The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 814 Zhao Ritian, Zhuge Cuihua, Murong Ruhua's Love and Hate

Chapter 814 Zhao Ritian, Zhuge Cuihua, Murong Ruhua's Love, Hate and Enmity (Part [-])
Powerful, unrivaledly powerful!

Despair, despair without hope!
At this time, no one thought that Ling Huohuo was arrogant. The countless figures who fell on the ground were the best proof. Beating someone was like hanging a painting.

None of the strong men who were sitting high above and sitting on the top of the pavilion did anything, not because they were still holding up the airs, but because...they had a new understanding of life after watching Ling Huohuo's battle——

To be a human being, the most important thing is to follow the heart~
Ling Huohuo rubbed his neck.

"I moved my body a bit, and I felt much more comfortable."

Ling Huohuo glanced at the sky.

"With such a big commotion, the Demon King Army must have noticed me, but I don't know what the Demon King Army is planning?"

Ling Huohuo came here to make a big fuss, and it also meant to show the Demon King's army.

It is better to hug the grass and beat the rabbit than to be afraid of scaring the snake.

Following other people to do things according to the idea of ​​the Demon King Army would only be at the mercy of others, but now he took the initiative to jump out to make trouble, the response of the Demon King Army determined Ling Huohuo's subsequent decision.

Hitting the enemy and leading the enemy to the door are two different concepts!
Seeing that no one around dared to come up anymore, Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"There is no one who can fight!"

The people gathered in the city are powerful transcendents from all over the world, but whether it is the long-term weakness of the transcendents in the real world or the short-term development of a few years, it is not enough for the real world to appear. Even if there are more powerhouses of the sixth, seventh, and even eighth ranks, they still cannot become the kind of existence that suppresses a domain.

The powerhouses in the real world are only temporary now, and they are the last residual heat that the powerhouses of the old era can dissipate. If there is enough time, in another ten years, the powerhouses of the new era that appear in the real world will be truly real. Can be called Tianjiao!
The prosperity now is false, but the real prosperity...

But time does not allow.

If this continues, the collision of the two worlds will soon occur, and it is hard to say whether this world can last for ten years.

If you are an ordinary person, you can be carefree, but sometimes, once you start, it will be difficult to stop.

Just as Ling Huohuo was about to leave, footsteps came again.

This time it was two people!

Ling Huohuo looked in the direction of the footsteps, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Two graceful figures strolled through the shadowy light and shadow, as if walking out from between poetry and painting.

Then came two women, wearing cheongsams with red flowers and white backgrounds, outlining perfect curves, elegant and peaceful.

A woman with pink hair is holding a paper fan with the same pattern as the cheongsam, stepping on the light and shadow on the ground with a smile on her face.

Beside her, a woman with long blue hair twisted her waist, holding two simple long swords in her hands, her face was cold.

The two women stopped and stood up.

At this time, the off-court attracted the attention of everyone around, not only because of the sudden appearance of the two beauties, those with keen perception could notice that the atmosphere below had changed!
And that "Zhao Ritian" dog also stood up, grinning at the two women who appeared suddenly, you know, before this, this husky had been dozing off lazily.

"Mr. Zhao Ritian, long time no see." The pink-haired woman said with a smile.

A smile also appeared on Ling Huohuo's face.

How could he not know these two women?
The two women are the second of the twelve demon generals——

Murder priest, Claudia.

Demon Moon Demoness, Sisli.

They didn't call out Ling Huohuo's real name. Ling Huohuo knew that they didn't want to reveal their identities. Although they didn't know the reason, Ling Huohuo would not easily reveal their identities and real names if they reciprocated.

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"I wonder who it is, isn't this Zhuge Cuihua and Murong Ruhua?"

Ling Huohuo felt that he could come up with such a high-level complex name in the blink of an eye, and he was really a little clever ghost~
Claudia and Sisley's expressions were a little stiff. What kind of earthy name is this?
Sure enough, people around began to discuss their names.

This also made the two of them more determined to beat Ling Huohuo.

But fortunately, Ling Huohuo didn't really have a headache that exposed the true identities of the two.

Clodia still had an elegant smile on her face.

"The last time we said goodbye, our sisters never forgot Mr. Zhao Ritian's strength, and always wanted to fight again. I wonder if Mr. Zhao Ritian can meet our two sisters' little requirements?" Clodia said with a smile.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

"It's impossible."

Although the other party is a demon general, Ling Huohuo didn't feel the feeling that they had completely liberated their strength from the two of them. Although the two people's aura was stronger than the last time they met, they did not exceed a certain limit, and The person I am today is not the person I used to be.

One more thing, why did the other party call him by his full name?

"However, our sisters still have a small request, that is, can Mr. Zhao Ritian not use that sword?" Clodia pointed to the [-] stuck in the ground, and put on a cute and pitiful look. "You know, with that sword, our sisters don't have the ability to resist at all~"

There was an uproar all around, is there anything special about the sword that was stuck on the ground by "Zhao Ritian"?
Everyone observed carefully, but did not see any clues, but this also confirmed the guesses of others——

This sword is nothing special, and that "Zhao Ritian" didn't show his true strength just now!

At the same time, a question arose in everyone's mind - "How strong is this Zhao Ritian?"

The corners of Ling Huohuo's mouth curled up, and he nodded.

Are Claudia and Sisley afraid of eight hundred?

the answer is negative!

Although Yabai is the sword of the sword god, it is a sword for practice. It is not the real sword of the sword god, but a mass-produced product. Clodia and Sisley, who once fought in the world, are not even in their current state. May be afraid.

The reason why Ling Huohuo was not allowed to use [-] was because of their attitude.

Rather than being considered a weapon, Yabai should be considered as a token - the sword god's token!

Holding [-] Ling Huohuo will be shrouded in the shadow of the sword god, not looking at the monk's face but looking at the Buddha's face, and beating a dog depends on the owner.

Even if the two of them really beat Ling Huohuo, they would still leave a handle, and it is very likely that the sword god will use this matter to make trouble, although the sword god should not beat around the bush like this, but should directly They cut it as soon as they came up, but the impact of this incident is really bad. The Sword God doesn't care, but it's impossible for them not to care.

Claudia and Sisley are not at the same level as the Sword God, and they don't have the guts to shame the Sword God.

Even the unscrupulous Demon King Army has to be reasonable in the face of some special existences.

And Ling Huohuo who didn't hold the [-], even if he has the identity of the heir of the sword god, but this matter will be counted as the grievance between Ling Huohuo and the four of them!
Seeing Ling Huohuo who didn't hold a sword, Claudia's smile became brighter.

This time, the two of them deliberately untied a layer of seal. This time, Ling Huohuo must be rubbed on the ground, even if he is the master's younger brother!

As long as Ling Huohuo's life is not hurt, the Lord will not say anything.

Skills are not as good as others, so you can only ask for trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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