The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 826 The Qualification Tournament Ends

Chapter 826 The Qualification Tournament Ends (Part [-])
The qualifying rounds are going on in full swing, but in the qualifying rounds, the uncomfortable thing is not that you haven't defeated your opponent, nor is it that your stable win has been overturned by the opponent, but... Those who don't know when they will appear, seem to be everywhere, as if covered with Magic traps throughout the city!
When you are about to solve the opponent, you suddenly step on a magic trap, and then you are successfully turned over by the opponent everywhere. The matter of losing the qualification for the battle.

There are also many magical areas that have been transformed, such as a western restaurant. Once inside, it is difficult to get out.

Those who lost their qualifications for the battle were all sitting in a divided floor, and the atmosphere was a little depressing.

"Damn it, what kind of prodigal thing would engrave magic traps all over the city?"

"Poor me, my magic resistance is too weak!"

"Speak carefully!"


The floor was filled with the sound of cursing at those who set up the magic trap.

Regarding the emergence of these magic traps, everyone's speculations are also different, but the most supportive people are that these magic traps are arranged by the Demon King Army.

It's just... Bi Qiniang!

In a certain space, Eisfeldt and the others watched the picture of the City of Sacrificial Water. Although there are many other cities, the situation in the City of Sacrificial Water is the most chaotic, and the number of staff attrition is also the largest. , all benefited from the easy work of a certain second young master.

"Ace, does the situation in the City of Sacrificial Water need to be stopped?" Besiqi asked.

The number of downsizing is too large, which makes Besiqi feel that it may affect the plan.

"It doesn't matter. Abandoned pieces are nothing more than abandoned pieces. No matter how much you lose, as long as the selected pieces can reach their designated positions on time." Eisfeldt asked.

"Then let's let it go?" Bessie asked curiously.

"No..." Jeffet Rose said suddenly, "His Royal Highness Ling Huohuo's behavior did not affect the development of the matter, and...instead, it will make things in the City of Sacrificial Water go more smoothly."

After thinking about it for a while, Besiqi realized that the more people were cleared, the easier it would be for the City of Water Sacrifice to stand out. It is very likely that City of Water Sacrifice will be the first area to complete their plan.

"Then what about His Highness Ling Huohuo?" Bei Siqi asked.

The target is highlighted, but Ling Huohuo's resistance will also become smaller. What if Ling Huohuo picks the peaches in the end?
"Don't worry..." Eisfeld narrowed his eyes, "We are familiar with cheating."

The corners of Jeffet Rose's mouth curled up, and he looked at Ling Huohuo who was depicting a magic trap in the picture, showing a malicious smile.

Since Esfelt took the lead in beating Ling Huohuo once, Jeffet Rose also let go of the shackles, and he can treat Ling Huohuo more openly.

Bei Siqi blinked her eyes. In his memory, when they went to school together, the two in front of him were the least likely to cheat, because...they were top students!
"Could it be that you copied all your grades back then?" Bei Siqi said in disbelief.

Esfelt: "..."

Jeffet Ross: "..."

Is this off topic?And what does this matter have to do with our achievements in the past?


Ling Huohuo, who was drawing a magic trap on the toilet in the men's room, shuddered, and almost made a mistake in the last stroke, which caused the magic trap to explode early.

Fortunately, practice makes perfect, and there were no accidents in the end.

Ling Huohuo put away his strength, watched the magic trap hide, and then frowned.

There was no problem with the magic trap, but Ling Huohuo was puzzled by the chill just now.

My strength has recovered, but why do I shiver?

Could it be a sequela from before?

Or... is someone thinking about him?
And it's not easy to be able to produce such a big reaction on yourself, it's not easy to think about yourself!

Ling Huohuo slapped his face and shrugged.

"who cares?"

Since what happened last time, Ling Huohuo has a bearish feeling about life and death, and Ling Huohuo can also feel that the power is changing.

Ling Huohuo looked at the back of his left hand, and there seemed to be black and white breath flowing in his veins.

This is the power of the origin of life and death. Having truly experienced life and death, Ling Huohuo's comprehension of the origin of life and death is one step closer. Even if he has not become the agent of the origin, Ling Huohuo is confident that the power of the origin will not Weaker than those real deputies.

Ling Huohuo's own strength is very strong, and the strong must have the privileges of the strong!

For the comprehension of power, the strong can look at it from a more advanced position. The starting point and the speed of progress are much stronger than ordinary people.

"Boss, are you ready?"

"Okay, I'll be right out."

Ling Huohuo yelled and walked out of the bathroom.

"Boss, where are we going next?" Ling Zhuo asked, he was a little excited at this moment.

This kind of thing of laying mines everywhere gave Ling Zhuo a strange sense of excitement, and Ling Zhuo's opponent was also solved by unknown reasons before.

At this time, both Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo had won the qualifying round, and they only needed to stay for a little more than a day before they could enter the next stage of the competition.

"No more, let's find a place to squat." Ling Huohuo said.

"Why?" Ling Zhuo asked with some doubts.

"There are too many traps, which can already attract the attention of others. Someone may track them down. We can't continue to cover people's eyes and ears by setting up traps, and traps have been set up in the main places. It doesn't make sense to set up traps in those marginal areas." Ling Huohuo explained.

"Okay." Ling Zhuo was a little disappointed.

"Arranging the trap was just a temporary idea, and I won't get any benefits. It's better to find a place to lie down and kill the rest of the time." Ling Huohuo said.

Ling Zhuo nodded.

There are some things that Ling Huohuo did not say. At this time, the Demon King Army is most likely to be eyeing him. The Demon King Army must pay attention to the situation in the City of Sacrificial Water. His own arrangement has already brought many variables to this qualifying match. If It would be a bit too much to continue.

To be a human being, the most important thing is to follow the heart.

Ling Huohuo is not going to make this game impossible, because Ling Huohuo is very curious about the reason why the Demon King Army did this.

"Find a place to take a shower and relax."

Ling Zhuo nodded.

When Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo were taking a comfortable bath in a hot spring hotel, the competition also entered a fierce stage.

On the last day, although the battles were not as frequent and chaotic as the previous two days, the strength of both sides had obviously improved.

Those who can endure until the last day are generally not simple characters. No one wants to lose their qualifications, so there must be one party who will take the initiative to attack, and the battle will be more intense.


Just like that, in a trance, when Ling Huohuo got up from the soft big bed, he received the notification to enter the next game.

(End of this chapter)

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