The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 808 The Passing Boy Ling Zhuo

Chapter 808 The Passing Boy Ling Zhuo (Part [-])
"Eating, eating, eating..."

Well, the subway runs silently.

At this time, everyone in the subway car focused their attention on a group of people who looked like they were going on an outing.

People with discerning eyes can see that this group of people is not simple!
There are many people worth noting, and they are very strange.

Therefore, although this group of people looked very eye-catching, no one stepped forward easily. After all, those who can get on the bus are all capable people, and their eyesight is not bad.

So many people turn a blind eye to this group of people.

When getting in the car, everyone knew that they could no longer be as casual as they were outside, and the people who could get in the car this time were not easy.

Although there are some young people who have no eyesight and are not used to this group of people who seem to be out of tune, they are all reprimanded by the elders.

At this time, Ling Huohuo and his party were sitting on chairs, doing their own things, and the only ones who were somewhat restrained were the three magical girls.

"Wretched development, don't waste!"

"Wait for me, I'll be right there!"

"Hold on, we can win!"


What surprised Ling Huohuo was that there was a stable wireless network on the subway, and he could even play games.

Toyotomi Xiuya and Hongshuang sat beside Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo was playing games, while Toyotomi Xiuya and Hongshuang were feeding Ling Huohuo who was playing games, making those bachelors jealous.

The others also left their seats for Ling Huohuo and the others, and there were only three of them on a bench.

"That..." A voice sounded.

"Shall we sit here?"

Ling Huohuo and the others looked up, and saw a boy in ordinary clothes, looking like a student, carrying a schoolbag, looking at Ling Huohuo and the three of them with some embarrassment. After all, showing affection is too dazzling, and It always makes people feel unbearable to look directly at.

"Why are you sitting here?" Ling Huohuo asked with a smile.

The factions in the carriages are generally one faction occupying a bench on one side, and there are two factions in a carriage, and those who don’t have seats can only stand instead of going to the territory of other factions. It looks like a clear distinction.

The only special thing was Ling Huohuo and the others. Thirteen people occupied a carriage. Everyone had a seat, and there were some leftovers, but no one wanted to take a seat.

However, I didn't expect that there were still some people who were taking seats with other people, and even chose Ling Huohuo's seat. Ling Huohuo was really curious about this.

But when Ling Huohuo saw the boy's strength clearly, he probably understood the reason.

This boy turned out to be an ordinary person!

This boy is probably a boy who sneaked in by accident!
This is very interesting.

Ling Huohuo asked, the boy scratched his face, and replied honestly: "Well, I think you are more kind, after all, other people are not easy to talk to."

Ling Huohuo looked at the two sides, and sure enough, the people in the other carriages were all fully armed, and their faces were tense, and their aura was very fierce.

Ling Huohuo smiled and nodded.

"Of course, sit wherever you want."

"Really?" The boy smiled happily, "Thank you very much."

The boy put his schoolbag on his chest and sat next to Toyotomi Hideya.

Ling Huohuo threw the phone to Hongshuang, and then took a picture of Feng Chenxiuya. Fengchen Xiuya knew what Ling Huohuo meant, got up and moved out of the seat, took Hongshuang to sit in another seat, and let Ling Huohuo talk to the boy alone sit on the chair.

"Well, they are..." The boy was curious about the departure of Hongshuang and Toyotomi Hideya.

However, Ling Huohuo didn't explain much, but simply looked at the boy, and then said with a smile: "How did you get in the car?"

The boy was taken aback, and smiled a little embarrassedly.

"I came for a supplementary class, just after school, and I was going to walk home, but I didn't expect to find that the subway station was open, so I was going to take the subway home." The boy explained.

"What's your name?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Ling Zhuo, a senior in high school." The boy said.

"Ling Zhuo, that's a good name." Ling Huohuo nodded, "By the way, do you know where this car is going?" Ling Huohuo continued to ask.

"Where does it lead?" This time it was Ling Zhuo's turn to be dazed, "Isn't it the subway leading to Zhonghai City East Station?"

Ling Huohuo showed a weird smile, which made Ling Zhuo's heart tremble.

He always felt that something was wrong when he got in the car. Is there really something wrong with this car?
Should I be...

Ling Zhuo thought of some bad rumors and urban legends.

Finally, Ling Huohuo spoke.

"Actually, this is...the car leading to kindergarten!"



Ling Zhuo didn't know what to say, so he could only smile reluctantly.

"Don't be kidding me."

But Ling Zhuo's heart was relieved.

Ling Huohuo didn't explain, but still smiled.

"Happy, bring out my Italian... pasta for the friendly army to taste." Ling Huohuo said suddenly.

Then, under Ling Zhuo's surprised gaze, a husky ran over carrying a plate of spaghetti.


“It really has pasta!”

Ling Zhuo stood up in shock, he didn't know where to complain!

Why does the subway let huskies come up?Why would a husky show up with a plate of spaghetti on it?And... why is there pasta here! ! !

Ling Huohuo signaled Ling Zhuo to take away the spaghetti, Ling Zhuo did so stupidly, and then Happy walked away.

Looking in the direction that Happy left...

Ye Zhuo saw Ding Ning and Lynch who were making pasta, Pu Xiaoyue and Mai Shiranui were helping them, not only pasta, they were also making other foods, and they had a high-end kitchen table.


Why can you make pasta on the subway!And where did those kitchen supplies come from! !
Ling Zhuo felt that his posture in the car must be wrong today.

At this moment Happy came over with another order of pasta.

Ling Huohuo finished the spaghetti, and then pulled Ling Zhuo back to the seat.

"Anyway, this bus is not what you think, and it's not the bus to your house." Ling Huohuo said while eating spaghetti.

This car is not normal, I already know it!

Ling Zhuo no longer knew what expression he should put on.

"May I ask where this going?" Ling Zhuo asked.

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"It leads to where it should lead, but if you are worried, you can follow me after getting off the car. Although I don't know what the end point looks like, at least it will be much safer to follow us."

"Thank you." Ling Zhuo thanked and then fell into silence, silently eating the pasta, a little lost in thought.

Ling Zhuo needed some time to digest what he had just seen and heard.

But Ling Huohuo had deep eyes.

The teenager who accidentally broke into the subway?
Ling Huohuo doesn't believe in chance, but what can cause all this is definitely related to fate.

The difference is that in the subway, this young man named Ling Zhuo chose Ling Huohuo!

(End of this chapter)

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