The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 765 The upcoming replacement of the lord of the 9-infant city

Chapter 765 The upcoming replacement of the lord of Jiuying City (one more)
Put aside the matter of Ding Ning's appearance.

The question now is the development route of Yaotian Moren Studio.

The current situation in Jiuying City is like this——

The strongest player power in Jiuying City is the first-class guild. Currently, there are seven first-class guilds in Jiuying City.

They are the pyrotechnic guild supported by the No. [-] top guild myth guild;

The Ghost Dragon Guild supported by the second-ranked Dragon Soaring Guild;

The Tianqing Pavilion guild supported by the third-ranked future guild.

These three first-class guilds form a tripartite confrontation, and they are also the strongest three first-class guilds in Jiuying City.

The Mythical Guild attaches great importance to the chaos in the Nine Infants City, and has already provided a lot of support to the Fireworks Guild. The Longteng Guild, which has always been with the Mythical Guild, is naturally not to be outdone, and also strongly supports the Ghost Dragon Guild that it supported. The future guild of Wannian Theater has also increased its support for the Tianqing Pavilion guild, but the meaning is not clearly stated.

At this time, the first-class guild supported by the subordinates of the three top-level guilds seems to be engaged in an arms competition.

Then there are two first-class guilds supported by two other top-level guilds, namely, the end of song guild and the north wind guild. At this time, these two guilds have reached an alliance, and their overall strength has become the strongest force, but for the time being, there is no The action may also be related to the crazy support of the three top guilds.

One of the remaining two guilds is the Aogu Tiangong guild. Originally, there was no force behind the Aogu Tiangong, but now the Aogu Tiangong has reached an alliance with the top guild Youmengge Guild, which can be regarded as a backer. Yaotian Moren Studio has unspoken connections.

The last one left is the Sky Star Guild.

The Sky Star Guild originally didn't have any support behind it, but now it's a little uncertain. The Bone Crack Tiangong has conducted many tests, but it has not tested the reality of the Sky Star Guild, but what is certain is that the Sky Star Guild must also be calculating He is holding something, and has his own hole cards.

Besides these, Yilian Youmeng also sent a more important message.

That is, the top guild Myth guild has probably had contact with the high-level members of the Skystar guild.

Moreover, Ye Qiu, the president of the Mythological Guild, personally came forward and contacted the president of the Skystar Guild!
Only Yilian Youmeng knew about this matter, and it was not necessarily accurate, because it was inferred by Yilian Youmeng.

Back then, Yilian Youmeng was doing a mission, and met a group of players on the way, and later met Ye Qiu.

Later, when Yilian Youmeng looked through the information of the first-class guild in Jiuying City because Youmeng Pavilion wanted to intervene in the affairs of Jiuying City, she suddenly discovered that the group of players she met while doing the mission turned out to be from the Skystar Guild high level!

Since Yilian Youmeng became the president, she seldom goes out to do tasks. The tasks that Yilian Youmeng can personally do are definitely not low-level and high-value tasks. Regarding the things that happened during the missions, Yilian Youmeng’s memory They were all very deep, not to mention that the task was done in a remote area, and Yilian Youmeng met a limited number of players, not to mention meeting the "first player" Ye Qiu that day, so the memory was naturally deeper.

After discovering this, Yilian Youmeng felt that the matter was not that simple, so she told Ling Huohuo about it.

It is very important information that the Shinhwa guild and the Tianxing guild are on the line. It is likely to change the situation in Jiuying City, so it must be taken seriously. .

Now that the situation in the Nine Infants City is clearly understood, the question now is how to insert the Yaotian Devilman Studio... in the muddy waters of the Nine Infants City.

The reason for the chaos in Jiuying City this time, Aogu Tiangong has already informed Ling Huohuo.

The old city lord of Jiuying City has a relapse of old injuries and cannot continue to be in power. He will abdicate in the near future and needs to choose a new city lord. Players are allowed to intervene in the election of the new city lord this time!

However, it is not without limitations. A player or a faction can only choose to support one candidate. The player or faction who chooses to participate in this transposition event this time, when one side wins, the players or factions who support others The forces will be forcibly expelled from the Nine Infants City, and completely lose their qualifications to enter the Nine Infants City!

Once the consequences of failure are serious, but once the candidate I support succeeds in becoming the new city lord, then I will get the biggest backer of Jiuying City!
Then, relying on the Nine Infants City, both players and forces will receive generous rewards, and even their fate will change!
For this city lord election, the task information has not been posted yet, but the seven first-class guilds obtained the information through their own channels first, and then made preparations in advance.

Other forces or players may have also obtained information about this incident through some channels, but obviously, those who knew the news in advance this time did not speak loudly, and all chose to rot this incident in their hearts.

Collecting information in advance and making preparations in advance will greatly increase the chances of these people or forces winning.

There are only seven days for the formal transposition competition, and it is obviously impossible to prepare well after the notice is posted.

In fact, this mission has the greatest impact on large guild forces, especially first-class guilds.

Solo players or small forces can participate or not, even if they fail, it doesn't matter, at worst, continue to develop in another place.

But the top forces must participate in this election!

First of all, it is a matter of face. It is impossible for first-rate forces to allow those second-rate forces or casual players to climb over their heads.

Then there is the question of survival.

Those first-rate forces that have been eliminated will leave the Nine Infant City and start all developments from scratch, but those first-rate forces that did not participate in this incident and survived will face an even more dangerous situation.

Because the winning first-rate forces will never allow any other first-rate forces that can threaten them in the city, and with the support of the new city lord, the winning first-rate forces will definitely increase in strength, and then attack the other surviving first-rate forces!
Unless all the first-rate forces support a candidate, there will definitely be a struggle among the first-rate forces in the future!

In the end, there may only be one or two first-class forces left in Jiuying City.

Judging from the current situation, except for Qu Zhong Guild and Beifeng Guild, the other guilds have no intention of alliance, and it is absolutely impossible to choose the same candidate.

All conflicts will not erupt until the announcement of the election is posted.

Yaotian Demonren Studio wants to gain a firm foothold in Nine Infants City, and even get the most benefit from this incident. Once it develops, it is absolutely impossible to support a certain candidate like all players.

Yaotian Demonren Studio needs to develop a different selection strategy for all players, kick out all other competitors, and let Yaotian Demonren Studio develop to the maximum, from a child to a strong man!

If you want to achieve this level, you must perform some coquettish operations. The so-called coquettish operations are abbreviated as two words-make trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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