Chapter 818 I want to pee~ (one more)
At this time, different scenes are being staged in countless different spaces.

The scenes in the space are different, the enemies are different, and the people who enter are different.

But the same thing is that all the spaces forcibly suppress everyone in the category of ordinary people!
In other words, these spaces are lawless places!
Those who are diligent in exercising their bodies are lucky to say that although they are frightened, they are not in danger. If they are careful, they can cope with group actions, but those who rely on extraordinary power are in crisis. These people are very unfriendly. At the beginning of the game, many of these extraordinary people were eliminated, and the price of being eliminated is-death!
Eisfeldt, Jeffrey Telos and Besiqi stood in a room full of pictures in these spaces, watching everything that happened coldly.

"Put the cart before the horse, deserve to be killed." Bei Siqi said.

Although Bei Siqi is also a mage, her physical strength is not weak. This is the reason why she can run a long distance when being approached by a brave man.

"Only those who have really experienced fighting and have enough characteristics can walk out of these spaces. I don't know how many people will come out?" Jeffett Los said.

There is another sentence that Jeffet Los did not say, that is, those who come out are their real goals!

"How are the targets?" Eisfeldt asked suddenly.

"Everything is normal." Jeffet Ross said with a smile. After all, the chess piece is a chess piece, and it is not too jumpy. As for the chess piece that did not enter the game obediently, they will make the opponent pay the price.

"How are His Highness Ling Huohuo and the people he brought?" Eisfeldt then asked.

"Although it's a little dangerous, but he's still alive, and the chance of getting out is very high. The one with the weakest strength was also assigned to His Royal Highness Ling Huohuo himself. By the way, in the team of His Highness Ling Huohuo, the most relaxed one A dog." Bessie said in a strange tone.

At this time, in a space she was looking at, a husky was eating steak leisurely in a western restaurant.

Assuming that the weapon chosen by this husky turned out to be a mechanical guard, most of the enemies could be dealt with by relying on the strength of the mechanical guard alone.

"By the way, when did we have such a high-end mechanical guard? You made it?" Besiqi asked.

"It was researched below. It only has the strength of a first-order extraordinary person. It is useless, so it was thrown into the arsenal this time as an easter egg." Jeffet Rose said, looking at Happy's eating, Jeffett Ross scratched his face, "Fortunately, the one chosen was a dog."

Bei Siqi also nodded reluctantly. After all, although Happy has a high IQ, his thinking mode is still a husky's thinking mode, and he didn't make too much trouble.

"There are still some people who have performed very well, and you can try to take advantage of them." Bei Siqi said.

Eisfeldt nodded.

"I will leave this matter to you. The real world is very chaotic now. The people we have elected may not be able to fully control the situation. We can ask those people to help stabilize the situation in the world and kick them out when the time comes." .”

"Okay." Bessie nodded.

The three continued to watch the situation in each space.


Ling Huohuo continued to move forward with Ling Zhuo.

The impact of lawlessness on strength is more serious than Ling Huohuo imagined.

Babai was in the small world, but Ling Huohuo couldn't contact the small world. At this time, Ling Huohuo only had a bright flashlight and a chainsaw in his hand except for his blood-stained clothes.

Ling Zhuo's situation is similar, holding two water guns in his hands and carrying a schoolbag behind his back. Although Ling Zhuo also wanted to take a chainsaw, he found that the chainsaw was heavier than he imagined. With the chainsaw, Ling Zhuo Unable to move normally, I had to give up the chainsaw.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo found that the repeated battles also made him feel tired and hungry!
This is very abnormal!

Even if Ling Huohuo simply left the strength of his body, it is impossible for him to feel tired and hungry just from this level of fighting.

Moreover, during the battle, Ling Huohuo found that his physical strength was far from the peak, and his body had fallen to the level of a mortal!
Although it is extremely powerful for ordinary people, Ling Huohuo cannot guarantee absolute strength!

This means that Ling Huohuo will also be injured, and it is also likely to capsize when encountering a powerful enemy!
Fortunately, although the amusement park is very weird, the things inside are still very real.

Ling Huohuo took some food from a roadside food stand, and simply filled his stomach. Ling Huohuo didn't dare to eat too much. If he ate too much, it would be bad for the subsequent battle.

Before they walked out of this space, Ling Huohuo couldn't relax his vigilance!
The books that Ling Zhuo used to make up lessons were also thrown away by Ling Huohuo, and the schoolbag was used to pack those necessities, because he didn't know how long he would stay here, Ling Huohuo also had to be prepared for a long struggle.

Like ordinary high school students, Ling Zhuo also has a lot of books in his schoolbag.

"My books!" Ling Zhuo looked at the books on the floor with some heartache, "I still have to take the college entrance examination, what can I do without these books~"

Ling Huohuo has black hair, when you are on the subway, you should think about what to do with your college entrance examination if you can't go back, but now you feel sorry for your own book.

But Ling Huohuo is now with Ling Zhuo, so he can only pat Ling Zhuo on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Don't worry, I'll make up lessons for you when I go back. To be honest, I was actually the number one scholar in Zhonghai City back then."

"Really?" Ling Zhuo looked at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"That's still false."

"OK then."

Ling Huohuo smiled at Ling Zhuo.

If Ling Zhuo can learn the cheating methods he taught him by then, I guarantee that he will definitely be the champion!
Of course, the premise is that he can learn...

After writing a bad check, Ling Zhuo was appeased, and Ling Huohuo led Ling Zhuo to move on.

Although Ling Huohuo is not the Holy Mother, he is not the kind of ruthless person, especially Ling Huohuo, who has experienced the power of fate. Ling Huohuo cannot easily let go of any seemingly accidental accident.

The equipment in the playground played cheerful music, but there were only Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo in the entire playground, which made the whole playground extremely strange, and the cheerful music seemed very permeating.

After all, Ling Huohuo was someone who had seen strong winds and waves. Although he didn't feel much, Ling Zhuo was a little scared and looked cautious.

"That..." Ling Zhuo said.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo looked at Ling Zhuo.

"I want to shush~" Ling Zhuo looked away, a little shy.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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