The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 828 The Lost Art of Martial Arts...

Chapter 828 The Lost Skill in the Martial Arts... (One more)
The scramble begins, and the main area affected is the upper floor.

Especially the very top.

At the very beginning, before the people on the lower floor could act, someone rushed to the upper floor!
Especially the floor where Ling Huohuo was located.

After all, Ling Huohuo seemed easy to deal with.

"Haha, the top floor is mine now." A man laughed and rushed towards Ling Huohuo, wanting to take the lead, defeat Ling Huohuo, and occupy the top floor.

This person is only eighth rank.

Although he knows that he can't keep it, he doesn't want it to last forever, but only wants to have it now.

There are not many people who hold this idea.

Facing the incoming enemy, Ling Huohuo sat on a chair and glanced at him.

The power of black and white is flowing in Ling Huohuo's eyes subtly, making the black and white in Ling Huohuo's eyes more distinct.

"Your time...has passed halfway!"

As if seeing through the opponent's lifespan, Ling Huohuo pronounced the opponent's time.



The person who was watched by Ling Huohuo just fell to the ground, his life and death unknown.

Others who rushed towards Ling Huohuo paused.

The people on the rooftops of the other two buildings had been watching Ling Huohuo's direction, but the sudden change caused their pupils to shrink suddenly.

Ling Huohuo's sign trembled for a while. Ling Huohuo picked up the sign and looked at it. A red "one" appeared on it, which represented a successful defense once. As long as he continued to defend five times, others would not be able to challenge Ling Huohuo.

"It's a lie, that person just now was an actor, right?"

Someone said in disbelief.

"That one just now..." The other two people standing on the roof had lost their smiles and looked serious. Although they were far away, they chatted as if they were beside them.

"I don't know, but..."

"I just saw that person look at each other."

That's right, from the perspective of other people, Ling Huohuo just glanced at that person just now, and then that person rushed to the street.

Who can believe this kind of thing?Who can believe it?
Can eyes really kill now?

That's why some people think that the person who hit the street is an actor.

By the way, such an actor many people want one.

Ling Huohuo tilted his neck, put his head on the back of the chair, and looked at the others.


However, in the face of the weird development just now, many people hesitated.

"I come!"

A European and American man in armor stood up, and the opponent's strength was also at the ninth rank!

It is impossible for Ling Huohuo to treat the ninth level as easily as before.

What Ling Huohuo has comprehended from the origin of life and death allows him to roughly see through a person's life and death, and this kind of seeing through is not without side effects, but the side effects affect the person being seen through.

This is a shock at the level of life.

However, for the existence of the ninth level, whose life level has reached a new level, it is impossible for Ling Huohuo to make the opponent lose the ability to resist so easily with a glance.

This time, Ling Huohuo did not sit calmly on a chair and glared at people, but was finally ready to make a formal move.

Ling Huohuo stood up, clenched his fist, with one finger on his body, and used two long-lost techniques in martial arts.

Lion's Roar + Yiyang Finger = "Come here!"


The big man in Europe and the United States may not have seen that movie, and he took Ling Huohuo's shout as a provocation, so when Ling Huohuo's voice just fell, the big man rushed towards Ling Huohuo with his big sword.

The terrifying energy was condensed on the big sword by the big man.

A sword-shaped attack condensed by illusory energy appeared in the hands of the big man.

"Meet death!"

And Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

The power of life and death circulated faster and faster in Ling Huohuo's body.

At this time, some people with sharp eyes finally noticed the difference in Ling Huohuo——

Although Ling Huohuo's eyes are still black and white, but black and white are distinct, and they shine faintly.

But... what's the use of shining eyes?
Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched nervously the battle between Ling Huohuo and the big man.

The strength of the ninth-level powerhouse, just a casual blow, makes the eighth-level powerhouse flinch.

As the sword in the big man's hand slashed down, like a giant beast in the wild, the air around the building was compressed, the ground collapsed, and mud and rocks flew.

Everyone in the building subconsciously ran out, jumped out of the window, and hid in the distance, for fear of being affected, only Ling Zhuo did not move.

It's not that he doesn't want to run, but that he can't, and it's too late.

"Boss, you need to work harder." Ling Zhuo prayed silently.

And at this time, Ling Huohuo also noticed that the building under his feet was unscathed and motionless under such pressure.

However, no matter what happened to the building, it was Ling Huohuo who was going to be attacked by the big man next. Ling Huohuo could feel that he had been locked by the big man.

Facing the energy giant sword falling from the sky, Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

The wind is so strong, some eyes are blown~

The attack fell like a natural disaster.

The explosion occurred centered on the building where Ling Huohuo was located, and had an impact in all directions.

The ninth-rank powerhouses on the rooftops of the other two buildings controlled the range of the explosion with a wave of their hands, and the explosion could not affect the surrounding area.

The big European and American man was suspended in the air, holding a big sword in his hand, and staring at the rooftop covered in smoke.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the first thing to be exposed was the intact building.

At this time, other people noticed the extraordinaryness of the building, but obviously no one paid too much attention to the building. What everyone really paid attention to was the rooftop!
"do you died?"

Everyone was staring at the rooftop, but the smoke and dust covered their sight, and their perception didn't feel any trace of life activity in the smoke and dust.

The strong European and American brows loosened.

The opponent's life activity is small, and he wins!
So, when the smoke and dust had almost dissipated, the strong man landed on the edge of the roof, waiting for the last smoke and dust to dissipate.

However, some people always feel that things cannot be so simple!
The smoke clears...


Clothes fluttered in the wind.

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

Ling Huohuo's figure appeared in everyone's sight again!

Moreover, Ling Huohuo put his hands in his pockets as before, standing there quietly, as if he had never moved or been attacked.


The first time he saw Ling Huohuo, the strong European and American man raised his sword and rushed towards Ling Huohuo again, slashing with his sword.

However, Ling Huohuo seemed to be strolling in the garden, as if he could predict every attack of the strong man, and avoided the attack of the strong man in advance.

Ling Huohuo's perception ability that transcends the ordinary and can even vaguely sense the future is rarely used in battle, because it will make Ling Huohuo a lot less fun to fight, and facing ninth-level enemies , Ling Huohuo used this power again. After a long time of comprehension, Ling Huohuo is still unable to perfectly sense the distant future, but he has successfully mastered the use of this power, and it is more handy to use it. , has been able to perfectly use this power in battle.

On the contrary, the strong man's move failed, which made the strong man feel very uncomfortable!

Whether it's a skill or an ordinary attack, Ling Huohuo can always dodge it unscathed without making a move, and Ling Huohuo only needs to move his feet simply.

(End of this chapter)

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