The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 803 Close combat is the romance of a mage

Chapter 803 Close Combat Is the Romance of a Mage (Part [-])


The stabbed Gale Snake King let out a painful roar.

The expression of the Fire Snake King changed drastically.

Not only the Fiery Snake King, but the expressions of other people present also changed drastically.

There are assassins!
There are assassins hidden in this nearby experience!

Not only did I and others fail to notice, but the fist wind just now did not force the assassin out!
If the assassin's goal is to wait for someone...

Inexplicable and Long Teng Nineteen broke out in a cold sweat.

But Mo Ling lost his eyes.

This is a master!
"Flowers bloom in the middle of the night..."

With a low groan, a purple figure appeared from the void and crossed the Gale Snake King.

The body of the Gale Snake King flew high, and was finally cut into countless pieces in the air, and a large piece of flesh and blood fell to the ground.

Cruel, dangerous, but with a different kind of beauty.

And the person who appeared was wearing a purple cloak, holding a short blade in his hand, and under the hood was a hideous ghost face.

In fact, the skill Ling Huohuo used just now... Well, it's not a skill, it's just a cutting technique. As for the name...

Start it casually, call it fluently, don't be so serious.

As for why Ling Huohuo dealt with the Gale Snake King like this, because Ling Huohuo very much suspected that the two snake kings had snake teeth in their bodies!
So cut it open and see.

Sure enough, Ling Huohuo found the fallen snake teeth in the flesh and blood residue!

Ling Huohuo raised his hand, caught the fallen snake tooth, and quickly put it away without attracting the attention of others.

At this time, the others were still shocked by Ling Huohuo's killing and cruel methods just now!

"Guys, what just... happened?" Yiye Chengguo said in shock.

At this time, the audience in the overnight live broadcast room also exploded.

The scene just now was seen by all the audience in the live broadcast room.

There is shock.

Did you understand it?

There are unbelievable.

And it’s not a big deal to watch the excitement...

"Daguo, someone is here to steal monsters!"


At this time, Crispy Toffee came running back from a distance. She was blown far away by the fist wind just now.

"Senior, what happened?" Crispy Toffee said.

Then the crispy toffee saw crispy meat all over the place.


Yiye Chengguo pointed the camera at the crispy toffee.

The wind direction of the barrage in the live broadcast room changed again.

"Miss sister is so pretty when she vomits~"

"Promise me, with such a pretty mouth, never spit out anything~"


Yiye Chengguo hastily pulled the camera back and pointed it at Ling Huohuo.

Girls want face, so it is impossible for them to make the crispy toffee look like a fool.

Sure enough, the live broadcast room was once again attracted by Ling Huohuo's figure.

A wave of people began to analyze what had just happened.

But Ling Huohuo didn't care about the others, but turned around, turning the short blade in his hand around.

The void sage is a mage class, but he has a short blade as a professional weapon, which already explains a lot of problems.

Don't say what this short blade means, even if Ling Huohuo has inherited the memory of the Void Sage, he doesn't understand it very well, but he knows that the short blade can be used to kill people!
Sure enough, every mage has a melee heart.

Melee is the romance of a mage!
Ling Huohuo just glanced at Mo Ling.

For Mo Ling, Ling Huohuo knew each other well. He helped Ye Qiu last time, and his strength was not bad, but he didn't expect to meet him in the game.

But at this time, seeing the Gale Snake King being killed, the Fire Snake King became even more angry, blood-red flames ignited on his body, and the life value of the Fire Snake King was dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ling Huohuo's expression became serious.

The Fire Snake King is desperate!
The Fiery Snake King rushed towards Ling Huohuo without hesitation.

"Be careful!" Inexplicable and Long Teng Nineteen had just reacted, but they only had time to call out the warning, and given their location, there was no time for rescue.

They think that Ling Huohuo is an assassin class, and one of the characteristics of an assassin class is crispy skin.

Mo Ling, who was the closest, acted immediately.

"Pop elbow!"

Mo Ling successfully blocked the Fire Snake King, but the strength of the Fire Snake King at this time was not something that Mo Ling, who was still alive, could stop in a hurry.

Even for most players, it is difficult to face the Flame Snake King head-on at this time.

The strength of the Fire Snake King who has burned his life has already surpassed the seventieth level. Although he is burning his life, he can't last long, but the threat that can be generated during this period is not something that the people present can bear.

Mo Ling was pulled aside by the fire snake king's tail, and half of his blood turned into residual blood.

"I think I need a sip of milk." Mo Ling said lying on the ground, but then looked in Ling Huohuo's direction.

As for Ling Huohuo, facing the attack of the Fiery Snake King, he remained calm.

At least that's what other people think based on what they've seen.

"Does that person want to face the Fire Snake King?" Everyone thought.

And when the fire snake king was about to attack Ling Huohuo, Ling Huohuo also moved.


The Fire Snake King attacked where Ling Huohuo was standing.

It's over!Everyone thought in their hearts.

However, Ling Huohuo's figure appeared again.

Just now, Ling Huohuo dodged and narrowly passed by the Flame Snake King.


Everyone was in a daze again.

"This operation..."

The Fiery Snake King rose from the ground, and the snake pupils searched for Ling Huohuo, and finally stared at Ling Huohuo who had arrived behind him.

But Ling Huohuo didn't run away, but turned around.

This time, Ling Huohuo will take the initiative to attack!
Ling Huohuo rushed towards the Fire Snake King holding the short blade.

"Fuck!" Yiye Chengguo swears directly.

The assassin singled out the erupting Flame Snake King head-on, and the friends were all stunned.

However, Ling Huohuo did just that!

Ling Huohuo fought against the Fire Snake King.

Like a ghost, Ling Huohuo's figure was erratic, relying on his position and reflexes to dodge the attack of the Fire Snake King, and at the same time took the opportunity to retaliate against the Fire Snake King.

Ling Huohuo didn't use void skills, just a simple melee attack, let alone escape into the void.

To say that close combat is close combat is not false at all.

The others opened their mouths in surprise.

"This move is too coquettish." Yiye Chengguo said subconsciously.

"If it keeps going, it will definitely consume the energy to kill the Fire Snake King, and the Fire Snake King won't last too long burning his life!" Long Teng Nineteen said.

What Long Teng Nineteen said was true, but Ling Huohuo was not prepared to do this, nor did he want this kind of result.

How boring it would be to wait until the Flame Snake King is empty and then fight back!

Men, just want to make waves!
Ling Huohuo finally activated his skills.


"Void figure!"

At the same time, the cyan snake tooth just obtained is in Ling Huohuo's backpack, and the cyan snake tooth enhances the movement speed of level [-], the attack speed of level [-], and the attack power of level [-]!

Ling Huohuo's speed suddenly increased a lot, and an afterimage appeared on his whole body, making it difficult to find his real body.

"It's a lie." The others looked at this scene in shock, how could the assassin run so fast?
However, the Raging Fire Snake King has all the strength in his body, but he can't keep up with Ling Huohuo's speed. There are more and more scars on his body. Ling Huohuo's attack also brings the power of the void. The body of Jian Lie Huo Snake King was covered with scars.

at last……

Ling Huohuo figured out the position of the snake teeth in the body of the Fierce Snake King, seized the opportunity, aimed at the target, stretched out his claw-like left hand, pierced a wound directly, and then pulled it out violently.


The Flaming Snake King uttered his final cry.

But Ling Huohuo jumped back and fell to the ground, the yellow snake teeth on his left hand disappeared in a blink of an eye.


The bruised body of the Fire Snake King fell to the ground.

The battle is over.

Ling Huohuo shook off the blood from his hands, tipped his toes, disappeared in place, and escaped into the void.

Others, on the other hand, have not been reacted from the battle just now.

(End of this chapter)

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