Chapter 836 is quite outstanding (one more)
There is a good saying - Dongma Xiaosan.


Well, there is no such sentence.

The final competition is an elimination system, the loser goes down, the winner goes up, even numbers are one-on-one, and odd numbers have a bye.

All in all, with absolute strength, everything happened naturally. In the midst of the booming trance, the 180-player arena finally reached the final top [-] arena, and Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo took the lead. Two places have been awarded!
The two ninth-rank powerhouses, Erqi and Luo Lin, who communicated with Ling Huohuo more, also managed to fight to the end.

Of the remaining twelve strong, except for Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo, six of the remaining ten are ninth-level powerhouses, three are eighth-level powerhouses, and one is seventh-level powerhouses.

That's right, a seventh-order mixed in among everyone!
First of all, although there are many ninth-orders present, due to various reasons, it is absolutely impossible for twelve ninth-orders to reach the end.

Even among the participants in this competition, there were not even twelve, or even ten, rank nine powerhouses.

Although there are [-]% of the world's strong people gathered here, after all, this world has been abandoned for a long time. The reason why so many ninth-level strong men can appear is because of their deep foundation and someone's intervention. Otherwise, the ninth-level strong in today's battle Probably no more than three, not even one.

The matter of the extraordinary was brought to light, but the world suddenly became chaotic.

But some people have no choice, even those god-level bosses who are planning and even paying attention to this world can't stop it, they can only remedy it.

This matter was provoked by the Demon King Army. Are you tired of working to find trouble with the Demon King Army?

Although the matter of the extraordinary was announced by the extraordinary academy, standing behind the extraordinary academy is Luna, a true god and a big boss!
The most important thing is... I can't afford to mess with it!

Didn't you see that when a demon general encounters the clone of the moon god, he must first show his courtesy and then fight?

Luna was born in this world, and he established the Extraordinary Academy to maintain the stability of this world.

No matter in terms of strength or status, the Moon God is not comparable to ordinary gods, his journey is the sea of ​​stars!

And those who plan the world, or those big bosses, have not completely separated from the world, and there are even some who can only live in the Lost Land or in a certain subspace. Even if they become gods, they are just some The little god is not even comparable to the ancestor Fan of the Linghuo family. After all, when Fan became a god, this world was still an extremely high-level world, not inferior to the demon world or the heaven world. All are, the quality of becoming a god is much higher.

Until later a dragon fell in love with a chrysanthemum...

Closer to home, today's real world would have been in chaos if there hadn't been the Transcendent Academy established by Luna, and the current real world couldn't stand the toss.

However, in the face of the chaotic world, it is impossible for the strong to sit idly by, and the simplest and rude method is to "create the strong"!
Although it is impossible to create a strong man to truly calm the chaos in the world, a strong man can suppress one side. No matter how chaotic it is, it will not exceed a limit. These selected strong men are like stones pressing pickles.

As long as there is no chaos, what if the world goes back to the era of matrilineal clans?

As for the happiness of those ordinary people, what does it have to do with the strong?
It is very easy for those big bosses to forcibly create a superhuman, and it is not too difficult to create a strong person in the metamorphosis state, but it is more difficult to create a ninth-level strong person that the world can accommodate, but it is not impossible to make it if you pay some price .

And these created powerhouses, especially the ninth-level powerhouses, often have some special identities, such as the representative of a certain big boss!

According to Ling Huohuo's observation, Erqi and Rowling are such existences. If nothing else, they should be representatives of a certain god.

However, the potential of this kind of strong person who has been forcibly promoted is basically not high, and the promotion in this life is limited.

However, not everyone can achieve even the ninth level. Even if the potential is sacrificed, the ability to obtain stronger power is already profitable for these people.

The level is different, the pursuit and judgment of things are also different.

In addition to these created strong men, the multiplication of strong men also has the credit of "The Lost World".

However, the greater role of "The Lost World" is similar to opening the path of cultivation for ordinary people, without sacrificing potential. Only those lucky people will gain stronger power while opening the path of cultivation.

As for those strong people that originally existed, there are really only a handful of them, and there are even fewer top ones. After all, in the past, in the real world, fifth-level transcendents could dominate one side, but now, the original ones Those people either adapt to the times and have grown up, or they disappear from the crowd.

But even if the number of strong people has increased, there are still not many strong people in the face of the population base.

And because of the actual situation and various reasons, even the strong ones that are created will have a limit, and it is impossible for the whole people to be extraordinary.

This is why even though there are so many powerhouses, there are still not many powerhouses of the ninth rank, not even ten. Therefore, there will be powerhouses of the eighth rank among the twelve people.

Compared with the ninth-level powerhouses, the number of eighth-level powerhouses is much more.

However, at this time, among the many powerhouses of the eighth rank, a person of the seventh rank came out and snatched one of the twelve positions.

That's what stands out.

Even the big screen above gave the other party a close-up.

"Yi Han: Level 23, [-] years old, northerner, ability to control the power of water, weapon is a blue gourd, debuted three years ago..."

Ling Huohuo got a piece of information about Yi Han, and it was Rowling who provided the information.

I don't know what Rowling's plan is to provide Ling Huohuo with this information, not only about Yi Han, but also the detailed information of the remaining ten people except Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo, even including herself !
The meaning of goodwill is self-evident.

As for Rowling's purpose, Ling Huohuo didn't know, but she still accepted the information.

The last 12-man game was postponed for one day to give everyone a chance to rest, which also made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

The successive battles are really unbearable, even in the last game, many players played with injuries.

You know, because the venue is so good, many people shot with all their strength!

This venue can even support a ninth-order powerhouse to fight with all his strength!
Although it is impossible for everyone to fully recover after a day's rest, it can relieve the spirit and adjust the state of the battle afterward.

(End of this chapter)

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