The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 832 The Decisive Battle Begins

Chapter 832 The Decisive Battle Begins (Part [-])
Ling Miao rushed out of the cafeteria immediately after reading the text message.

"Ling Miao!" Ouyang Bingbing exclaimed, and then hurriedly followed out. Ouyang Bingbing was very surprised by Ling Miao's sudden change, and immediately chose to follow up to see what happened.

Why did Ling Miao become like this when she received a text message.

Some people who noticed the situation here also followed out curiously.

Ling Miao's high status in the future club, coupled with his good personality and handsome appearance, made Ling Miao one of the most topical and attractive people in the future club.

When everyone caught up with Ling Miao, they found Ling Miao standing at the door.

Everyone looked over curiously.

I saw a lotus-like woman in a white dress standing quietly outside the Future Club, the corners of the woman's skirt were blown by the breeze.

Ling Miao looked at the person in front of her in a daze.

A smile bloomed on Yin Ya's face.

"Miao, I'm back!"

Ling Miao couldn't control herself anymore, rushed out and hugged Yin Ya fiercely.

And Yin Ya also responded to Ling Miao.

"Don't go anymore." Ling Miao whispered in Yin Ya's ear.

"Hmm..." Yin Ya nodded.

As for the other people in the distance, they haven't realized what happened yet.

But those female members of the future club who are interested in Ling Miao feel their hearts are broken.

What does it feel like at this time?
My own pig was caught by someone else's cabbage!
Yes, that's what it feels like to be heartbroken.

And at this time, in a direction that no one could see, the pupils of Ling Miao's eyes suddenly split open. No, it should be said that the colored contact lenses Ling Miao was wearing were broken, revealing a pair of golden pupils!

Today's golden pupils are shining with golden light, which is extraordinarily dazzling.

Some pictures suddenly flashed in Ling Miao's mind...

It was an ugly woman, but Ling Miao couldn't feel any disgust. Instead, she felt that looking at this woman's face made her feel inexplicably at ease, just like Yin Ya in her arms at this time.

Ling Miao got up and grabbed Yin Ya's shoulder.

And Yin Ya also saw Ling Miao's situation clearly, and she was taken aback.

"Miao, your eyes... um~"

However, it was Ling Miao who leaned over and kissed Yin Ya.

Yin Ya was stunned for a moment, then closed her eyes, and responded to Ling Miao, as if the two of them wanted to integrate their bodies into each other's...

I have to say that this mouthful of dog food made the onlookers eat it suddenly and uncomfortable.

In the distance, a man drove the vehicle to start quickly, then got on the road and rushed in a certain direction.

On the co-pilot was a camera, and the man was on the phone over and over while driving.

"Editor, big news, Ling Miao of the future club is doing something... What? Is the news big enough? Is the news about Ling Miao kissing a strange woman in the street big enough?...Don't worry, it's definitely first-hand information, with pictures There is the truth, and I have already thought about the title of tomorrow's headline - "A star player in the future club kisses a mysterious woman in the street, is it a loss of humanity or a loss of morality..."..."

Suddenly, a police car blocked the front of the man's car and forced the man's car to stop. A policeman got off the police car, walked to the man's car, and knocked on the man's window.

The man slid down the window.

"Sir, your car is speeding..."

"Speeding?" The man was taken aback.

The policeman pointed to a traffic sign in the distance.

"In the kindergarten zone, the speed limit is [-]!"

This is not the car to go to kindergarten!


The city of worshiping water.

Ling Huohuo was bored playing games in the room. The battle had been going on for a day. Except for the first two people, no one had challenged him until now.

In fact, it is easy to understand that the big man is still lying dead on the roof. Although some people have realized that killing people here is not allowed, the big man should not be really dead, but who knows what is going on with that big man, not to mention the ninth-level powerhouse. It's someone else, who has the guts to go up and brush the tiger's whiskers?

They are not a family and don't want to be neat!

As for the two ninth-level powerhouses on the top floors of the two buildings, they are indeed worthy of the title of the first few. The man and the woman have also received several challenges, but although the two looked a little tired, they did not lose a round , still standing proudly on the rooftop... Blowing.

Well, that's right, those two strong men were blowing the wind on the roof, they didn't dare to sit in the room and play games in a cool way like Ling Huohuo, even if they were resting, they would stay on the roof.

Although the three people on the top floor have not changed, but from the second floor from the top, there have been changes in personnel, and the changes have been great.

However, Ling Zhuo was still strong on the second floor. He had already accepted the challenges of four opponents and won all of them!

Because of Ling Huohuo's incident first, everyone paid enough attention to Ling Zhuo, an opponent who seemed to be an ordinary person, and only after observing for a long time did someone go up to challenge him.

Then... Ling Zhuo took out a ball of flames.

Are you afraid of the power of the true god?
In this way, Ling Zhuo followed closely behind Ling Huohuo and became the second vigilant enemy.

And it's been a while since anyone has challenged him.

Although some people wanted to get in touch with Ling Zhuo, but with Ling Huohuo's order, everyone else was turned away.

Only Ling Zhuo and Ling Huohuo knew about Ling Zhuo's weight.

If Ling Zhuo really had such strength, he would still be able to make waves, but it's a pity that this strength was borrowed.

Actually, to be specific, Ling Zhuo is cheating, because the power is provided by Ling Huohuo, without Ling Huohuo's permission, Ling Zhuo can't use it even if he got Brahma's power, after all, Ling Zhuo is still a mortal, Today's Ling Zhuo is like a child with a nuclear bomb on his back. The nuclear bomb can explode with just one button.

But this method seems to have been tacitly approved by the Demon King's Army, and Ling Zhuo didn't encounter any trouble.

That's right, if you open it based on your ability, why should you title it?
Three days passed slowly like this.

Then there's the rest of the day.

When Ling Huohuo received the notice to enter the next round, he was playing a game.

"Old irons, hold on, wait until I go to play a game and then come back to the game..."

Get up and open the curtains.

Ling Huohuo looked at the devastated surroundings, only three buildings and the stadium in the center were still intact, as if it was another world, which seemed extremely abrupt.

The sun was shining, and those who successfully won the room stood in their own room and looked at the center of the arena at the same time, feeling very complicated in their hearts.

Obviously, I participated in the rally held by the Demon King Army, but why did I participate in the competition here!

Suddenly, several guiding rays of light appeared, and everyone in the room and those who did not get the room turned into rays of light and fell into the arena...

(End of this chapter)

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