Chapter 810 Arrival (one more)
Finally, the subway stopped at an unknown time.

The door was wide open, but the people on the subway did not move easily, but looked at the carriage where Ling Huohuo and the others were in.

There are many extraordinary people in Zhonghai City. Although they have arrogance, they are also limited.

Because Zhonghai City has never had a force capable of commanding the entire Zhonghai City, this also makes Zhonghai City's forces rarely appear that kind of domineering, especially when facing forces that are not weaker than them.

Although young people are aggressive, but they are suppressed by their elders and they are not mentally retarded, so they will not provoke trouble easily.

Now get out of the car, everyone wants to wait to see the actions of these very powerful people on Ling Huohuo's side.

But they don't know, they are so honest, not only because they know how to judge the situation, or because Ling Huohuo's strength convinced them.

They are willing to wait, which is more of an instinctive feedback.

Because, instinctively, they consider themselves inferior!
The reason lies in Ling Huohuo's body.

Ling Huohuo at this time has changed a lot compared to before.

Not on the outside, but on the inside.

Ling Huohuo refined the gods and the power of gods given by the ancestor Fan!
The things of the ancestors are inexplicably suitable for Ling Huohuo. They are like a blend of water and milk, and they are naturally refined. Although Ling Huohuo failed to inherit the position of God, Ling Huohuo has become essentially different at this time And it has provided a great boost to Ling Huohuo's future growth.

Even if Ling Huohuo has never shown it, but a kind of dark power will interfere and mislead everyone. Although it is very light, as long as there is no active break, the effect will be obvious, especially for those with stronger strength. Strong people have greater influence, because these people are closer to the position of God!
Ling Zhuo didn't feel it, because Ling Zhuo was an ordinary person, the existence farthest from God!

Most of the people in Ling Huohuo's team didn't feel this way either, because they were not afraid of Ling Huohuo instinctively, but were closer friends, and they didn't feel the difference in Ling Huohuo.

Of course, Pu Xiaoyue can still feel the pressure. After all, she is Ling Huohuo's captive, and she never thinks that she and Ling Huohuo are the same way.

Ling Huohuo stood up and stretched, and everyone else packed their luggage.

Then Ling Huohuo raised a small flag and held the horn, and the others lined up, as if a tourist group had arrived at a scenic spot.

Ling Huohuo was also speaking.

"First, everyone, don't conflict with other people. If you encounter a conflict, don't keep it if you can kill it. If you can't beat it, call someone. As long as it's not a devil king or a devil general, I can still beat him."

"Second, don't spend blindly. This is not our property, and there may be places to deceive people. After all, the Demon King's Army has a bad reputation. Please pay attention to this."

"Third, don't leave the team easily. It will be troublesome to find them one by one if you are scattered, and the danger is very low if you are alone. You must be careful in the territory of the Demon King Army."

"Fourth, bring everything with you. If I'm not here, try to listen to other people's suggestions and don't act blindly."

"Fifth, the same sentence, pay attention to safety, don't have conflicts, we are here to travel, and similarly, if you encounter danger, you can kill the enemy if you can."

"Okay, let's go!"


other people:"……"

Why do you always feel that our style of painting is different from that of this group of people?

The three magical girls always feel that they are out of place with this group of people because they are not relaxed enough.

Ling Zhuo has also temporarily accepted some unacceptable things, so what if he doesn't accept them?I got into the car myself.

But Ling Huohuo and the others made Ling Zhuo feel pretty good, with a sense of security. Ling Zhuo decided to follow Ling Huohuo and the others for the time being, at least to ensure his own safety.

Ling Huohuo led the team off the subway.

Surprisingly, there is a city outside the subway!
However, the painting style of the city is relatively old, more like the urban painting style of the 90s and [-]s of the last century.

Surrounded by large neon lights, all kinds of people walk on the road, but none of these people look like ordinary people!

Sixteen people, one dog, entered the city.

After Ling Huohuo and the others left, the other people in the car didn't communicate much, they all got out of the car, and then scattered away.

The invitation from the Demon King's Army stated that someone would come to pick them up when the time came, and they could move freely during this time.

After everyone left, the subway doors closed again, and they drove slowly into the dark tunnel without knowing where they were going.

On the other side of the city, also on a subway.

Three figures came out from the subway, three of them were wearing suits, the leading man was like a nobleman, playing with a bloody rose in his hand, and the person behind him was more like a bodyguard.

And the leading man was Ling Huohuo's roommate whom he hadn't seen for a long time—Lawrence.

Lawrence patted his spotless suit and looked up at the sky.

"Nice city, let's go."

Lawrence threw away the bloody rose in his hand, then led the people away and walked away.

The bloody rose fell to the ground, and blood splashed onto the ground. This rose turned out to be a blood-stained rose!
In the carriage, there were blood splattered everywhere, and corpses that had already been cold and lifeless!
In the entire two subways, only the three of Lawrence got off!

At the same time, there are more subways arriving or leaving in various parts of the city, and all kinds of people get off from the subways. These people come from all over the world. The only thing in common is that these people are not extraordinary!

At this time, in a place that no one knew, the Twelve Demon Generals were sitting in a meeting in the room, but their expressions were very serious at this time.

Well, except for Sardasbet, who is playing a beautiful girl game, this fat house monster has been crippled.

"Why did His Highness Ling Huohuo come? And His Highness Ling Huohuo is even stronger!" Lal spoke first.

"So what?" Leah asked.

"Don't worry, the arrival of His Highness Ling Huohuo may help the implementation of our plan!" Jeffett Rose said with narrowed eyes.

"Do you need to notify the Lord?" Il Jess asked.

"No, the lord is fighting against the brave in the Lost Land. You can't let the lord worry about it anymore. This is the way for our demon generals to survive." Esfelt said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded.

"Leave the affairs of His Royal Highness Ling Huohuo to me, and you are responsible for the rest." Jeffet Rose said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will send His Highness Ling Huohuo back comfortably , will not make him feel the problem."

Esfelt looked at Jeffet Rose seriously.

"His Royal Highness Ling Huohuo has come into contact with the power of God, you should pay attention."

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." Jeffett Los said.

What the two didn't notice was that after hearing Ling Huohuo's name, Claudia and Sisli's expressions also changed, and they looked at each other secretly.

Because of the angle, Bessie and Leah saw the small movements between the two of them. Bessie showed a look of interest, but didn't say much, while Leah curled her lips, looking bored. look.

(End of this chapter)

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