The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 819 Puppeteer Doll Bear, The Hidden Hole Card

Chapter 819 Puppeteer Doll Bear, The Hidden Hole Card (Part [-])

After draining the water quickly, Ling Zhuo felt inexplicably refreshed, and couldn't help shaking twice.

"Leave quickly when you're done." Ling Huohuo shouted from the side.

"Okay, I'll be here soon." Ling Zhuo pulled up his pants, carried his bag and caught up with Ling Huohuo.

"I feel much better." Ling Zhuo sighed.

Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes.

"Don't relax too much, we haven't encountered an enemy for a while." Ling Huohuo reminded.

"Isn't that good?" Ling Zhuo was a little puzzled.

"There's a saying you should have heard..." Ling Huohuo looked at Ling Zhuo, "That's the 'calm before the storm'!"

"You mean that there will be more powerful enemies in the future?" Ling Zhuo was taken aback.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"very possible."

Ling Zhuo hugged Ling Huohuo.

"Brother take me!"



Going forward, the scope of the amusement park is larger than Ling Huohuo imagined. Ling Huohuo counted himself and Ling Zhuo, stop and go, at least have walked for more than an hour, but still did not see the exit, And did not encounter the enemy.

"I always feel...something is wrong." Ling Huohuo frowned, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Soon, Ling Huohuo brought Ling Zhuo to the side of the carousel.

Next to the carousel, there is a teddy bear holding a balloon.

Ling Huohuo squinted his eyes and looked at the right doll bear in the distance.

The other party seemed to be waiting for himself and others.

"Be careful." Ling Huohuo looked serious, but at this moment, footsteps came from behind Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo immediately turned around to look, and at some point several figures surrounded them!

When several figures approached, the expressions of Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo changed dramatically.

The figures surrounding them are familiar to them——

Clown, Chef, Grandpa KFC, Uncle McDonald's!
It turned out that they were all those people they had dealt with before!
Moreover, there is still blood on these people's bodies, and it looks like those who were dealt with before.

However, this time there was one more person——

At this time, the puppeteer is holding the frame for manipulating the puppet in his hand. The frame is connected with silk threads, but the other end of the thread is connected with the bodies of these people who should have died!

"Why can you manipulate corpses? Doesn't it mean that there is no extraordinary power in this world?" Ling Huohuo was a little surprised.

But no matter what, Ling Huohuo knew that they were in danger when they were surrounded!

Behind the two of them, the teddy bear holding a balloon let go of the balloon in his hand, and the balloons flew into the sky.

And the doll bear slowly pulled out a safety ax from behind.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Ling Zhuo shrank his neck.

Ling Huohuo frowned and pulled the chainsaw.

"No way"

"What? Boss, don't give up the rescue." Ling Zhuo said.

Ling Huohuo shrugged.

"Sometimes, the solution is not thought of, but..."

Ling Huohuo suddenly rushed out...

"It was killed!"

Ling Huohuo immediately rushed to the puppeteer who was manipulating the corpse, but the corpse controlled by the puppeteer immediately blocked the puppeteer.

"Death!" Ling Huohuo slammed the chainsaw in his hand at Grandpa KFC standing in the front.

Grandpa KFC's body was severely torn apart by the chainsaw, blood was everywhere, and red and white things splashed all over Ling Huohuo.

But Ling Huohuo showed a strange smile instead, his eyes were a little red.

It may be that a certain factor hidden in Ling Huohuo's body has awakened. Ling Huohuo felt that his spirit and strength had undergone some changes, but Ling Huohuo was not surprised. At this time, his state was more like a biological body. The potential was stimulated, and although it became stronger, it still did not exceed the level of ordinary people.

For this outbreak, Ling Huohuo was not too surprised.

"Monsters are not easy to talk about..."

The land of lawlessness is not as simple as what Yabai said. If the strength is sealed, the strength of the body will also be weakened, but even if Ling Huohuo's strength is gradually weakened in the land of lawlessness, and finally suppressed to the level of ordinary people, but the race But it cannot be changed, the nature hidden deep in the blood cannot be wiped out!

Stimulated by the blood, Ling Huohuo inspired his own power.

The difference is that Ling Huohuo can actively stimulate this power!This is Ling Huohuo's last resort when his strength is suppressed!

Not to mention Ling Huohuo, if there is a more powerful existence, even in a place where there is no way, there will be more cards in the hole!
But when Ling Huohuo attacked Grandpa KFC, the clown and Uncle McDonald's came out from both sides and attacked Ling Huohuo.

When this potential is stimulated, Ling Huohuo's reaction and strength are also greatly enhanced.

Withdrawing out, the chainsaw was left on Grandpa KFC by Ling Huohuo, because the chainsaw was being firmly stuck in Grandpa KFC's body. at the chest.

The role of Grandpa KFC is more like making Ling Huohuo lose the chainsaw in his hand.

When Ling Huohuo got out, he would face the clown, Uncle McDonald's and the chef attacking at the same time, Grandpa KFC fell to the ground, and the puppeteer did not continue to manipulate Grandpa KFC, as if Grandpa KFC could no longer be manipulated generally.

On the other side, Ling Zhuo screamed and escaped from the doll bear's pursuit, narrowly dodging the attack.

The doll bear hacked and killed Ling Zhuo with the fire ax in his hand.

Pulling out the dagger from the strong flashlight belt, Ling Huohuo interspersed under the siege of the three corpses, dodging the attack and counterattacking at the same time, but the three corpses seemed to know no pain, and desperately attacked Ling Huohuo.

However, Ling Huohuo can also see some differences. The speed and agility of these corpses are greatly reduced compared with when they were alive, which may be due to muscle stiffness, but when they are manipulated, they are not afraid of death and do not know pain.

Even when Ling Huohuo could guarantee undefeated, he couldn't defeat the three corpses.

"Boss, help!" Ling Zhuo cried from afar.

Ling Huohuo took the time to glance at Ling Zhuo, and found that Ling Zhuo was barely alive, so Ling Huohuo stopped paying attention to Ling Zhuo.

"Extraordinary power cannot be used in this space, which means that the strength of people in this world is in the category of ordinary people. If you want to improve your own strength or achieve some impossible goals, you need to use tools and... Technology!"

Ling Huohuo closed his eyes.

If you don't have extraordinary power and rely on technology, then the opponent's manipulation of these corpses will be traceable. Even black technology is technology, and it must be reasonable, and the reason for controlling corpses...

Ling Huohuo's gaze fell on the silk threads inserted into the spines under the necks of the three corpses.

The corners of Ling Huohuo's mouth curled up slightly.

"Is this the control device?"

(End of this chapter)

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