Chapter 809 The Monster and the Husky (Part [-])
"Eating, eating, eating..."

Well, the subway runs silently.

At this time, everyone in the subway car focused their attention on a group of people who looked like they were going on an outing.

The difference from before is that now they have joined an ordinary person who sneaked into the subway.

The subway moves fast.

From the beginning, Ling Zhuo could hardly accept it, but now he has become self-defeating, that is to say, Ling Zhuo ignored the abnormalities and accepted the display for the time being.

After the appraisal, Ling Zhuo is a big-hearted person.

Ling Zhuo looked away from the window.

I don't know when, the people in the carriage can no longer see the scenery outside from the window, they can only see the darkness.

Upon discovering this change, the atmosphere in the carriage seemed to become even more depressing.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared near Ling Huohuo and the others, and came in front of Ding Ning.

At this time, Ding Ning and Lynch were both carrying food and enjoying the rest time. They had spent a lot of energy making things for others just now, and now it was their turn to rest.

The person who came to Ding Ning was wearing a windbreaker with his collar turned up, covering half of his face, and a round cap on his head, which also covered the remaining half of his face, leaving only a gap for viewing the road .

Everyone including Ding Ning looked at the man who suddenly stood in front of Ding Ning with doubts.

People in other compartments were also paying attention to the situation here. After all, Ling Huohuo and his group were too eye-catching, and someone suddenly moved, making everyone very curious about what was going to happen.

"Is there anything?" Ding Ning asked.

But at this time, the man in the windbreaker did something that everyone did not expect.

The man in the windbreaker jerked open his clothes, and everyone who was facing the man in the windbreaker could clearly see what he looked like under his clothes——

The man in the windbreaker didn't even wear clothes underneath!

The body under the windbreaker was seen by everyone, and Ding Ning was the first to bear the brunt!
Many people covered their eyes.

"Ah, pervert!"

The women covered their eyes, and only a small number of men could look directly at the man in the windbreaker.

However, some people frowned.

Something is wrong!
After seeing the man in the trench coat under the trench coat, Lynch, who was eating behind Ding Ning, suddenly sprayed out the contents of his mouth, almost choking.

Ding Ning, on the other hand, looked calm, swallowed what was in his mouth, and then showed a disdainful expression.

"How can a girl..." Ling Zhuo didn't know what to say when he saw Ding Ning's performance.

Ling Huohuo patted Ling Zhuo.

"Calm down, young man, you still know too little."

Under the watchful eyes of the left and right people, Ding Ning spoke.

"Tsk, don't show it when you're so young, it's not as big as mine~"

Many people were shocked by Ding Ning's words.



"That girl too?"


Ling Zhuo looked at Ding Ning in disbelief.

"That beauty is..."

Ling Huohuo patted Ling Zhuo's shoulder.

"Son, you still don't see too much."

If you don't look closely at Ding Ning's appearance, it is indeed difficult to distinguish, even in men's clothing, you can still wear a "female disguised as a man" feeling.

The man in the trench coat also looked at Ding Ning in shock.

"You are actually a man?! You pervert!"

Ding Ning rolled his beautiful eyes.

abnormal?I should say this sentence.

However, although Ding Ning looks like a woman, he is a man in his bones, and his temper is very manly. After all, Ding Ning has served in the army!

Ding Ning sneered, kicked the man in the windbreaker in the stomach, and kicked the man in the windbreaker far away.

The man in the windbreaker struggled to get up from the ground, looking extremely angry.


The windbreaker man's body was suddenly enveloped by a strange light.

"No, he's a weirdo!"

The three magical girls exclaimed for the first time.

As the weirdo's mortal enemies, they naturally recognized the real body of the man in the windbreaker.

When the light dissipated, the man in the windbreaker had turned into a humanoid monster.

"I just want weirdos, magical girls, your doomsday is here, and that pervert, I want to swallow you up bit by bit!" The weirdo that the man in the windbreaker turned into said in a strange voice.

However, Ding Ning didn't pay attention to the man in the windbreaker at all, but turned around and left directly with his food.


Well, the weirdo was ignored by Ding Ning.

"Looking for death!" The strange man yelled and rushed towards Ding Ning.

The three magical girls were about to transform immediately, but someone was faster than them!
No, it should be said that there are dogs faster than them!

A shadow flashed past, and the weirdo was knocked out.

And everyone can see clearly and get the shadow.

It turned out to be the husky who was always serving the dishes!
At this time, Happy was holding his dog dish, staring at the weirdo.

Two purple jade-like imprints appeared between Happy's brows, and his figure disappeared again.

There was a bark, followed by a scream.

Everyone saw a phantom of a purple husky, opened its mouth wide and took a bite at the strange man, swallowing the strange man into its stomach, and then everything was over.

Harpy came to Mai Shiranui who was cooking with his dog dish in his mouth. Mai Shiranui put a piece of fried steak into the dog dish at the right time. In Ling Huohuo's team, except for the three magical girls and Ling Zhuo, Others are still doing their own things, as if they are not worried at all.

Even Pu Xiaoyue, who joined the team last, spread out the pancakes with a calm face, um, I'm probably used to it.

"Pancake fruit and two eggs." Rogier said.

"Okay, right away." Pu Xiaoyu has now practiced a good skill in making pancakes.

As for Rogier, who didn't know when, he fell in love with the delicacy of pancakes and fruits, and every time he added two eggs, it was simply rich.

Ling Huohuo and the others were calm, but the others were not.

What was that just now?Is that a husky?

What the hell!

So that dog is so strong? !
As the only team with a dog in the car, and the only dog ​​who can serve dishes, Hapi still received more attention.

But everyone thought this husky was an ordinary dog ​​before, but they didn't expect it to be so strong? !
Are you kidding me?

Especially the three magical girls who have been fighting against the weirdo, they are even more stunned.

Looking at the transforming device in their hands, they wanted to drop the things in their hands. When did they fight the weirdo without using their hands and feet? When did the weirdo be solved so easily?

I am not even as good as a dog, what is the use of this transformation device? !

Du Xiaoxue brought three cups of strawberry sundaes to the three magical girls.

"Let's eat something, I don't know how long the car ride will take, it won't be good if you're hungry." Du Xiaoxue said with a smile.

The three magical girls looked at this girl who was pretty but didn't feel any strength in her, feeling complicated for a while.

Couldn't this girl be a hidden powerhouse?

Ordinary extraordinary people can't see through the strength of the Void Clan!
(End of this chapter)

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