The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 764 "Nun"?Vinette

Chapter 764 "Nun"?Vinette (second watch)

Under the gaze of the female shop assistant with fierce eyes, Ling Huohuo paid the bill and left.

Although it was tricked by Mandrill in the end, the environment of this coffee shop is still good, and there are shop assistants of various attributes. Ling Huohuo thinks that he can come here more in the future.

The deal is done, it's time to go back and move.

The re-selected residence of Yaotian Moren Studio is larger than Ling Huohuo's original home, and the configuration is also very good, the kind with a swimming pool.

Moreover, the "rank" of the new residence of Yaotian Moren Studio is also very high...

Building top!

The new address of Yaotian Moren Studio is on the top of a hundred-story building in Zhonghai City!

Ling Huohuo directly bought the upper three floors.

The roof was transformed into a swimming pool, surrounded by green plants and artificial beaches.

The topmost floor is the residence, which also has an indoor swimming pool.

The penultimate floor is where the games are played.

The penultimate floor is the fitness area, eating area, etc., which belong to the activity floor.

Further down are shopping malls and various public places.

Ling Huohuo also specially asked people to strengthen the sound insulation effect of the upper three floors, so that the situation below would not affect the upper three floors.

Overall, the location of the new studio is quite spectacular.

I am very satisfied with my new studio, Linghuohuo.

When Ling Huohuo arrived at the studio, the studio was almost packed.

Standing in the brand-new studio, Ling Huohuo showed a satisfied smile, and other members of the studio seemed very satisfied with the brand-new studio.

"A meeting! A meeting!" Ling Huohuo clapped his hands and shouted in the studio.

After a long time, no one came to Ling Huohuo except Happy and Baigou.

This made Ling Huohuo feel very embarrassed.

"Ling Jun, stop making trouble." Toyotomi Xiuya walked over.

"To celebrate moving to a new studio today, everyone is going to celebrate. You should go back and change your clothes. Later, everyone will have a barbecue party on the rooftop."

"Okay." Ling Huohuo walked upstairs awkwardly, while Toyotomi Hideya shook her head amusedly.

A lively barbecue party is held on the roof.

In addition to the barbecue, everyone also changed into swimsuits and had a good time in the swimming pool on the roof.

Looking at this "harmonious" scene, Ling Huohuo rubbed his nose and smiled happily.


After moving to a new studio, Ling Huohuo also returned to the studio, and the studio is about to start activities again.

The original idle staff of the studio also began to enter the game one after another. At this time, everyone in the studio except Rogier and those pets entered the game.

However, they have just entered the game, and it will take some time to upgrade their level, and they cannot directly join the Nine Infant City.

In order not to miss the matter of Jiuying City, Ling Huohuo temporarily put down other things at hand and began to concentrate on fighting in the game. Even the information about the gods provided by Mandrill was read by Ling Huohuo and temporarily put aside .

Jiuying City.

It was the first time Ling Huohuo came to the church stronghold.

As soon as he arrived outside the church stronghold, Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

At this time, outside the church stronghold, a large number of civilians were kneeling and praying at the door, most of them were poor people living nearby, and at the door of the church, there was standing at the door of the church, wearing a nun's costume, leading everyone to pray .


Ling Huohuo watched this scene speechlessly.

Has it finally come to this point?
The majestic demons finally entered the embrace of God...

Soon, the prayer ended, and the civilians left with happy smiles on their faces.

It was only then that Ling Huohuo came to the door of the church and called to stop Vinette.

"Vinette, you are..."

"It turned out to be Mr. Ling." Vinet looked at Ling Huohuo, and then suddenly realized what Ling Huohuo was asking, and his expression became extremely flustered.

"No, Mr. Ling, listen to my explanation, I didn't..."

After making a fuss for a long time, Ling Huohuo figured out what was going on.

When Vinette first came here, she was extremely sympathetic to the poor around her, and after the church was built, she also contacted Bishop Ames for help.

In the end, I don't know what Bishop Ames and Vinet said, Vinet decided to develop all poor people into believers, and Ding Ning also encouraged this matter.

The others were also noncommittal. After all, it was Ding Ning and Ling Huohuo who had been arranging the development of the studio. Ling Huohuo was not there at the time. Of course, it was Ding Ning who made the decision, and Ding Ning expressed his support. Naturally, the others had no reason to object.

Originally, Vinet wanted two real angels from the church to show up, but Gabriel expressed no interest, and Rafael said that this was Vinet's church, and she couldn't show up.

On the contrary, Satania wanted to take over the job, but the real purpose was to develop subordinates for himself.

Naturally, it was impossible for Vinette to let her plan succeed.

Therefore, it was Vinette who came out to develop believers in the end, and Rafael and the others were responsible for helping.

In order to increase the success rate, Ding Ning also purposely hoarded a lot of food, saying that as long as he joins the church, he can get a free breakfast every day.

The development of believers was easier than imagined. Not only did it quickly recruit 200 formal believers, but it also recruited more than 500 non-staff believers.

200 official believers pray in the church, while Vinette leads the non-staff believers to pray outside the church every day.

Today, the church already has a lot of prestige in the slums.

After Ling Huohuo entered the church, he also met those formal believers.

Formal believers all put on uniform white robes, held the Bible in their hands, and had weapons pinned to their waists, looking solemn and solemn.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo also discovered that the official believers seemed to be those with strength.

The first floor is the place for believers to do their activities, the second floor is where the members of the guild usually stay, and the third floor is where the church battles are controlled.

Ling Huohuo saw Ding Ning and the others on the second floor of the church.

At this time, the studio members in Jiuying City included Ding Ning, Tu Xiaoji, Wei Naite, Satania, Rafael, Gabriel, and Kamaitachi, plus Ling Huohuo, a total of ten people.

Except for Ling Huohuo, Ding Ning, and Tu Xiaoji, everyone else used their real names as their online names.

Ding Ning's screen name is Tranquil Summer, a very literary screen name, and his occupation is a rare occupation of level five, a foreign land mage.

The clothes Ding Ning was wearing were also extremely exotic, and no matter how Ling Huohuo looked at them, he felt that Ding Ning was wearing women's clothes. The whole body was made of sand, with bare feet, ankles exposed, and a small part of the upper body exposed. With a pretty waist, a smooth abdomen, and a pair of arms, there is no veil on the face, but the long hair is draped over the shoulders, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a male player.

(End of this chapter)

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