The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 807 The Big Move of the Demon Army

Chapter 807 The Big Move of the Demon King’s Army (Part [-])

The three girls left angrily after printing their fingerprints on the IOU.

Ling Huohuo not only got a 5000 million IOU, but also got information about magical girls and weirdos.

But Ling Huohuo just took a look and lost interest.

The magical girl and the weirdo are old enemies. Their struggle is aimed at completely destroying each other, and it will not affect Ling Huohuo, and it will not affect the world too much, so Ling Huohuo will let them go.

After handing over the information to Ding Ning and letting Ding Ning pay attention, Ling Huohuo let go of the matter, and the roof was repaired by Ling Huohuo's exclusive construction team of women in leather clothes, and it was restored to its original state in two days.

However, some things are not just fine if Ling Huohuo doesn't want to deal with them.

Only a few days later, Ling Huohuo saw the three girls in the combination of the three primary colors again.

"I've said it all, we're not some combination of primary colors, we're magical girls, and we all have official names!" The red-clothed girl's temper was still so fiery.

"I don't care, I'll just call, if you have the ability, you pay back the money first!"


"What a damn man, you deserve to be single forever!" The girl in red cursed Ling Huohuo.

"Single?" Ling Huohuo looked back, and the three girls also looked in the direction Ling Huohuo was looking at. A group of beauties, big or small, were eating a hearty breakfast.

"..." The three girls were silent.

Although none of the women present had a confirmed relationship with Ling Huohuo, and the relationship between Ling Huohuo and these girls was very pure, but the combination of traffic lights on the opposite side didn't know, Ling Huohuo could still show off.

"Scum!" The girl in red cursed angrily.

The girl in blue and the girl in yellow comforted the girl in red, then looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Mr. Ling Huohuo, this time, we are actually here to ask for your help." The girl in blue said.

"No!" Ling Huohuo refused without hesitation.


"I don't want to interfere in the battle between you magical girls and weirdos."

"Not a fight with a freak."

"I don't want to fight with other people either." Ling Huohuo stood up.

"It has something to do with the Demon King's Army, and it's about world peace."

"Time and place!" Ling Huohuo stood up.


At first, Ling Huohuo thought that the Demon King's army had returned to Zhonghai City to make trouble, but things were different from what he thought.

This time, the Demon King's Army did not return to Zhonghai City to cause trouble, but instead sent an invitation to the whole country... No, it should be said that it is a world-renowned superhuman force!
The magical girl forces naturally received the invitation.

Except for a team of experienced magical girls who were dispatched, the rest were the combination of the three primary colors.

As for why they were chosen, the three of them did not know.

And the three girls have naturally heard about the Demon King's Army. Although they don't know it very well, they have also heard that the Demon King's Army destroyed the "Transcendent Academy", the strongest transcendental force in the world.

After some calculations, the three girls decided to come to Ling Huohuo for help, but what they didn't expect was that Ling Huohuo agreed directly after hearing the name of the Demon King Army.

This time it was the turn of the three girls to be surprised.

"Can I ask why?" the girl in blue asked.

"Old opponent." Ling Huohuo rubbed his neck.

This time the Demon King Army suddenly invited extraordinary powers from all over the world, Ling Huohuo felt that the Demon King Army was planning a lot!
As for whether other forces will accept the invitation, Ling Huohuo is sure. As long as they know that the Demon King Army destroyed the Chaofan Academy, the forces will definitely not dare not send people. Yesterday was the Chaofan Academy. If you violated the Demon King Army today, then tomorrow They may be the ones who are destroyed!
As for those forces that don't know about the Demon King's Army, the Demon King's Army will basically not send invitations, after all, that kind of force is not yet popular in the eyes of the Demon King's Army.

Since he was going to the rally initiated by the Demon King's Army, Ling Huohuo naturally had to make some preparations.

"Snacks and clothes are all ready, this time it may take a long time."

Ling Huohuo led everyone in the studio to organize things, while the three magical girls had black hair.

What the hell is this situation like going on an outing?

This time Ling Huohuo was going to take most of the studio with him.

Besides Ling Huohuo, Ding Ning and Lynch will also follow.

Toyotomi Hideya, Hongshuang, Mai Shiranui, Rogier, Pu Xiaoyue, Happy, Du Xiaoxue, Yuyi Fox, and Molong will also follow.

Gabriel and Raphael won't go, the angels going to the meeting of the Demon King's Army might be cold in no time.

As for Satania and Vinet, they didn't go either.

Although Satania shouted every day that he wanted to be the devil king, but when he heard that he was going to participate in the rally of the devil king army, he immediately became frightened and hid in the house.

And Vinette didn't really want to go, so she stayed and took care of the others.

Tujiji and Kamaitachi still stayed at the studio, and the studio couldn't stop developing while Ling Huohuo was away.

The white dog, goldfinch, blue cotton bird, three millet bird, and social turtle also stayed in the studio.

The elder of the demon clan was also thrown in the studio. There was a special bond between the demon king and the elder of the demon clan. It was too conspicuous to bring the elder of the demon clan.

Ling Huohuo is planning to bring [-] this time.

Dean Loli, who hadn't seen him for a long time, also appeared again, and wanted to follow him.

In short, this time Ling Huohuo is going to take the whole family with him.

Thirteen people in total.

In addition to the three primary color magical girls of red, yellow and blue, there are sixteen people in total.

The three magical girls looked at a group of people who looked like they were going on an outing, and didn't know what to say.

Originally, I went to such a dangerous place as the gathering of the Demon King Army, and I brought so many people with me, and still looked so relaxed, I always felt that the style of painting was a bit wrong.

"Don't worry, I have been in contact with the Demon King Army many times, am I still alive and well?" Ling Huohuo said.

The three magical girls could only nod their heads, but they still felt that something was wrong.

And Ling Huohuo also got to know each other seriously because he was going to act with the three magical girls in the future.

Magical girls usually act in teams of three. Although magical girls know a lot of wonderful magic, they are generally divided into various attributes.

The red magical girl is "Fire Witch" - Enri.

The blue magical girl is "Water Witch" - Zhao Wanting.

The yellow magical girl is the "Golden Witch" - Zhang Xiaoyu.

Because it was invited by the Demon King Army this time, the Demon King Army also prepared transportation for the invitees.


It was just after midnight.

The originally dark subway station was suddenly brightly lit, and the gate of the subway station was suddenly opened.

And countless forces that have been guarding nearby are also preparing to show up and enter the subway.

But at this time, a special team came.

Ling Huohuo walked in front holding a small red flag, followed by a group of people carrying leisure bags and holding cameras.

Ling Huohuo stood at the entrance of the subway station and shouted behind him with a loudspeaker: "Attention everyone, don't get lost, the tour of the Demon King's Army is about to start..."

(End of this chapter)

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