The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Why is Chapter 820 so prominent?

Why is Chapter 820 so prominent? (one more)
Uncle McDonald's, the clown, and the chef, Ling Huohuo is facing three goals at this time. If he doesn't solve these three goals, he can't solve the puppeteer!

After a brief observation, Ling Huohuo was ready to attack the silk thread connecting the corpse.

Uncle McDonald's is holding a chainsaw, it's not easy to do it, the chef is holding a spoon, and the power is the strongest, it's not easy to do it, as for the clown...

The clown was Ling Huohuo's first instant kill enemy, and it can be said that he was the weakest one, and the clown's method was a flying knife, but the body of the clown controlled by the puppeteer did not have this method. It was held in the hand of the clown and used as a dagger.

The puppeteer is already powerful enough to control the clown's corpse and hold the throwing knife to attack. It would be too much if he could control the clown to aim and shoot.

Therefore, in addition to being more flexible, the clown is still the best one to deal with!
After choosing the target, Ling Huohuo is ready to attack!

Because of being besieged, if you want to get the results of the battle, you must pay some price!
Seizing the opportunity, Ling Huohuo rushed towards the clown.

As if seeing Ling Huohuo's purpose, the puppeteer didn't let the clown dodge, but let the clown face Ling Huohuo. At the same time, Uncle McDonald's and the chef also surrounded Ling Huohuo.

The purpose of the puppeteer is obvious, that is to attack Ling Huohuo when Ling Huohuo attacks the clown!

The purpose of the puppeteer is to attack the enemy and save oneself. If Ling Huohuo gives up attacking the clown, the uncle McDonald's and the chef controlled by the puppeteer will not be able to attack Ling Huohuo effectively, and the situation will continue to be deadlocked. In this stalemate in the world, the puppeteer must win in the end!
However, to the surprise of the puppeteer, Ling Huohuo didn't have any intention of retreating in the face of the siege of Uncle McDonald's and the chef, but sped up the speed instead!

The puppeteer showed a mocking expression.

Ling Huohuo is suicidal!

One staggered, the dagger in Ling Huohuo's hand cut the silk thread at the back of the clown's neck, and the clown lost control immediately and fell to the ground.

And at this time, the attack of Uncle McDonald's and the chef has also arrived!

The two attacked Ling Huohuo's sides against each other, and blocked all Ling Huohuo's escape routes at the same time!
Facing the chef's attack, Ling Huohuo dodged towards Uncle McDonald's. Although he successfully avoided the chef's attack, he still stood under Uncle McDonald's chainsaw!


Uncle McDonald's chainsaw severely cut Ling Huohuo's shoulder.

Blood blooms!Sprayed Ling Huohuo's cheeks, the difference is, this time it was Ling Huohuo's own blood!

"Sure enough, here, my body has also been greatly weakened, and I have become an ordinary person!"

The severe pain made Ling Huohuo's expression grim.

There was a scream, and the pain stimulated Ling Huohuo's brain, but Ling Huohuo took advantage of this moment to kick on Uncle McDonald's body, pushing his body back with the reaction force.

But Ling Huohuo's momentum caused the chainsaw to completely saw off his left arm!

Ling Huohuo gritted his teeth, and there was a bloodstain on his flying body, but Ling Huohuo's right hand holding the dagger was even stronger!
Ling Huohuo used his strength to land on top of the chef!
The puppeteer's eyes widened in surprise, and when Ling Huohuo was falling, he used the dagger in his hand to cut off the silk thread on the chef's neck from the top where the chef couldn't take care of it.

Chef down!

But Ling Huohuo also fell to the ground, dragging his broken body and sliding for a long distance.

Seeing Grandpa KFC, both the clown and the chef lost control. The puppeteer frowned, but when he saw a broken arm that fell to the ground, the puppeteer relaxed his brows again.

No loss!

Ling Huohuo struggled to get up from the ground as soon as he landed, and looked vigilantly at Uncle McDonald's on the opposite side.

At this time, the chainsaw in Uncle McDonald's hand was dripping blood, and at Uncle McDonald's feet was Ling Huohuo's severed left arm!
The massive blood loss and pain made Ling Huohuo dizzy, and at the same time his body was shaking constantly.

Ling Huohuo spat out a mouthful of blood and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"There are too many crushes, but this level of fighting is not suitable for it!"

Even if a high-ranking god loses everything and encounters a desperate situation, he may not be much better than ordinary people!
Ling Huohuo felt that he was a little overwhelmed. Although it was not the first time that parts fell off his body, his current state could not bear the injury at this time. Although Ling Huohuo's mental capacity to bear it was not weak, But his body wouldn't allow it.

When the limit is reached, even the willpower has to surrender to the body's reaction!

For example, the current state of Ling Huohuo, or when going to the big sword, cough cough...

Ling Huohuo stood up trembling, but two seconds later...

With a thud, Ling Huohuo fell to the ground.

"It's really... so low!"

After cursing, Ling Huohuo fainted.

That's it, let's love it!

On the other side, Ling Zhuo saw Ling Huohuo kneeling on this side, and he almost knelt down as his legs gave way.

But he knew that if he really knelt down, he would really want GG.

At first, Ling Zhuo subconsciously wanted to run away, but he gritted his teeth. After some struggle, Ling Zhuo ran to Ling Huohuo, a little timidly trying to help Ling Huohuo, but at this time the doll bear was carrying the firefighter Axe, Uncle McDonald's carrying a chainsaw, and the puppeteer have surrounded the two of them.

"It's embarrassing, I can't run away now, by the way, what kind of loyalty are you talking about!"

Ling Zhuo was panting. After running for so long just now, his physical strength was also seriously exhausted. Even if he escaped, he couldn't run very far.

Looking at the three people approaching, Ling Zhuo shook his head.

"If I knew it earlier, I would go to practice long-distance running. At least I can run fast."

What should we do now?
No help, just die.

Ling Zhuo closed his eyes.

However, at this time, an alarm sounded.

"time up!"

Ling Zhuo wanted to open his eyes suspiciously, but he felt a trance. When he opened his eyes again, he was lying in a dark train, and beside him were several people who also fell to the ground. , They all fell into a coma and haven't woken up yet.

Except for the people on the ground, Ling Zhuo looked around. On a chair, there was a man with his eyes closed and covered in blood. It was Ling Huohuo who had lost an arm.

"You're awake." A voice sounded behind Ling Zhuo. Ling Zhuo looked back and saw a man in a camouflage uniform leaning on the side of the carriage with his shoulders hugged.

"I can answer your question," said the man.

Ling Zhuo nodded.

"I have a question……"

"Say!" the man nodded.

Ling Zhuo pointed at Ling Huohuo.

"Why is it that the same person who fainted can sit on a chair because he is so prominent?"


(End of this chapter)

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