Chapter 830 Someone Somewhere (One More)



eiffel tower.

The Eiffel Tower stands on the Champ de Mars. It is not only a world-famous building, but also a symbol of French culture.

At this time, Xiao Yunyun, whom she had not seen for a long time, was standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by crowds of people coming and going.

Although Xiao Yunyun at this time did not look much different from before he left, there was more aura of superiority between his brows.

But Xiao Yunyun was wearing a sea blue long dress, with some small accessories on his head and wrists, which added a bit of cuteness.

Walliver hid his figure and landed beside Xiao Yunyun.

"Xiao Yunyun, what are you doing here?" Hua Lifu was a little puzzled, why Xiao Yunyun didn't go to find Ling Huohuo immediately when she returned to the real world, but she and her friend parted ways down here.

The most important thing is that Walliver is also very eager to let Ling Huohuo clean up the problems in his body.

The corners of Xiao Yunyun's mouth curled up.

"It's been so long since I've been out, it's unreasonable to go back without some presents." Xiao Yunyun said.

"Gift? What's here? Are you going to take this famous tower back?" Walliver looked at the Eiffel Tower curiously.

"What am I going to do with the iron tower? As a lightning rod?"

"You can have this." Walliver nodded seriously.

Xiao Yunyun rolled his eyes.

But Walliver suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"The things here..."

Xiao Yunyun smiled.

"What, did you feel it?"

Walliver looked at Xiao Yunyun.

"The power of God at this time, are you sure?"

"When did I ever make a joke?" Xiao Yunyun asked with a smile.

"However, how did you determine the location? Even if I receive the information flowing in this world, I don't know what's going on here."

Xiao Yunyun raised an arm, and the ornament on her wrist was a bracelet, and on the bracelet were seven small water-blue keys.

"Following the remaining power of the Sea God, as long as we calculate it, we can naturally see the clues." Xiao Yunyun said.

These seven keys are the seven water-blue keys brought out by Xiao Yunyun, Ling Huohuo and Guo Xiaoyu in the palace on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Now, Xiao Yunyun not only successfully unlocked the secrets in the keys, but also used the keys to dig revealed a deeper secret.

The real body of the seven keys is the seven powers created by the sea god. The so-called sea god is the sea god Poseidon among the ancient Greek gods!

Now, with the power of the seven keys, it has become Xiao Yunyun's main weapon.

Hua Lifu looked at Xiao Yunyun, even if it was Xiao Yunyun, he couldn't see through it completely. It didn't just refer to his strength, but his thoughts.

Sometimes, Walliver felt that Xiao Yunyun gave it a feeling of fear.

Back then, Hua Lifu saw that Xiao Yunyun had a lot of small thoughts, but at that time Xiao Yunyun was limited by his strength, and these small thoughts were nothing more than cleverness, but now, with Xiao Yunyun's huge growth, those small thoughts It makes people feel restless and very worried that the other party is calculating themselves.

Hua Lifu also sighed a little, who would have thought that a girl who didn't even have spiritual power in her body had now grown into an existence that made people feel uncomfortable. Even Hua Lifu had to be careful and guard against Xiao Yunyun.

Ling Huohuo doesn't know how to play tricks with Hua Liver, but Xiao Yunyun can plot to kill Hua Liver!

For example, now, Walliver has to do something according to Xiao Yunyun's request.


This is Walliver's evaluation of Xiao Yunyun.

And the existence that can be called a witch by the devil is not the kind of woman who can use magic, but the kind of existence that uses her own power to bring fear!
However, Hua Lifu just thought about these things, and after Ling Huohuo solved the hidden dangers for Hua Lifu according to the contract, Hua Lifu decided to return to the Demon Realm immediately.

The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as my dog's nest. Now that I am in a bad state, it is better to be in the devil world.

Walliver looked around.

"I don't know much about the ancient Greek gods, because the first time I came to this world was already in the era of angels, and I only knew about the ancient Greek gods from legends. What is certain is that the ancient Greek gods are a kind of A very old god, and ancient, often means that it is difficult to control." Walliver told his own understanding.

"Do you really want to master the power of these ancient gods?" Walliver asked Xiao Yunyun.

Xiao Yunyun smiled and shook his head.

"It's not me, it's Ling Huohuo!"

"Huh? You're so sure that Ling Huohuo can control these powers." Hualiver thought of the previous contractor who fished for three days and posted on the net for two days. Apart from being the inheritor of the sword god, Hualiver really couldn't think of it. Find out what's special about him.

"Of course, he is my Xiao Yunyun's man!" Xiao Yunyun said with some pride.

"Eh..." Walliver didn't know what expression to make.

"Then what are you going to do? There are so many people here..." Walliver wisely changed the subject.

The IQ and brain circuit of a woman in love means it can't understand it.

"Why do you care about other people?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"But it will cause confusion, and you will be exposed," Walliver said.

"Heh, don't you think the current world is not chaotic enough?" Xiao Yunyun said with a smile.

Walliver was silent.

Returning to this world, Walliver felt as if he had returned to two worlds.

Because, now, in this world, Transcendents have become apparent, and there has indeed been quite a bit of confusion.

"What's more, do you think I'm afraid of being exposed?" Xiao Yunyun narrowed his eyes.

Today's Xiao Yunyun only knows that she is very strong, but she cannot fully understand how strong she is.

Coming back this time, Xiao Yunyun didn't intend to continue being a little woman standing behind Ling Huohuo.

However, thinking of his own fate, Xiao Yunyun hesitated...

Those who rebel will surely betray their leaders.

To put it simply, it is three words - "Ke Boss"!
Unfortunately, Xiao Yunyun's nominal boss is Ling Huohuo.

Xiao Yunyun guessed that one day he would kick off Ling Huohuo and become the boss of the future city?

Come to think of it, it's a little exciting~
Hmm... The big deal is that when I stand up and become the boss, I turn around and cover Ling Huohuo. We are all a family anyway. Isn't it the same whether the proprietress is the general manager or the boss is the general manager?

But Xiao Yunyun always felt that things were not that simple.

Otherwise, this fate would not be so serious.

In fact, apart from wanting to bring something back for Ling Huohuo, there is another reason why Xiao Yunyun didn't go directly to see Ling Huohuo. It was a psychological reason. Xiao Yunyun didn't know how to deal with Ling Huohuo. fire.

(End of this chapter)

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