Chapter 767 The First Battle (Part [-])
Four days of preparation flew by.

But something very strange also happened during these four days.

Seven first-class guilds, the fireworks guild, the ghost dragon guild, and the Tianqing Pavilion guild each joined the ranks of one candidate.

The Alliance's End of Song Guild and Beifeng Guild instead chose two different candidates.

Instead, the Sky Star Guild and the Fireworks Guild joined the ranks of the same candidate.

The outside world speculates whether the Fireworks Guild and the Tianxing Guild have reached a consensus or formed an alliance, but so far neither party has come forward to explain, but Ling Huohuo affirmed that the Tianxing Guild and the Shinhwa Guild have reached some kind of deal.

Finally, there was the Proud Tiangong Guild. The Proud Tiangong Guild did not choose any candidate to support!

This made the outside world unable to see through Aogu Tiangong's thoughts, and guessed that Aogu Tiangong had given up or had some cards.

But based on the current situation, Proud Tiangong has already given up on itself, which also caused Proud Tiangong to lose a lot of players, and Proud Tiangong had to face a lot of pressure.

At the same time, in the dark without too many people noticing, a guild named Jiugongge was quietly established, and the president of the Jiugongge guild was Jiugong, the vice president of Youmengge!

No, it should be the former vice president.

On the fifth day, the competition officially begins!
Dabi was more lively than expected, and the whole Jiuying City was bustling. Although some players did not participate in this election, they still came to watch this competition.

Although the big competition this time is to choose the new city lord among ten candidates, the old city lord will also participate in this big competition, but everyone knows that the old city lord is just here for a formality, and the old city lord can win The possibility of victory in the final competition is extremely slim. First of all, the final battle of candidates cannot participate at all due to the current physical condition of the old city lord.

Dabi begins!
Nine of the ten candidates have already sat in the upper seats. They are all the favored sons or patriarchs of a certain powerful force in Jiuying City, and they all have strong support behind them.

Only one of the nine was a woman.

There should be two women among the ten candidates, and the other woman is the granddaughter of the old city lord, and she is also the only person from the old city lord's lineage, but the chance of winning the final victory is very slim, and no first-class guild chooses her.

After a while, the old city lord's granddaughter should come out with the old city lord.

Players have also found a place to watch, and those players who can't squeeze in will watch the live broadcast of the magic projection outside.

People from Yaotian Moren Studio also came to "watch the fun".

That's right, just to watch the excitement, Ling Huohuo said that when they "lay down and win", what else can they work hard for?

The presidents and vice presidents of the seven first-class guilds all appeared. At this time, the seven of them looked very serious. Even the president and vice president of the Proud Sky Palace who did not participate did not look so optimistic, and refused to talk to other guilds. people talking.

At this time, the arrival of a person caused a commotion.

The former vice president of Youmengge Guild—Jiugong!
Regarding the arrival of Jiugong, the crowd was a little commotion. After all, Jiugong is also a relatively well-known player and the vice president of the top guild Youmengge. There was also a lot of excitement in the game circle about Jiugong's withdrawal from Youmengge two days ago. There was a lot of commotion, but the commotion soon disappeared, because at this time, the change of the city lord of Jiuying City became more lively. If possible, this change of city lord will lead to the birth of one or two new top-level guilds!

The president and vice president of the first-class guild frowned at the arrival of Jiugong.

Jiugong withdrew from Youmeng Pavilion and appeared in Jiuying City instead. The leaders of the first-class guilds all smelled something unusual.

Ye Qiu who was hiding in the crowd also frowned.

That's right, he also came this time when the city lord was replaced, and he took it very seriously!This time the change of the city lord cheered his life's happiness!

The current change of the city lord of Jiuying City has gone beyond what Ye Qiu was familiar with in his previous life, but Ye Qiu believes that with his own strength now, there will be absolutely no accidents, and there must be no accidents!

Ye Qiu looked at the head of the Skystar Guild, the woman who made him willing to protect with his life—incense for a night!
Jiu Gong came to the side of all the presidents, showed a mysterious smile to the others, and then sat next to the people of Ao Gu Tian Gong, the president of Ao Gu Tian Gong seemed very enthusiastic.

This scene made others frowned again.

What is Jiu Gong going to do? !

No, what should Youmeng Pavilion and Aogu Tiangong do?
Everyone can't believe that Jiugong who followed Yilian Youmeng to conquer the world would easily leave Youmeng Pavilion. It always makes people feel unusual for Jiugong to leave Youmeng Pavilion and come to Jiuying City.

At this time, the old city lord appeared on the stage, and the candidates and players stood up to show their respect.

At this time, the old city owner had a big beard and looked old-fashioned, and the old city owner's granddaughter was also supporting the old city owner.

However, what is surprising is that beside the old city lord there is a person wearing a purple robe who can't see the real situation clearly, but he can see half a grimace under the hood!

For this stranger, both the candidate and the presidents of the first-class guild frowned, there was no such person in the information!
Everyone can also see that the person next to the old city lord is a player!
what's going on?
The members of Yaotian Moren Studio were so frightened that their waists almost flashed.

Isn't that TM Ling Huohuo's void wise man form?

what's the situation?Why did Ling Huohuo appear beside the old city lord?
Could it be that Ling Huohuo managed to get the old city lord's young and beautiful granddaughter to be promoted to the old city lord's grandson-in-law?

Ding Ning guessed something, but there is no way, there are not many people in Yaotian Demonren Studio who can calculate, and Ding Ning is the only one present.

"But what is Ling Huohuo's confidence in doing this?"

Ding Ning knew that Ling Huohuo was not going to use other means in the game, so what kind of deal did Ling Huohuo reach with the old city lord?

The old city lord's granddaughter helped the old city lord to the seat and left. Before leaving, she glanced at Ling Huohuo curiously.

She was also curious about this sudden appearance.

Although the others were also curious about Ling Huohuo's identity, they didn't ask too much. Isn't it normal to have two subordinates around?Even if the opponent is a player.

The old city lord took his seat, and everyone else also sat down.

"Let's begin." The old city lord said in an old voice.

Everyone else nodded.

The first day of the battle began without any nonsense.

The first day of the battle is a one-on-one battle with non-player minions of all candidates.

The men of all the candidates came on stage.

Everyone knows that although this is a battle of eleven people, the real key is the battle of ten candidates other than the old city lord.

It stands to reason that the old city lord would only send people to play symbolically.

But when the other candidates saw the people sent by the old city lord, they couldn't sit still.

(End of this chapter)

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