Chapter 772 Twin Sisters (Second Update)
At this time, Ling Huohuo was in the City Lord's Mansion, and the old City Lord was in the room... counting money!
Ling Huohuo finally understood what it means to count money and get hand cramps.

All the good things were taken away by the ghosts of the void, but Ling Huohuo and the old city owner were the only ones who shared the spoils. This is more difficult than making a fortune silently if the huge property is exposed.

Although no one dared to stroke the old city lord's beard, it was impossible for all the money to go into the old city lord's own small treasury.

The news that the properties of the exterminated forces have been evacuated has spread, and the outside world is searching. At this time, everyone in the city knows that the old city lord "found nothing".

Ling Huohuo and the old city lord share the resources. Gold coins are the least valuable thing, and the distribution of spoils is also very simple. Ling Huohuo [-]% and the old city lord [-]%.

Although it was the old city lord who made the move, Ling Huohuo was the one who planned all this, and it was Ling Huohuo who transformed the old city lord into a Void clan, so there was nothing wrong with Ling Huohuo taking the lead.

The rest are cultivation resources. Ling Huohuo and the old city lord first take what they need, and the rest is based on the market value, four to six points, and Ling Huohuo still accounts for [-]%.

Antique calligraphy and painting, four or six open!

Rare treasures, four or six open!

The only thing that doesn't have a [-]-[-] split is the land deed, which was given to the old city owner.

At the end of the arrangement, even Ling Huohuo and the old city lord are both good in strength, and both feel a little tired mentally, but they feel a strong sense of satisfaction.

It's almost finished, and there is one last thing left - people!

That's right, the group of ghosts in the void somehow understood and acted according to circumstances, and they actually brought back two people for themselves.

Looking at the two women lying on the ground tied up and gagged, Ling Huohuo sighed.

From the appearance of these two women, it can be seen that they are a bunch of twins, and they are both very beautiful, with a graceful figure. At this moment, the two women are lying on the ground and staring at Ling Huohuo and the old city owner with big eyes. .

Ling Huohuo looked at the old city lord, who actually put on a dignified look, looking extremely serious.

"Master Wise, I have already obtained the title deed. In return, these two beauties will be handed over to you."


The old city lord turned around, patted Ling Huohuo on the shoulder, and gave a thumbs up.

"Master Wise, your subordinates have a good taste, and the sisters are perfect! I won't bother Mr. Wise."

After finishing speaking, the old city lord left quickly, and blinked at Ling Huohuo when he closed the door.

Ling Huohuo looked at the two women on the ground, not knowing what to say.

Ling Huohuo squatted down and took down the things that blocked the mouths of the two women.

"The prostitute... Mmmmmmm."

Ling Huohuo put things back together.

Ling Huohuo stood up.

"Who brought these two women back? What's going on?" Ling Huohuo asked. At this time, there was no fourth person in the room except Ling Huohuo and the two women.

However, the surrounding space fluctuated, and a figure appeared beside Ling Huohuo, who was one of the ghosts in the void.

Ling Huohuo looked at the person who came.

"It's you, hair-eating ghost." Ling Huohuo.

The hair-eating ghost respectfully nodded to Ling Huohuo, then took a puff of cigarette.

"General, I found these two women by accident and brought them back." The hair-eater said.

"What's the situation?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"These two women were in a secret room when they were discovered. They were tied up at that time and both were in a coma. I thought there must be something wrong with these two women, so I brought them back. , it took me a lot of trouble to transport these two women."

After hearing the hair-eating ghost's narration, Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Then did you find any other special circumstances?" Ling Huohuo then asked.

The hair-eating ghost's expression changed, and he mulled over for a while and said.

"That secret room is very unusual. According to my observation, it should be..."

As he said that, the hair-eating ghost made a circle with one hand, and poked the circle with his index finger with the other hand.

"A room dedicated to this kind of thing."


Well, Ling Huohuo knew exactly what was going on. The two women should have been taken away. It might be that someone from one of the exterminated forces was attracted to her, and then... Ling Huohuo robbed Hu.

"General, do you want me to send these two women back?" the hair-eater asked.

"No need, I brought all the belts, that's it, wait a minute, um..." Ling Huohuo waved his hand.

"Take it out and let them go back and forth."

Hearing that Ling Huohuo was going to let her go, the two women on the ground froze for a moment in disbelief.

"It's such a waste." The hair-eater said suddenly.

"Why, have you taken a fancy to them?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

The two women on the ground looked at the hair-eater angrily.

"How is it possible..." The hair-eater licked his lips.

"I just think their hair smells very fragrant~"


I almost forgot, hair eaters have always been monsters who like to eat hair very much.

Hearing that their hair was going to be eaten, the two women on the ground struggled.

Ling Huohuo squatted down in front of the two women on the ground again, patted their shoulders, and comforted them.

"Don't worry, the hair-eating ghost won't hurt you when it eats your hair. After all, the hair-eating ghost hasn't eaten people for a long time."

Still eating people? !

The two sisters on the ground struggled more violently.

It is not allowed to be eaten or to be eaten with hair! ! !
"The hair-eater rescued you. In return, give your hair to the hair-eater. Don't worry, your hair will grow back sooner or later."

Ling Huohuo waved his hand.

"Thank you General."

The hair-eater approached the two women with a smile on his face.

The two women kept rubbing their backs, but...



Ling Huohuo and the hair eater watched the two women who covered their heads leave.

The hair eater ate the last strands of hair as if sucking vermicelli, while Ling Huohuo squinted at the backs of the two women.

"The taste is really good, General, have you taken a fancy to these two women? Do you want me..." The hair-eating ghost said with a smile.

"Follow them." Ling Huohuo said, "Follow them, don't expose them, but find out about them." Ling Huohuo said suddenly.

The hair-eater was taken aback.

"What? Is there something wrong with those two women?"

"Problem? Those two women have serious problems!" Ling Huohuo said seriously.

"What is it..."

"Divinity! There is divinity in those two women!"

Ling Huohuo squinted his eyes, and the divinity in his body was either a god or something related to a god.

Ling Huohuo wouldn't care if it was an ordinary divinity, but in the simple contact just now, Ling Huohuo found that the divinity in the two women's bodies was familiar to him!
That is a divinity very similar to the divinity on the golden gate and the golden key!
(End of this chapter)

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