The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 768 The old man chatted...

Chapter 768 The old man chatted... (two more)

Mo Yin, one of the old city lord's confidants a long time ago, is a veteran strong man with a big beard. He should have retired, but he didn't expect the old city lord to send him out!

All the candidates couldn't understand what the old city lord was thinking.

Do you want to be so serious? !

You are about to abdicate and you want to make us feel bad by doing such a thing?
To be blunt, none of the people sent by other candidates will be Mo Yin's opponents!

Mo Yin also looked at the old city lord before going on stage, his eyes revealed a dark meaning.

"Old man, are you stable?"

The old city lord returned a look.

"Stable batch!"

Mo Yin shook his head.

"Forget it, I don't want this old face."

The others are all from the younger generation. Mo Yin, an old man, is indeed a bit shameless to play, not because he is afraid that he will touch porcelain, but generally speaking, the older you are, the stronger you are!And Mo Yin itself is not mediocre!
The result of the first battle came out soon, and the result was obvious, Moyin won the final victory.

The faces of the other candidates, especially the favorites to win the championship, were not very good-looking.

"Hmph, the last carnival!" Someone flung his sleeves away.

It was also analyzed.

Could this be the beating of the old city lord before he abdicated?

Are you worried that your lineage will be suppressed after you abdicate, so you show your muscles?

The other candidates left with mixed feelings.

The granddaughter of the old castellan came up to help the old castellan away.

The old city lord's granddaughter didn't have any idea, she was here to join in the fun and knew that her chances of winning were slim, but she didn't expect her grandfather to come up with such a trick today.

The first day of battle is over.

The old city lord won the first place, and only two other candidates got points.

This situation disrupted the layout of many people. In order to avoid any problems in the competition tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the candidates all began to recalculate this night.

The players were also very surprised by this result, and those first-class guilds had to rearrange their layout and increase their bargaining chips.

Ye Qiu was also very irritable. As expected, something happened.

However, for tomorrow's game - we can't just forget about it!

In the city lord's mansion, the old city lord was drinking with Ling Huohuo, surrounded by a group of old friends, it was completely like a banquet, and he didn't think about the match between tomorrow and the day after tomorrow at all, as if today's match was real. It's just that the old city lord finally showed off his muscles.

It is said that at the banquet, the old city lord was going to introduce his granddaughter to the only player present, but was ruthlessly rejected by that player.

The night passed quickly.

The next day's battle begins.

Player team battle, ten-party melee, indeed ten-party melee, the old city owner did not participate in the second day's game, but he watched it with relish.

The place where the players fight is in the mountains outside the city.

The melee was extremely intense.

In the beginning, many excellent commanding talents commanded large troops to participate in the battle, which was completely in the mode of army battle.

Because there is no limit on the number of people, the more people there are, the greater the advantage, but it is also easy to be targeted.

The final result turned out to be that the large army was almost wiped out.

And then there will be the second wave of battles, which is the main material of this melee - the battle between the strong hidden in the team.

The quality of this strongman battle is very high. Not only did many well-known strongmen from first-class guilds appear, but also many hidden strongmen appeared, and they all showed stronger strength.

And when these powerhouses are done fighting, it's time for the hidden deeper boss to appear!
These so-called bosses are all foreign players from top guilds, including top players and star players!
And in the end, what no one expected was that there was a deeper hidden person!

Ye Qiu, the head of the Mythical Guild!

Dragon IX, the leader of the Dragon Soaring Guild!

These two top existences in the game actually participated in this battle!The players on the scene were in an uproar, and the cheers became even more enthusiastic!

Therefore, the final battle will also be decided between these two.

This will be the top battle in the game circle. This battle will undoubtedly be recorded in the history of the game. This is also an opportunity for players to intuitively recognize the strength of top players. Ye Qiu and Long Teng Jiu The prestige of the two players in the world will be pushed to a higher level, and Jiuying City will become an even hotter city!Where am I?The person kneeling and watching the game at the scene is the next one. ——From the player "Polengie is bald"

The result of the final battle was that Ye Qiu had one more hole card, narrowly beating Dragon IX, and becoming the final winner.

The battle on the second day was even more exciting, and the atmosphere of the players was even more enthusiastic, making it unforgettable for a long time.

The next day's battle was over, and all the candidates began to prepare for the last day of the battle.

On the third day of the match, the candidates had to fight in person, and the points were extremely high, and it was very possible to turn the game over with one move. Candidates who were confident in their own strength were gearing up to prepare.

Finally, the third day.

The ten candidates and the old city lord all sat in their seats.

The atmosphere today is more oppressive.

According to the rules, the old city lord will also participate in the battle, but everyone knows that the old city lord's old injury has relapsed, and he can only display less than [-]% of his strength. It is the best solution, better than the old city lord's granddaughter. People's minds are completely made up.

If it weren't for the consideration of the old city lord's face, the old city lord's granddaughter would have wanted to keep the old city lord at home and not let him come.

The elimination system was implemented on the last day, and the old city owner defaulted to a bye in the first round and entered the second round.

The first round ended quickly, and the old city lord's granddaughter narrowly won and entered the second round.

The second round is three-on-three.

Just when everyone was grateful for those who hadn't faced the old city lord, what was surprising was that the old city lord actually stood on the field and said that he would participate in the battle normally.

The one who fought against the old city lord was a relatively strong candidate.

"Old city lord, admit defeat." The candidate said.

The old city lord smiled.

"I once had the position of a city lord in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. Now I have decided to win the game and become a good city lord. If I have to add a term to this term, I hope it will be 1 years !"


There was laughter from below.

Everyone felt that today's old city lord was a little strange. First of all, he had some problems with his IQ.

Could it be that the old injury recurred and hurt the brain?
The candidate who faced the old city lord snorted coldly, and attacked the old city lord with all his strength, showing no intention of holding back.

The heart of the insider is raised, can the old city lord really be able to take this blow?I'm afraid it's not about to bloom its final glory.

The granddaughter of the old castellan turned pale.

And this time-

The corners of Ling Huohuo's mouth curled up under his mask.

The old city lord stood leisurely with his hands behind his back.

"Young people nowadays are so angry."

After finishing speaking, the old city lord suddenly waved his hand to fight back!
boom! ! !
A terrifying storm swept across the audience.

The smoke dissipated, and there was only one person standing on the field at this time, while the other person was vomiting blood and fainted on the ground.

This is... an instant kill!

And the one standing on the field is——

Old Santo.


Old castellan: ヾ(oω)ノOuye~
(End of this chapter)

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