The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 827 Competition, The Powerhouse on the Roof

Chapter 827 Competition, The Powerhouse on the Roof (Part [-])

After a short rest day, the next game starts on the fifth day.

In the final result of the qualifying round, more than 300 people successfully entered the next match, the number of people was less than expected, half of the number of people planned.

Although basically everyone expected that not everyone would just deal with their own opponents honestly, the number of downsizing was still a bit shocking. In the end, everyone attributed the reason to those magic traps.

Magic traps are harmful.


The games that begin on day five are called scrambles.

And the goal of the competition is...the room!
In the three high-rise buildings around the final playing field, there are sixty rooms in each building, a total of 180 rooms. Those who disqualify in the first round will automatically move out of the room, and all the rest need to compete These 180 rooms!

The way to compete for these rooms is to fight.

Everyone has the opportunity to challenge three times, and each person who occupies the room has the right to accept the challenge six times and refuse the challenge four times. Every time the challenger refuses the challenge, he will get a half-hour rest time. The rejected challenge The player does not consume the number of challenges.

If you still do not win the room after three challenges, you will lose the qualification to continue participating in the competition.

After successfully defending six times, they will be officially qualified to enter the next round.

Those who already own the room also have the opportunity to challenge other room owners, also three times.

After all, the configurations of different rooms are different, and the conditions of the rooms on the top floor are better!

The duration of this competition is still three days, and the 180 people who still control the room after three days will officially enter the next round!
Speaking of rooms though...

Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo both have a room, and they are both on the top floor, which are the first and second floors from the top.

Although they moved out because they were afraid of trouble, Ling Huohuo still set up restrictions on the two rooms to guarantee their ownership of the rooms.

These three buildings are so prominent that it is impossible for Ling Huohuo to believe that there is no situation, so he reserved a room for himself and Ling Zhuo, but he did not expect to use it at this time.

"Focus, these two floors are the hardest-hit areas!" Ling Huohuo said to Ling Zhuo.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, not to mention a group of beings with extraordinary power.

At that time, there will definitely be many people attacking the upper two floors, not only those who do not have a room, but also those who already have a room!

In three days, the impact on the third day is still very violent, but it is not necessarily the case for the first two floors, because people who are confident in their own strength will focus on the upper floor at the beginning, and wait until they fail to attack. Will work on the floors below.

After all, the last day is very short, and various changes are likely to occur. The first two are shocks, and the last chance will be stable!
"Then your top floor is the most dangerous area." Ling Zhuo said.

Ling Huohuo nodded. After all, there is only one room on the top floor, and there are only three rooms of the same style on the top floor. That is to say, the people who can occupy three rooms are the top three of all people by default!
"But I am strong, but you are very good!" Ling Huohuo said to Ling Zhuo who was gloating, which made Ling Zhuo's face stiff.

Ling Zhuo just remembered that he was an ordinary person but occupied the room on the top second floor. Isn't this courting death?
"Boss, please bring me!!!" Ling Zhuo hugged Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo patted Ling Zhuo's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I will make you happy when I say I will make you happy, I will guarantee you to survive this game!"


"Of course, I'm very skilled at cheating after all!"

Ling Huohuo smiled.


The buffer period of one day passed quickly.

Finally, ushered in the battle.

Originally, the people who owned the room stayed in their own room, but there were still many vacant rooms. The previous owners of these rooms were those who lost the qualification to continue the competition in the qualifying round.

And those who have already lost their qualifications are surrounded in the distance, this time the battle will be more intense, although they have already lost their qualifications to continue the competition, but this does not affect them to continue watching the show.

Those who don't have a room yet are gearing up outside the three buildings.

At this time, something happened on the top floors of the three buildings.

A person stood on the roof of a building with an arrogance on his face, and the other party also deserved this arrogance. Many people recognized the identity of this person, and there were bursts of exclamations from the crowd. .

And this person's strength turned out to be - the ninth rank!
The well-deserved of them!

Because I don't know when a young woman stood on the roof of the other building, and this woman's strength is also ninth rank!

The identities of these two people are not simple, and they are powerful, and they are the owners of the rooms on the top floors of the two buildings.

At this time, the two stood up, showing their courage to face the challenge and their confidence in their own strength!

At this time, everyone subconsciously looked at the roof of the third building. They all hoped to see the owner of the room on the top floor stand up!

And the owner of this room is Ling Huohuo.

Many people are curious about the owner of this room. The special position of the three buildings made many people search in the three buildings as soon as they entered. For the forbidden room on the top floor , everyone is very curious, especially after the battle begins, everyone wants to see the true face of the top person.

Ling Huohuo looked at the two pretendingly outside the window, and was speechless for a while.

There are so many people here, why are you just jumping around like this?
But after thinking about it for a while, Ling Huohuo also prepared to step onto the rooftop.

Although it is comfortable to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, it is obviously impossible for them to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger at this time. Replacement, if I knew it, I wouldn't choose such a high one.

The battle for contention is about to begin, don't you still have to show up when you face the challenge?Rather than messing with those moths, it's better to finish the fight early and end it sooner.

But before going up, Ling Huohuo also made a phone call with Ling Zhuo, asking Ling Zhuo to behave well, and then Ling Huohuo went up to the rooftop with a chair.

A figure stepped onto the roof, and everyone looked over curiously.

Then, everyone was stunned, and the two strong men on the rooftop frowned.

This person... is a bit too ordinary, right?
In the eyes of others, Ling Huohuo is that kind of very ordinary existence.

In this regard, Ling Huohuo said, it's not that I'm ordinary, but that you can't see through my shining points!

At this time, the battle begins!

(End of this chapter)

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