased expression.

"Don't call me little sister! I'm already a college student!"

And Ling Huohuo pulled Suzaku, and made a deep voice in Suzaku's ear.

"Don't run around, I will be very troubled."

Suzaku nodded hastily.

At this time, Suzaku was still at the fifth level, and Ling Huohuo put him under a lot of pressure!

At this time, Ling Huohuo also saw the person he was looking for.

The other party also noticed Ling Huohuo's arrival.

Mandrill stood up and greeted him.

"Mr. Ling, you kept me waiting for a long time."

Then Mandrill looked at Suzaku, the corners of his eyes were moist, and his voice was choked up.

"Suzaku, long time no see, are you... all right?"

"Master Mandrill, I miss you so much~~~" Suzaku wept, trembling, stepped forward and hugged Mandrill, and Mandrill hugged Suzaku tightly.

Ling Huohuo covered his face with black lines all over his head.

What is the unfolding of this emotional drama?
And it's embarrassing for two men to do this!

"Ahem~" Ling Huohuo coughed twice, and it was only when Mandrill and Suzaku noticed the situation that they finally separated.

At this time, whether it was other customers or his own clerk, they all looked curiously at the positions of the three of them.

Like a big sister, the clerk in purple overalls was watching this scene with bright eyes.

Ling Huohuo could only smile apologetically.

"Sit down first." Mandrill said hastily.

The three of them sat where Mandrill had just sat. This time Mandrill was very sincere and didn't bring anyone along. Similarly, Ling Huohuo only brought Suzaku.

When the three were about to talk, a big sister-like clerk in purple overalls came to the three of them.

"What do you guys want?" "Big sister" asked with a smile like a sister. It is worth mentioning that the big sister has a really good figure.

"A cup of coffee, cappuccino." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"A Mango Lafite." Suzaku said.

Ling Huohuo glanced at Suzaku in surprise, he didn't expect this man to unexpectedly like desserts like Lafite, and Ling Huohuo didn't realize it after raising him for so long.

"Just bring me something." Mandrill said, he had already ordered something just now.

"Okay, brothers, please wait a moment~吃~" "Big Sister" blew a kiss, then paced away.

Ling Huohuo rubbed his nose, and then gave a thumbs up to Mandrill together with Suzaku.

"I have to say, the place you found is awesome!"

"Low key~"

(End of this chapter)

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