The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 834 Nothing Is Better than Having a Good Ancestor

Chapter 834 Nothing Is Better than Having a Good Ancestor (Part [-])
What Ling Huohuo said is not that simple. Others have ideas and premonitions, but they still want to hear what Ling Huohuo, a mysterious strong man, has to say. advanced.

However, Ling Huohuo didn't say much, he just said what everyone could think of.

"The Demon King's Army is not a boy who spreads money, so there must be some ulterior purpose in doing this." Ling Huohuo said.

As for other people's thoughts, Ling Huohuo doesn't care.

And on the field, Xiong Xinxin has already stepped down, and the next is the official game, and there is nothing to do with her.

In fact, Xiong Xinxin is quite satisfied with her current job.

Although the name of an organization that is obviously a villain is on his head, the treatment of the Demon King Army is really good, and there are vacations and insurance. Because Xiong Xinxin is the first group of people to join the group, the treatment is higher, and the status is also higher. higher.

Xiong Xinxin also cleverly switched to clerical work, and the danger was greatly reduced.

Apart from managing some minor matters, Xiong Xinxin is very idle.

This was hard for Xiong Xinxin to imagine in the past. Maybe it was really because she joined the Demon King's Army and her treatment was so good that she changed from a resolute special soldier to a salted fish.

However, recently, the Demon King Army has also given some special missions to these civil servants, so that Xiong Xinxin finally has something to do. After the game, Xiong Xinxin will turn to do the tasks issued by the Demon King Army.

Now Xiong Xinxin doesn't have much resistance psychologically.

In fact, Xiong Xinxin felt that if the Demon King's Army was a decent organization, she might feel more at ease.

In the Demon King's army, Xiong Xinxin didn't have much revenge. Xiong Xinxin's current plan is to wait until a few years later, when she has enough money, she will find an opportunity to quit her job, and then travel around the world.

That's right, the Demon King Army can resign.

Demon King Army is even more formal than a regular company!

It's just not legal.


After Xiong Xinxin left the field, the rest of the game was completely handed over to the big screen for display. Just now, Xiong Xinxin had announced the rules and competition system of the game, and everyone only needed to play according to the number displayed on the screen.

Match numbers are randomized.

The battle soon began.

Probably for better rewards, neither side held back the slightest.

Fortunately, the venue has a special structure and protection. Even a ninth-level powerhouse can fight with all his strength without worrying about damaging the venue or threatening the audience.

And the feeling for Ling Huohuo is - it's all fucking water!

A group of superhumans who are mostly water-type are fighting, and the power used is naturally all water.

And with these strong water systems, there are also abundant groundwater flows under the ground of the site, which can be used.

However, these battles also allowed Ling Huohuo to see various forces in the world.

Now that the transcendents are exposed, those deeply hidden transcendents are gradually being born.

Those powers that were considered legendary in the past also began to appear continuously.

All in all, this battle was an eye-opener!

But... Ling Zhuo, who was sitting next to Ling Huohuo, looked like he had never seen the world since the beginning of the battle. He yelled from time to time, which made Ling Huohuo very helpless.

The others could only hehe when they looked at Ling Zhuo.

There's no way, who made someone belong to Ling Huohuo, and according to the intelligence, this Ling Zhuo's also very weird!
The battle went quickly.

Soon, it was Ling Huohuo's turn.

Ling Huohuo came on and then came off.

It has to be said that Ling Huohuo has no interest in facing enemies below the ninth rank except instant kills.

Ling Huohuo is not going to win the final championship, because what use does Ling Huohuo want that jade pillar?

The source of the water system is in his own hands, and it is simply tasteless to ask for Yuzhu.

Ling Huohuo will continue to participate, just to see what the final purpose of the Demon King Army is.

Ling Huohuo is not going to let Ling Zhuo win the final victory. According to Ling Huohuo's calculation, he will at least reach the top ten in the end.

Not for anything else, just to brush your face!
Not only the first, but also the top ten people need attention.

Getting acquainted with the top ten people and becoming one of them will help Ling Huohuo get in touch with each other in the future. Maybe through these people, he can get clues about the Demon King's Army.

If Ling Huohuo had no achievements, it would be difficult to get in touch with these people in the future.

As for Ling Huohuo taking the number one position himself, Ling Huohuo thought about it, but he vetoed it.

If he becomes the number one, then maybe the Demon King Army's eyes will fall on Ling Huohuo. This is not good news for Ling Huohuo, and it is not conducive to Ling Huohuo's future investigation of the Demon King Army.

As for Ling Zhuo, although he was supported by Ling Huohuo and had a good relationship with Ling Huohuo, because of this, it is even more impossible for Ling Huohuo to put him in danger.

Ling Huohuo was going to let Ling Zhuo quit before Ling Zhuo entered the top ten.

After all, it was enough for Ling Zhuo to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail. He was actually just the same.

Soon, Ling Miao also played.

It's still the same routine, when a ball of flames goes down, everyone present has to kneel.

Even Ling Huohuo is no exception.

After all, this is the power of a true god!
Although Ling Zhuo is a fake, his strength is real.

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo has already refined these powers. No, it should be said that these powers were given to Ling Huohuo by Fan, and Ling Huohuo possessed these powers. Now, with Fan's departure, Ling Huohuo has become these powers. As for Ling Zhuo, he is only a temporary user.

Ling Huohuo sometimes sighs that no matter how good the talent is, no matter how many opportunities there are, it is not as good as having a good ancestor.

Look at Guo Xiaoyu, son of luck, is he awesome?But he is still far from the true god, and he only got the power of the true god after just walking around in the wild.

If it weren't for the facts, Ling Huohuo couldn't believe that his ancestors were so awesome, it was like a little mother going down the mountain...

Although these powers are easily used by Ling Zhuo, they look very docile, but the rage of these powers is unimaginable to ordinary people. If Ling Huohuo died suddenly, the group's power would inevitably explode out of control. If there is no true god to suppress it, Everyone present must die.

If nothing else, this group of power will definitely be Ling Huohuo's most powerful trick!
Those that are known are called tricks, and those that are not known can be called hole cards.

Ling Huohuo now has a lot of powerful power besides the power inherited from his ancestors.

The divine power of Da Yi in the golden armor, as well as the backing of the Sword God, are extremely strong thighs, but Ling Huohuo has mastered the divine power of Da Yi, but the backing of the Sword God can also pull the tiger's skin. Daqi, according to the attitude of the sword god boss, whether he can help himself seems to depend on his mood.

(End of this chapter)

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