The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 831 Miao, my chapter is here!

Chapter 831 Miao, I'm back! (two more)

It's been a long time since I saw him, Xiao Yunyun doesn't know how Ling Huohuo is developing now, whether he is fat or not, whether his strength has increased, but Xiao Yunyun remembers what he did before he came out.

What made Xiao Yunyun feel estranged was the matter about Toyotomi Hideya!

For Toyotomi Xiuya not to be affected by Ling Huohuo's lust fragments, to be honest, Xiao Yunyun was quite surprised. At the beginning, Xiao Yunyun wanted to destroy Fengchen Xiuya's humanity. After all, Fengchen Xiuya was in Ling Huo for this reason. Huohuo has been by Huohuo's side for so long, and he himself has no choice but to accommodate her.

This is unacceptable for any woman, especially Xiao Yunyun is a young lady. Sorry, although she has learned to share, she has never learned to share her man!

However, in the end, Xiao Yunyun thought about her leaving and Toyotomi Hideya's contribution. At that time, she was indeed inferior to Toyotomi Hideya. Compared with herself, Toyotomi Hideya was more suitable to stand in Ling Huo Huo's side.

Between men and women, if you want to get along better, the most important thing is two words - equality!
Even for ordinary couples, with unequal wages, unequal status, and unequal knowledge levels, it is easy for all kinds of things to happen, big and small, and even the two eventually part ways.

However, what Xiao Yunyun had to face was a more serious problem - his man was an extraordinary person, how could he break it?
When Ling Huohuo's strength was low, it was okay to say that at that time, even an extraordinary person did not escape the word "fan".

Xiao Yunyun's family is rich and powerful, so there is no problem with Ling Huohuo, but knowing that Ling Huohuo has reached the stage of transformation, Xiao Yunyun finally realized at that time that he may not be qualified enough!

Ling Huohuo's growth is obvious, and the future is also obvious. With the support of the sword god boss and all kinds of support, Ling Huohuo's future, breaking the void, leaving this world is not difficult, so what about yourself?
But he is still an ordinary person who has not transcended the word "fan".

Later, as the mistress, her subordinates became even stronger. With Ling Huohuo's strength, she could only do management and logistics work.

In the end, it was not that Xiao Yunyun wanted to agree to Feng Chen Xiuya's side by Ling Huohuo's side, but...she was no longer qualified to refuse.

Thousands of years later, Ling Huohuo achieved immortality, but he could only turn into dry bones.

Even if Ling Huohuo helped him grow up, at that time he could only be called a "vase".

Xiao Yunyun didn't want to see that scene, so she made a change, and her goal was - the way the Demon King gained power back then!

In fact, Xiao Yunyun was already prepared for not coming back, and asked Feng Chenxiuya to stay by Ling Huohuo's side, and she hoped that if she couldn't come back, Feng Chen Xiuya could cover up the person who once existed— — Ling Huohuo's first woman!
Xiao Yunyun finally agreed with Toyotomi Hideya.

But only she knows what Xiao Yunyun feels in her heart.

Yin Ya also had the same idea as her.

Facing the increasingly powerful Ling Miao, Yin Ya didn't want to continue to be a vase anymore.

Brothers Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao are really... harmful.

Therefore, the last two decided to go together.

It was impossible for Xiao Yunyun to easily let Yin Ya take the same risks as himself, so Xiao Yunyun was the only one who accepted his fate.

Afterwards, things generally went smoothly.

Xiao Yunyun got what she wanted, and Yin Ya also got what she wanted.

Now, Xiao Yunyun felt that she was no worse than Ling Huohuo in terms of strength, power and other aspects.

Except for her small breasts, Xiao Yunyun felt that she was already worthy of Ling Huohuo.

Well, by the way, Ling Huohuo doesn't simply like being huge.

Xiao Yunyun looked at the sky.

"I don't know if Toyotomi Xiuya took the last step with Ling Huohuo. I heard that it's not good for a man to hold back for too long..."

Withdrawing his thoughts, Xiao Yunyun's eyes fell on the iron tower in front of him.

"Then, the next thing is the last carnival before the comeback!"

Xiao Yunyun waved his hand, and the seven keys collided with each other with a crisp sound.

Water flowed from Xiao Yunyun's feet.

"Appear, Golden Gate!"

The power surged, and exclamations came from the God of War Square.


Huaxia Capital.

It was night in Huaxia Capital at this time.

Future club, cafeteria.

The future club is not special, members eat in the cafeteria unless there is an accident, so many ordinary members can meet rare star members in the cafeteria, and many tabloid reporters also like to sneak into the cafeteria to get some lace news.

After Ling Miao greeted several female members of the club with a smile, she found a corner seat with a plate.

The eyes of many female members lit up, and they wanted to get closer, but at this time, Ouyang Bingbing, the eldest sister of the club, was the first to get across to Ling Miao. Frightened by Ouyang Bingbing's majesty, the girls temporarily gave up their plans.

However, the girls still curled their lips sourly.

"Near the water tower, get the month first!"

On the other side, on Ling Miao's table.

"Thank you." Ling Miao thanked Ouyang Bingbing with a wry smile.

"You're welcome." Ouyang Bingbing nodded, looking at Ling Miao in front of her, who knew that the silly kid picked up by their small studio back then had such an awesome brother?Not only the fate of the studio, but the fate of himself and others has also been changed.

Among other things, Ouyang Bingbing herself was one of the top ten most influential women in China selected this year, which Ouyang Bingbing would never have dared to think about before.

Ling Miao didn't know what Ouyang Bingbing was thinking, but she just sighed a little. Since that awakening, her charm seems to have increased, and it is annoying to be too attractive to the opposite sex now.

"Are you really not considering finding one in the club?" Ouyang Bingbing asked.

To be honest, I have seen many popular boys Ouyang Bingbing, but there are few who don’t go out and mess around, such as Ling Miao, Ouyang Bingbing has never seen a man face so many tortured goblins. A man who can be so clean.

Ling Miao's self-discipline is simply terrifying!
Ling Miao shook her head.

"Sorry, as I said, I already have a girlfriend."

A strange color flashed in Ouyang Bingbing's eyes.

As for Ling Miao's girlfriend, they had only heard about it, even if Ling Miao said so to the outside world, but they had never seen it, nor had they seen Ling Miao send any news to her.

Therefore, many people speculated that Ling Miao's girlfriend might be an excuse to reject other women!

"Then I really want to meet your mysterious girlfriend." Ouyang Bingbing said with a smile.

"There will be a chance, but having said that, the chairman doesn't want to find someone in the studio to help me block guns every day. You are also very troubled. Is there no man you can admire?" Ling Miao changed the subject.

"Speaking of which one is interesting, there is indeed one." Ouyang Bingbing said suddenly.

"Who?" Ling Miao asked curiously.

"Your brother!"

"Huh?" Ling Miao was stunned.

"No matter how you look at it, your second brother is a very suitable person to marry." Ouyang Bingbing said.


"Rich and powerful!"


This reason makes people speechless.

"But my second brother already has a girlfriend."

"It doesn't matter, I can be a young man. These days, powerful men don't have many mistresses and they are too embarrassed to speak up."


Now Ling Miao couldn't understand and could only smile wryly.

"Okay, come on."

"Let's talk about it, your second brother hasn't been here for a long time, he seems to have forgotten us, and there is no chance to do anything." Ouyang Bingbing said with some distress.

Ling Miao couldn't tell whether Ouyang Bingbing was joking or serious.


Oh, woman.

Ling Miao felt that she was not as rich and powerful as her second brother, but she was still so popular. Sure enough, she was still too handsome.

Facing the spoon, Ling Miao admired his handsome face.

At this time, a message came from Ling Miao's cell phone.

When Ling Miao saw the information on the phone clearly, Ling Miao stood up abruptly, showing an expression of disbelief, followed by ecstasy——

"Yin Ya: Miao, I'm back!"

(End of this chapter)

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