The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 771 Strength changes, dust settles

Chapter 771 Strength Changes, Dust Settles (Part [-])
The chaos in Jiuying City came suddenly, and it was quickly calmed down.

The final result is that the old city lord is still the city lord, and those forces that oppose the old city lord will be uprooted by the old city lord!
The old city lord is not a good person. Although his temper has improved a lot because of his old age, his transformation into the Void clan has made him seem to have a second spring. He is not merciless in dealing with those who plot evil.

All hostile forces were uprooted, and all men, women, and children were executed. The reason why Ling Huohuo didn't let the Void Hundred Ghosts kill people was also the request of the old city lord.

The old city lord agreed to execute these people, which made the old city lord's prestige equal for a while, and his majesty became even higher, which shocked countless people who had thoughts in their hearts.

If the Void Hundred Ghosts dealt with these people one step ahead, others would only say that the old city lord was "ruthless" and "taking advantage of people's unpreparedness". Others would be afraid of the old city lord's strength and methods, but they would definitely not be afraid of the old city lord's majesty. , but now the old city lord executes these people as a victor. At this time, the old city lord has firmly imprinted his majesty on the hearts of others. As long as the old city lord is still alive, even if the news of "critical illness" spreads again , Others don't dare to have second thoughts easily.

The Lost Land is not divided into countries, and it develops with the city as its power. Jiuying City is a sixth-level city, and the meaning of the city lord can be imagined. There must be many people who desire it, but now, they can only desire it. , but it is absolutely impossible to shoot easily.

As for whether those hostile forces have slipped through the net, the answer is yes. It is normal to keep secrets, but the old city lord is not afraid. If he is worried about others' revenge, then the old city lord should abdicate as soon as possible.

As for the treatment of those people, the old city lord will send people to hunt them down. If they are not hunted down, the old city lord will not continue to pursue them.

It’s fine if those people don’t come out to make trouble, but if they come out to make trouble, just kill them directly.

Without the support of power, for a fugitive, wanting to stand out is tantamount to ascending to the sky.

The story of the orphan's revenge can only appear in the mouth of the storyteller after all.

Even if there was an accident and a powerful force wanted to deal with him, the old city lord would not be afraid.

The old city lord is not stupid, he has already tightly hugged the thigh of the Void clan. If the old city lord is attacked, the other Void clan will definitely not ignore it. After all, the Void clan only has so few people, so there is still necessary unity.

The old city lord has some knowledge about the deeds of the Void Clan. Although not much, the old city lord still knows the strength of the Void Clan. This is a family that has harmed the whole world. The old city lord does not believe that there is any force that can oppose the Void Clan.

The only problem now is the faction problem.

Both Ling Huohuo and the old city lord belong to the Void clan, and the Void clan belongs to the chaotic and evil camp!

It can be said that both Ling Huohuo and the old city lord are people who live in the chaotic camp of the lawful camp.

But fortunately, the Void Clan can hide their identities, otherwise, although the old city lord and Ling Huohuo will not have any accidents if they are discovered, they will definitely be hindered everywhere.

However, both Ling Huohuo and the old city lord subconsciously ignored this matter.

It probably means people who live in the lawful camp and don't think they are chaotic camps.

If you want to compare it, it is probably the devil who is a saint in the Holy See who believes in God. That's right, Vinette, I am talking about you.

What happened in Jiuying City not only had a considerable impact on the aborigines of Jiuying City, but also had a greater impact on all players.

The incident in Nine Infants City changed the power of the first-class guilds of Chinese players.

In addition to the Proud Tiangong Guild, the other six first-rate forces originally developed in the Nine Infants City, as well as many second-rate forces, third-rate and non-influential players, and a large number of idle players were all cleared out of the Nine Infant City.

This incident had the greatest impact on the guild forces, and the development of many guilds was affected, but those guilds that did not participate in this incident really benefited.

The guilds that were cheated included the Tianqing Pavilion guild supported by the future guild, and Ling Huohuo was the one who planned this incident. Yes, it was so ruthless that even his own forces were cheated!
No one expected that the winner would not appear among the ten candidates, but the old city lord.

Since this kind of thing happened, why didn't the old city lord appear on the list that he could choose to support?

This is extremely difficult for players to accept.

It is said that many game helmets were dropped because of this incident.

Hot chicken game!

Now, the surviving Aogu Tiangong and Jiugongge are leading the player forces in Jiuying City. Jiugongge is the guild established by Jiugong, the former vice president of Youmengge. With the support of resources, it has rapidly emerged as a new guild A first-class guild!
The boss behind Jiugongge is also the Huoya Group, so Jiugongge can be regarded as a branch of Youmengge, and it is currently the largest branch!

And Jiugong Pavilion naturally formed an alliance with Aogu Tiangong to divide Jiuying City equally. At the same time, it got the support of the old city lord, and those second-rate guilds who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to rise were suppressed.

Even those players who followed his granddaughter, the old city lord mercilessly expelled them from Jiuying City.

But the granddaughter of the old city lord has nothing to do.

Only then did many people belatedly realize the calculations of Youmeng Pavilion and Huoya Group.

However, it was too late and the deal was done.

The biggest winner this time is not the surviving Aogu Tiangong, but the Huoya Group and Youmeng Pavilion!

If nothing else, Youmeng Pavilion's ranking among the top guilds will go even further!
In addition to these, there is one more thing that people are very concerned about.

That is the mysterious player who appeared beside the old city lord.

The only clue is the ghost mask hidden in the hood.

However, there are also capable people who really found clues through this half ghost mask!

Some time ago, someone dug out the mysterious mage player who fought against Kongshi and burned Kongshi to death. That player was wearing a very similar ghost mask, but with a level [-] strength, he easily killed Kongshi. , and also had contact with the bone crack of Aogu Tiangong.

It is very likely that this person is the culprit behind this incident, who cheated all the players!

However, no one knew the real identity of this player, nor where did this player go.

But this player's name really entered the eyes of the big shots in the game circle.

"Big guy passing by? An unfamiliar name." Ye Qiu looked at the sky and thought about it. He still didn't think of who this person was, and he had never heard of it even if he was a void wise man.

The road to the future is becoming more and more difficult, and the memories of the past life can bring less and less benefits to me. From now on, I have to rely on myself!
Ye Qiu is going to find Ling Huohuo. For the future, he wants to improve his extraordinary strength!

(End of this chapter)

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