The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 815 The battle to show off the skin

Chapter 815 The battle to show off the skin (two more)

Seeing that Ling Huohuo was getting ready, Claudia and Sisli narrowed their eyes.

The battle is imminent!
"Qingfeng Huayu!" Claudia threw out the paper fan in her hand, and the paper umbrella quickly circled around, bringing a breeze, surrounding the surrounding area, and a little bit of broken flowers fell.

There is nothing strange about Ling Huohuo. Although this trick looks very mysterious and has a name that looks impressive, the essence of this trick is magic.

When one's strength reaches a certain level, one will have a deeper understanding of one's own skills, and it's easy to change one's form. As for the name, who can choose one at random, who would know?

Of course, Ling Huohuo did the same.

Skills are the embodiment of strength. As long as the strength is strong enough, the appearance of the skills can be more beautiful, and the name can be more flamboyant.

If it is simply understood, it is to add a skin to the skill, which is essentially the same, but the way of expression is different.

And not only skills can be changed, the strength is sufficient, other things can also change.

For example, that paper umbrella looks like a paper umbrella, but it is actually made of Clodia's staff!

As for the surrounding wind, Ling Huohuo could see that it restricted his own departure, and it could also provide a good fighting environment for friendly troops. As for whether it had other effects, Ling Huohuo didn't know very well.

Skills have been added with skins, so they don't look real, and it's hard to distinguish the effect of skills in the first place.

Sisli also rushed over with two swords in hand.

Ling Huohuo could tell that the two rapiers were transformed from Sisli's double knives.

"Flowing like water!"

Two cold rays of light slid down like moonlight, attacking Ling Huohuo.

"Sure enough, Sisli's skills have also been added with a skin, and she even gave such a tall name, but..."

Who doesn't know how to add skins and names to skills?

Ling Huohuo brushed her hair, and flames appeared around her.

"Arc of Flaming Moon!"


The flame was swung out by Ling Huohuo, and it exploded instantly in the face of Sisli's attack, causing an explosion.

The ground shattered and gravel flew everywhere.

Sisli returned the blow without success, tapped the ground with her toes, and retreated.

Ling Huohuo, however, refused to let go and made a hand gesture.


The Spider Festival Sword, which has not been used for a long time, appeared behind Ling Huohuo. The flames passed over the Spider Festival Sword, and the Spider Festival Sword had turned into purple long swords, which were distributed in a fan shape behind Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo sharpened his gun in front of the battle, and simply refined the Spider Festival Sword again, giving it a new shape. It is more convenient for the void power to do this kind of thing.

However, the improvement of the Spider Sword was not much, and it still couldn't compete with the weapons that Claudia and Sisley transformed into after changing their original weapons.

But in the face of the situation at this time, it is enough.

In order not to reveal too much information and strength, Ling Huohuo doesn't have much equipment to use.

Moreover, the Spider Sword is just a carrier, and Ling Huohuo mainly uses other means to face Claudia and Sisli.

Groups of flames emerged from the tip of the Spider Sword.

Claudia and Sisli's expressions became serious.

"That flame..."

The corners of Ling Huohuo's mouth curled up.

This is the power obtained from the ancestors, which was turned into flames by Ling Huo at this time and attached to the Spider Sword, just as the ancestors turned these powers into flames to light lamps.

"I just got the power not long ago, let's try it on the two of you, Zhuge Cuihua, Murong Ruhua, look at the sword!" Ling Huohuo shouted.


Although Claudia and Sisley felt that it was a little shameful to have this name called out from Ling Huohuo's mouth, they didn't pay much attention to it, but snorted coldly.

Except for the initial surprise, they all saw that this power was obtained by Ling Huohuo from others. Even if it was used by Ling Huohuo, it was not the power cultivated by Ling Huohuo himself, but they really hit it. Existence beyond that realm!

Ling Huohuo wanted to use these powers to defeat them, so he underestimated them!

Sisli swung the rapier in both hands into beautiful sword flowers.

"Yuehua... blooms!"


The power like moonlight soared up to nine days, covering the entire area.

A powerful aura emerged from Sisli's body, which shocked everyone around her.

"So strong! Who is she?! Why have I never heard of such a strong person?"

And Claudia also cooperated immediately.

Although she is known as a murderous priest and is best at "death healing", in fact, because of her special relationship with Sisley, she can cooperate very well with Sisley and exert a very powerful power!
"The lotus rises to nine days!"

A huge lotus pattern appeared on the ground, well, this is a magic circle with skin.

Claudia's speed and strength soared instantly, and a layer of pink power emerged from her body.

"Just turn it on when you come up... that's fine." Ling Huohuo grinned.

At this time, the surrounding area has become the domain of Claudia and Sisli, and Ling Huohuo is at the center of this domain!

However, Ling Huohuo could guess that in order not to reveal his true situation, this kind of battle with hidden power and weapons would only become a kind of restraint, and it was impossible for Claudia and Sisley to fully exert their full strength.

Although Ling Huohuo is the same, Ling Huohuo is not afraid of the two of them!

Twisting his neck, Ling Huohuo's body also floated up, and his momentum surged.

Of course, the big move must be dealt with with the big move!

Eight spider festival swords are lined up in front of Ling Huohuo.

Golden power spreads throughout it.

With the appearance of the golden power, the expressions of Claudia and Sisley changed.

They felt a kind of divine power in the golden power!
In other words, the power that Ling Huohuo was about to use at this time turned out to be the combination of two god-related powers!
Where did Ling Huohuo get these help?
But... so what?Ling Huohuo must be beaten up today!
With the support of Claudia, Sisli attacked Ling Huohuo fiercely.

That's right, Ling Huohuo used Dayi's power again!

It was the first time for Ling Huohuo to use the two powers together, but the effect looked pretty good.

The golden power was controlled by Ling Huohuo, forming a golden dragon-like light and shadow, while the eight spider-section swords were hidden in the golden dragon's body.

"Tianlong... Meteor!"

The moonlight collided with the golden dragon——

"Go back!"

The onlookers finally came to their senses, and the feeling that watching the excitement was no big deal was gone.

If it is affected, it will kill people!
But at this time, beams of light descended from the sky, and people in the city and outsiders were attracted by the beams of light, including those who watched Ling Huohuo and the others fighting. In the blink of an eye, the whole city turned into an empty city.

After everyone left, the two forces collided and broke out.

Light sweeps across the city...

When the light dissipated, the entire city had been reduced to ruins, and Ling Huohuo, Claudia, and Sisley were also gone.

Only a mess was left.

(End of this chapter)

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