Chapter 833 Jade Pillar (Part [-])
Roar! ! ! !

With the shout, Ling Huohuo opened his eyes.

At this time, there was a huge circular venue. The center of the venue was a venue, and the surrounding area was full of people. Ling Zhuo sat next to Ling Huohuo, and on the other side was the female ninth-rank strongman on the rooftop. On the other side of the female ninth-level powerhouse is the male ninth-level powerhouse who is also on the rooftop.

On the top, there are eight screens, showing the pictures on the battle field.

At this time, a woman in leather clothes appeared in the picture.

After seeing the woman's appearance, Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

He knows this woman!
Xiong Xinxin, Ling Huohuo's colleague at the Chaofan Academy, she was the one who introduced Ling Miao to the Chaofan Academy, but she didn't know her very well. Ling Huohuo didn't expect to see her in this way here.

If there is no accident, she is probably one of the inner ghosts inserted by the Demon King Army in the Extraordinary Academy.

When the Demon King's army attacked the Chaofan Academy, the Chaofan Academy did catch many ghosts, but also many ghosts left first.

Xiong Xinxin is one of them, and the other well-known one is the vice president of the Fragrance Association, Qi Lixiang, who is also an offline of the Demon King Army.

In addition to these two parts, Ling Huohuo also guessed that in fact, among the people he absorbed and accepted, there were also dark men from the Demon King's Army.

However, Ling Huohuo still chose to use these people to manage the future city, and even transferred his own ghosts away.

It's not because Ling Huohuo has a big heart, but because Ling Huohuo feels that, with the power of the Demon King's army, if he wants to invade his future city, it's not difficult to place chess pieces. What's really difficult is his own judgment and choice.

Fear is not Ling Huohuo's style, nor is it Ling Huohuo's way. To put it bluntly, Ling Huohuo's way is the kind of way that knows that there are tigers in the mountains, but prefers to walk on the mountain, and the purpose is to kill the tiger and make soup , but if you haven't hit a tiger, it's another story.

But no matter how the Demon King's army develops the chess pieces, Ling Huohuo himself is the city lord, so his control over the future city is absolute.

Even if it's the Demon King's army doing something.

Ling Huohuo can also forcefully suppress those who cause trouble and clean up the city.

The future city is a technological city, relying on technology and not relying on those who work in the city.

Moreover, today's future city is no longer the foundation of Ling Huohuo, and shaking the future city will not affect Ling Huohuo at all.

And when Ling Huohuo raises the future city to level six, then Ling Huohuo's control over the future city will be even higher.

Although the future city is Ling Huohuo's power, Ling Huohuo itself has lost touch with the future city.

"Maybe it's time for me to make some changes."

At this time, Xiong Xinxin below also started to speak.

"First of all, congratulations to everyone for entering the final battle. Make a note, and I will introduce the final prizes of this competition..."

A table slowly rises from the center of the arena.

The moment the platform appeared, the expressions of all the people present changed.

Because when the platform appeared, they felt that the venue was suddenly filled with water system energy, and the source was on the raised platform.

There is no doubt that there must be a water-type treasure on the table!
And most of the people present have the power of the water system!

The water element treasure is extremely attractive to everyone.

The camera zoomed in, and everyone finally saw the treasure of the water system clearly——

It was a water-blue carved jade pillar.

It is in the shape of a triangular prism, but no one can understand what the patterns on it represent.

Ling Huohuo felt the power of the water system emanating from the triangular prism, and his expression was a little strange.

This kind of water energy makes Ling Huohuo feel very familiar, because—why is it the power of the source of water?

Isn't the source of water in the social turtle?
How could it appear in the hands of the Demon King Army?

Could it be that when he left, the Demon King Army sneaked into the studio and snapped the social turtle?

But that's not right, how did the Demon King Army know that the source of water is with the social turtle?
Someone from the Demon King's Army in the studio?
Ling Huohuo first thought of Tujiji, but soon Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"Perhaps I have fallen into a misunderstanding."

The power of the source of water does not necessarily have to be obtained from the social turtle!
Ling Huohuo still remembers that before he got the source of water, the demon army seemed to have obtained the condensed body of the source of water!

Ling Huohuo felt that he might have guessed the truth about this jade.


Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiong Xinxin. What is the purpose of the Demon King Army?

The body of the source of water is not simple, but it also has a great effect.

And Xiong Xinxin also began to introduce Yuzhu.

"Walter Jade, the supreme treasure of the water system, involves the original power of the water system. Through comprehension, you can go straight to the ninth level, and even get the opportunity to break the void and become a god..."

As for what Xiong Xinxin said later, Ling Huohuo subconsciously ignored it.

Leaving aside the unknown name, Xiong Xinxin's introduction later is true, because with the power of the original source, if it is used for enlightenment, it can indeed greatly improve the power of the water system, and it has a great influence in this world. The opportunity to reach the ninth level, as for the Shattered Void after that, it depends on one's talent and chance.

The last becoming a god and conferring a saint was pure delusion. If becoming a god was really that simple, then Ling Huohuo would have become a god long ago. Of course, it would be easy to call the Japanese incense god, but future growth will not be easy. That's it.

However, Yuzhu has aroused the fighting spirit of everyone on the field.

The final winner can get this jade pillar, and other people will also get different rewards.

Some ninth-level powerhouses are also red-eyed. Although they don't need to feel the power of Yuzhu to make themselves into the ninth level, they can become gods and saints. Who wouldn't want to?

Even the pair of ninth-level powerhouses beside Ling Huohuo were the same.

Ling Huohuo curled his lips, and then hit the back of the head of Ling Zhuo who was also on the other side, who was also full of blood.

"sit down."

"Oh, okay." Ling Zhuo nodded, and then sat down, but his face still had a look of excitement.

"Boss, that is an item that can become a god..."

"Understood." Ling Huohuo pouted, "Then, what then?"

"What then?" Ling Zhuo was taken aback.

"I mean you know that thing can become a god, what do you think afterward?" Ling Huohuo explained.

"Of course I will grab it and become a god!"

Ling Huohuo was speechless for a while.

"Do you think it's that simple?" Ling Huohuo asked back.

"Huh? How do you say that?" asked the ninth-rank female powerhouse on the other side of Ling Huohuo.

The people around Ling Huohuo all pricked up their ears, they all wanted to hear the thoughts of Ling Huohuo, a mysterious strong man.

(End of this chapter)

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