The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 804 The Purple-clothed Assassin

Chapter 804 The Purple-clothed Assassin (Part [-])
The popularity of "Lost World" also made the posts of "Lost World" more attractive.

Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes.

Wen Wu first, Wu Wu second, playing games is the same.

Up to now, the number one powerhouse in "The Lost World" is recognized as the president of the Mythical Guild "One Ye Zhiqiu", also known as Ye Qiu.

But this does not mean that others will not be evaluated.

"The First Shooter", "The First Hunter", "The First Mage", "The First Priest"...etc.

Almost all types of occupations have been selected as the strongest.

The selection of the strongest is a combination of many aspects, and generally recognized as the strongest still has a certain level.

But most people are rarely able to persevere, maintaining the title of "strongest" like Ye Qiu. With the increase in the number of players and the players' familiarity with the game, strong players have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and the title of "strongest" The number of replacements is also very fast.

So, these days, the "strongest" update in every respect doesn't make much of a splash.

However, this time, the release of a post about "self-improvement assassin" attracted countless people.

On the one hand, this post is famous because the person who posted it is a well-known task in the game circle. Up-and-coming color.

""Meet a Mysterious Assassin by Occasion, Absolute Strength, Fight Against Rare Bosses at Level [-], and Compete for the "Strongest" Position"..."

A post with a long name, with a video attached, and comments from Overnight.

The word "strongest" has attracted a lot of people. Even if the person sitting in the "strongest" position is often rotated nowadays, not all cats and dogs can be selected. If you count it, you will find that every profession " There are always a few people in the "strongest" position.

However, when everyone clicked on the video and watched it, they all knelt down.

Whether it was the sudden appearance of the purple-clothed assassin at the beginning, killing the Gale Snake King in seconds, or the solo performance of facing the Fire Snake King face-to-face, all of them showed extremely powerful strength and a kind of violent aesthetics in battle.

There are also plenty of well-known Assassin pros commenting.

This video interprets the top standard of an assassin.

Whether it is the fatal blow at the beginning, the lore, or the absolute movement and burst of damage later, they all interpret the assassin's requirements of "lethal", "flexible", and "explosive".

And the rare uninjured counter-kill!

Although some people criticized the purple-clothed assassin as someone who came out halfway to rob monsters, Yiye Chengguo and others soon posted an article saying that if there was no purple-clothed assassin, they would not be able to kill the two snake kings, and they would probably be counter-killed.

Some time after the post was posted, when the atmosphere was heated, the president of a well-known guild suddenly spoke.

"It's not the first time that purple-clothed assassin has appeared. The time in Jiuying City before is suspected to be related to it. Even Ye Qiu suffered a big loss at the hands of the other party."

A screenshot of the purple-clothed assassin standing next to the old castellan is also attached below.

This post once again caused waves in the game circle.

When the No.1 game Ye Qiu was involved, the degree of attention of the post was different.

Some people began to ask for confirmation, while others questioned the authenticity of the screenshots.

After a while, Ye Qiu also publicly responded to this matter.

"Although I don't know if the Ziyi assassin was responsible for the Nine Infant City incident, but Ziyi was indeed standing by the old city lord's side at that time, and the Myth Guild did suffer a lot."

Ye Qiu's response made the incident ferment again.

Some people also turned up the speculation that the purple-clothed assassin was suspected to be a player named "Passing Big Brother".

The result was that Ling Huohuo's mailbox was almost bursting with emails from friend applicants, and the Aogu Tiangong guild related to it was also constantly harassed.

But then someone refuted the rumors, and found the video of the battle between Ling Huohuo and Kong, saying that the "passing boss" was obviously a mage, how could it be an assassin?

Finally, some time after the incident, a guess was confirmed by most people.

The "passing boss" and the purple-clothed assassin wear similar masks. The two parties may have some connection. The most likely reason is that they both belong to the same organization!
For a time, a hidden and powerful organization began to be constructed by the players, and it became more and more fantastic. Many players said that they had encountered this "organization". Neither the "big brother" nor the purple-clothed assassin publicly responded to this matter.


In the studio, Ding Ning hugged the computer, looked at Ling Huohuo who was drinking tea, and laughed.

"Assassin in purple, you are on fire now."

Ling Huohuo shrugged.

"Basic exercises don't 6, in fact, I prefer people to call me a mage."

Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning laughed at the same time.

"By the way, how is your job transfer task going?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"That's it, it's almost finished, and I haven't encountered too many difficulties. The only problem is that it is really troublesome to identify all kinds of poisonous snakes." Ding Ning sighed, "Why is my job transfer task as difficult as the final exam. "

"Just be satisfied, my job transfer task is simply the college entrance examination." Lying on the sofa, Lynch rolled his eyes while eating a banana.

"Lynch, what is your job change? I haven't heard you mention it before." Ding Ning asked curiously.

Lynch stood up, threw the banana peel into the trash can, and swallowed the banana in his mouth.

"That's because I don't have time to say that, apart from eating and going to the bathroom every day, I've been soaking in the task of changing jobs for a week." Lynch poured out his bitterness.

"What is the job transfer task?" Ling Huohuo also became interested.

Although Lin Qi looked very embarrassed, there was a look of complacency between his brows.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a job change for the only job at level [-]. Oh, it's really tiring to receive such a strong job transfer task at level [-]~"

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Ding Ning: "..."

Seeing Lynch's embarrassing look, Ding Ning jumped up and punched Lynch in the eye.

"Accept God's punishment!" Ding Ning shouted, after all, after playing for so long, Ding Ning's job transfer task is only a level [-] job, and Lynch only received the only job task of level [-] after reaching level [-] , the most important thing is that Lynch is still humming in front of him, Ding Ning feels uncomfortable if he doesn't beat Lynch.

Ling Huohuo ignored the two wrestling on the sofa, and left with tea.

A level nine professional player sneaks away...

(End of this chapter)

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