The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 770 Void City Lord!The city of 9 babies in turmoil!

Chapter 770 Void City Lord!The turbulent Nine Infant City! (two more)
"Old city lord, you are too much!" A candidate said, "Do you really think you are invincible?"

"Well, at least it's not a problem to crush you to death casually." The old city lord stroked his beard.

"Damn, are you calling me trash?" The candidate drew his weapon.

The old city lord hastily waved his hands in denial.

"That's not what I mean, I'm not targeting you, I just want to say... everyone present is rubbish!"

The old city lord stands with his hands behind his back!

"Looking for death!" A candidate rushed towards the old city lord.


Candidates, die!

The others watched this scene in horror. How strong is the old city lord...? !
Jiuying City is a Tier [-] city, and the strongest recognized in Jiuying City is Tier [-], and the old city owner was Tier [-] before.

The current old city lord...

The old city lord narrowed his eyes.

Some players used precious props to test the level of the old city lord...

"It's level 89!"

Level 89 corresponds to a strength that is infinitely close to the ninth level!
Suddenly, the candidates couldn't sit still, but they couldn't beat the old city lord, so they called for someone!

More than a dozen powerful auras bloomed from all over the Jiuying City, rushing towards the arena, pressing the old city lord with terrifying coercion.

The robe on the old city lord's body also stirred up, and a purple power bloomed from the old city lord's body.

"Today, I will let you all experience my new power..."

"I am the Lord of Void City, Jin Mailang!"

"For the glory of the void!"


The war is on!
No one expected that things would happen to the point where they are today.

But what everyone can think of is that from today onwards, both players and aboriginal forces in Jiuying City will be reshuffled!
Jiugong stood up and looked at the four people in Aogu Tiangong beside him.

The four people in Aogu Tiangong are exactly the four veterans who established Aogu Tiangong, that is, Gu Li and his roommate.

"Everyone of Proud Tiangong, it's time to start our plan."

At this time, the four people in Aogu Tiangong all wiped off their sweat, and they still couldn't react, so they could only nod their heads dumbly.

In fact, Aogu Tiangong is also blocked, there is no way, the previous situation, Aogu Tiangong does not want to be reduced to a more miserable situation, so it can only gamble on this.

Before the old city took the initiative, they were still confused about the future, and after the old city lord made the move, they still didn't react.

Should I laugh or cry?

do not know.

But now it's time to reap the benefits!
The president and vice-president of Aogu Tiangong secretly rejoiced that the gambling luck of fractured bones did not affect the fate of the entire guild.

Both the aborigines and the players in Jiuying City were in a mess.

However, in the dark, there are still a group of people who are acting.

The Void Hundred Ghosts sneaked into the Nine Infants City at some point.

The strength of the Void Hundred Ghosts has been greatly improved, and they also have the ability to walk in the void of the Void Clan.

Ling Huohuo stood in front of the ghosts in the void, smiling.

Not all the ghosts of the void were present, Ling Huohuo only brought the ghosts of the void nearby, and there were only more than 100 of them, but it was enough.

Ling Huohuo took out a stack of maps for the Void Ghosts to distribute.

"This is the map of Nine Infant City, go to the mansion marked on it, find all the good things, and then... evacuate!"

"Do you have any questions?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Someone raised their hand.


"General, have you met a beautiful woman?" asked the Void Hundred Ghosts.

"So, can that handsome guy grab it? Hehehe~"

"I like Zhengtai~"

"I don't know if I helped her..."


Who are these people!
Ling Huohuo felt a little pain in his stomach.

The team that I pulled up by myself will be brought down crying!
Ling Huohuo took a deep breath.

"Everything is played by ear, but it is not allowed to rob people, try not to kill people, it will affect the speed of moving things, and it is easy to be exposed. If you have doubts, refer to the first sentence, play by ear, let's go."

Ling Huohuo waved his hand.

Only then did the ghosts of the void dissipate.

Liu Ling Huohuo looked up at the sky where he was.

Those places on the map are all marked by the old city lord, and they are all the garrisons of the forces that have enmity with the old city lord. Now the strong in those forces are going to fight the old city lord. It is when they are defending the emptiness. It is not an exaggeration to say that the ability of Hundred Ghosts to roam the void can be used to carry things.

This move was the last calculation of Ling Huohuo and the old city lord.

Ling Huohuo looked at the battle area in the distance. Ling Huohuo didn't see the situation very clearly, but Ling Huohuo could feel that the momentum of the old city lord was getting stronger and stronger, and he seemed to be stable.

However, Ling Huohuo also made arrangements there, and the big dog and Ling Yuer were lurking there secretly, just in case, and at the same time, the granddaughter of the old city lord was brought back to the city lord's mansion by the old fellows of the old city lord. , They have sealed off the City Lord's Mansion and are firmly guarding the City Lord's Mansion.

But when it comes to Big Tengu and Ling Yu'er, they've been fighting more intensely recently, and they went out to practice together before.

The monsters who were caught by Ling Huohuo together with the big tengu all had a good home.

Ye Cilang and Xiao Yunyun practiced outside.

Jian Tailang did not continue to study in Lu's father and Lu's mother's dojo, but followed Lu Sisi's side. His identity was Lu Sisi's and Guo Xiaoyu's manager. His work style has earned him a good reputation in the circle of agents. Some people paid a lot of money to poach him, but he refused to agree. Those who secretly attacked Lu Sisi were also silently dealt with by Kentaro. Well, as for Lu Sisi's side, Lu Sisi seems to have forgotten to pay him all the time.

As for the rest of Yunu and Hongqiewan who followed Guo Xiaoyu, their current situation is also good. Yunu is working in a company not far from Guo Xiaoyu at this time, as an ordinary employee, living an ordinary but In an extremely ordinary life, I live with Guo Xiaoyu. Recently, I seem to be preparing to learn from Kentaro, and become Guo Xiaoyu's manager to help Kentaro share things.

And Hongqiewan may have been influenced by Guo Xiaoyu. Although his brain is not very bright, he has awakened his artistic cells. He went to a famous art school for further study, held an art exhibition, and gained a lot of fame in the oil painting world. He travels and paints from nature, and the occasional paintings he sends back prove that he is doing well. Now he seems to be preparing to climb Mount Everest, and then puts the flag with Guo Xiaoyu's head on the top of the peak. He is the one who lives the most elegantly.


Everything in Jiuying City went smoothly, unimaginably smooth.

This is the world of extraordinary people. With strength, you have everything, and all accidents are no longer accidents.

At this time, Jiuying City was in chaos, but Ling Huohuo was extremely relaxed, sitting on the top of the city, eating roast chicken and drinking beer.

Listening to the sound of the battle, Ling Huohuo looked at the setting sun in the distance.

Ling Huohuo couldn't help but want to sing a song——

"Let's go to the pier together~..."

(End of this chapter)

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