Chapter 816 Lawless Land (Part [-])
"Privately contacting His Royal Highness Ling Huohuo and destroying the entire city, but now I have to start the plan ahead of time..."

Esfeld said in a deep voice, the demon generals were sitting together, while Claudia and Sisli stood in front of everyone, looking like they were being trained.

Jeffet Ross rubbed his eyebrows and smiled wryly.

"Forget it, even if the plan is started in advance, the matter has not caused much impact, and the ending will not change. His Highness Ling Huohuo will leave it to me to deal with it, don't worry."

Finally, Esfelt sighed.

"The two of you go to the task I entrusted to you first, and you are not allowed to come back until the task is completed..."


Claudia and Sisli nodded discouragedly.

Now that they are asked to do the task before the end of the matter here, they have no way to start, so Eisfeldt's order is no different from the exile of the two, although it is only temporary.

Eisfeldt said that it is better not to let the two come back recently. After all, Ling Huohuo is here. Judging from today's events, these two people will not be peaceful.

After seeing off the two of them, Eisfeld nodded to the others.

"Let's start too."


Ling Huohuo frowned and looked around. At this time, he was in an amusement park, and beside Ling Huohuo was only the boy named Ling Zhuo.

"Well, boss, what's going on?" Ling Zhuo asked carefully. He was still eating noodles at the noodle shop just now, but he didn't expect to come here in a blink of an eye.

The amusement park was covered with mist, the visibility was very low, and there was no one there, which seemed very strange, so Ling Zhuo couldn't help but moved towards Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"I am not sure as well."

After the guiding light shrouded Ling Huohuo just now, Ling Huohuo did not resist, but wanted to see the calculations of the Demon King Army, but to Ling Huohuo's surprise, he and Ling Zhuo appeared in the This strange place, and...

Ling Huohuo didn't think he could be trapped here, and the Demon King's army should do the same, but why?So why else would they send themselves here?
And still go with Ling Zhuo.

"Ling Huohuo, be careful." Babai suddenly sent a warning.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback, not understanding what Babai meant.

"This area is very special, you should feel your own strength first."

Ling Huohuo sensed it for a moment, and then froze for a moment. In Ling Huohuo's perception, he gave out the strength of his body, and he couldn't mobilize other strengths.

"what's going on?"

Ling Huohuo was a little shocked, because he didn't feel any means on himself.

"Sure enough, my feeling is not wrong, this is a lawless place!" Babai said.

"Land of lawlessness? What do you mean?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"The land of lawlessness, the nemesis of mana, is an area of ​​natural birth, full of puzzles. In this area, only the power of the body can be used, and any other power cannot be used, even if it is a god."

"Is the sword god too?" Ling Huohuo asked subconsciously.

"That's right, but what's different from you is..."

"Even if the gods have no mana, they are not something ordinary people can deal with, so this kind of area is not taken seriously by the gods, and you have not reached the level of the gods. If you want to get out of here, you can only rely on yourself."

"What if you can't get out?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"If you don't get out, you will sink forever."

Babai's voice was a little low.

"And there is another problem, that is, in the lawless place, even the equipment will temporarily become ordinary equipment, leaving only the hardness, even for me, I can't hold on for too long."

"Go at ease, I will bury you in a good place." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Get out! I'm just sleeping, and I'll wake up when you walk out of here."

"Ah, it's not abolished."

"You think too much."

"Well, I'll do my best to get you out."

"Then I'll sleep first."

"Good night."

Good night Nima!
Babai chose to ignore Ling Huohuo and fell into a deep sleep.

Ling Huohuo looked at the cautious Ling Zhuo.

"Come on, let's go in and take a walk."

Ling Zhuo swallowed, then nodded.

Although it looks weird here, it is absolutely safe to follow Ling Huohuo.

The willfulness of the weak will only lead to their own destruction, Ling Zhuo still knows this.

Just as Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo took a step, the surrounding amusement facilities started to operate automatically, but there was still no one around.

"Mom!" Ling Zhuo immediately hugged Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Pushing Ling Zhuo away, Ling Huohuo was speechless for a while.

"Brother, calm down."

Ling Zhuo looked around the strange surroundings, swallowed, and nodded.



Weird laughter sounded from behind the two, chilling their necks.


Ling Zhuo hugged Ling Huohuo again.


How about calm down?

Ling Huohuo sighed.

At this time, a figure passed over the heads of the two of them and landed in front of them.

Ling Zhuo closed his eyes tightly and held Ling Huohuo in his arms, while Ling Huohuo looked at the figure on the ground.

It turned out to be a clown!
The clown inserted a turntable in front of the two of them.

"Choose, hee hee..." The clown laughed, pointing to the hands of the two.

Ling Huohuo looked at his hand subconsciously, and found that a red throwing knife appeared on his left hand at this time.

Ling Huohuo frowned, the ability cannot be used, and the perception is also sealed?
At this time Ling Zhuo also tentatively opened his eyes, and when he found that there was no danger around him, he let go of Ling Huohuo embarrassingly.

And Ling Zhuo didn't know why a blue flying knife of the same style appeared in Ling Zhuo's hand.

Looking at the rapidly spinning turntable in front of him, Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, threw the throwing knife in his hand, and stuck it on the turntable, but the turntable didn't stop.

Ling Huohuo looked at Ling Zhuo.

Only then did Ling Zhuo react.

"But I don't know how to throw throwing knives." Ling Zhuo said with some mourning.

"Just throw it away, what do you care about so much?" Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes and said.

Ling Zhuo nodded, and then threw out the throwing knife...


Pick it up and throw it away...

Not yet.

keep throwing...

Ling Huohuo wanted to help Ling Zhuo, but found that he couldn't use the flying knife.

Finally, after an unknown number of times, Ling Zhuo finally inserted the throwing knife into the turntable, while the clown who was beside the turntable had long since hid away.

"Hee hee hee..." Seeing Ling Zhuo's throwing knife successfully hit, the clown jumped out again.

"Weapon selection is successful, release weapons!"

The turntable stopped slowly, and Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo also saw their choice clearly.

Red Throwing Knife: Bright flashlight.

Blue Flying Knife: Double Spears of Jing and Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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