The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 837 Krypton Gold Players Just Ask You Are You Afraid

Chapter 837 Krypton Gold Players Just Ask If You Are Afraid (Part [-])

The clock ticks and the final day of battle is finally here!

12 people, decide a champion!
Still familiar with the power of attracting and attracting, everyone entered the venue again, but the difference was that this time, Ling Huohuo and the 12 of them all sat on the [-] seats suspended in the air. Save face, but the others below can only look up to Ling Huohuo and the others.

Ling Huohuo didn't feel anything, but the others couldn't hold back anymore.

Erqi and Rowling also looked a little excited. Although they didn't show anything on the surface, they were putting on airs, and so were the others.

But the exceptions were not only Ling Huohuo, but also Ling Zhuo and the prominent Yi Han.

Ling Zhuo sat on the chair very seriously at this moment.

The people sitting in the chairs are looking at other people, because these people are their opponents!

But when they saw Ling Zhuo's appearance, they were a little puzzled.

Why does this person look nervous?
Yes, it is nervous.

At this moment, Ling Zhuo's thoughts were probably——sitting so high, without protective measures, what if he fell?Scared me to death!
Ling Huohuo looked at Ling Zhuo's cautious look, and it was a little funny, this unlucky boy, who knew that the Demon King Army played such a trick.

But Ling Huohuo didn't laugh out loud in the end, but supported his head and looked at another person who looked different from the others - Yi Han.

At this time, Yi Han was sitting on his chair drinking some kind of liquid from the blue gourd, looking chic and at ease, the liquid in the gourd smelled like a very high-grade wine.

Ling Huohuo's eyes fell on the blue gourd in Yi Han's hand.

Suddenly, Yi Han paused, as if he noticed Ling Huohuo's gaze, and followed Ling Huohuo's gaze to see his own gourd.

Yi Han smiled.

"Senior Ling, if you don't dislike it, I can give you some good wine. It's a great pleasure to share such good wine with others."

Ling Huohuo's strength is unfathomable in the eyes of others, so Yi Han didn't feel anything wrong when he called Ling Huohuo a senior.

However, facing Yi Han's kindness, Ling Huohuo shook his head with a serious expression.

"Don't drink and drive, and don't drink while driving. A glass of wine on the table will make you sad about parting at the end of the wheel."

Yi Han: "..."

other people:"……"

Why are you still driving?

"Senior Ling is really in a good mood, even driving by himself." Rowling's expression on her face reluctantly echoed, because she wanted to build a good relationship with Ling Huohuo, so Rowling felt that she had to find opportunities to spend more time with Ling Huohuo. There is a sense of presence in front of you.

"I can't help it. It's a little electric donkey. It's too much to find a driver." Ling Huohuo sighed.


What is the trick at this time?
Others felt that they didn't know how to pick it up, and Rowling's expression became even more reluctant.

However, at this time, Ling Huohuo handed Yi Han an empty bottle.

"This is..." Yi Han looked at Ling Huohuo suspiciously.

"Fill it up, I'll take it back to drink." Ling Huohuo said as a matter of course.

I have never seen such a brazen person!
The others all complained in their hearts.

Yi Han, on the other hand, looked at the words "Nongfu Sanquan" on the bottle and got into a mess.

Isn't it too cheap to bottle your own fine wine in such a bottle?
After simple preparations, the battle began.

It is still the rule that the winner goes up and the loser goes down. In the end, the top three will be determined, and then the top three will fight each other to determine the final winner.

To Ling Huohuo's surprise, the first match turned out to be him and Ling Zhuo.

This battle match is very interesting.

Ling Zhuo looked at Ling Huohuo with his hands in his pockets in front of him, and smacked his mouth.

"I surrender!"

Ling Zhuo raised his hand.

The audience was in an uproar, but for the strong man above, this scene was reasonable.

Because everyone can see that this Ling Zhuo is like a younger brother by Ling Huohuo's side.

I just don't know if they are really brothers because they both have the surname Ling.

However, there are also some people who are a little lucky. Now that Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo are in a civil war, Ling Zhuo has surrendered and lost the qualification to continue participating in the competition. This is undoubtedly good news, and he has a greater chance of proving himself as a leader. , The hanging heart let go.

Nima, so high, I was scared to death, and finally fell down.

But Ling Huohuo is still sitting in a high position.

Ling Zhuo's flame is very strange, so it is scary, and no one else has the confidence to follow it.

What about water conquering fire?But who can tell me what kind of fire Ling Zhuo used?

Moreover, in this water system battle, Ling Zhuo, who used fire, appeared, and he was quite outstanding, not weaker than Yi Han, a seventh-level person.

Ling Zhuo conceded defeat, his chair fell to the ground, but Ling Zhuo finally let out a sigh of relief
Then it's the turns of the others.

Everyone fought fiercely. In the end, apart from Ling Huohuo, Erqi, Luo Lin, and two other ninth-level powerhouses won.

At this time, no one has won, and the last person is still short.

And the last battle was between Yi Han and an opponent of the eighth rank.

For this battle, everyone is very concerned and watching the field.

This battle, either Yi Han loses, or Yi Han wins, two different endings, everyone's views on Yi Han will also go in two directions.

"Senior Ling, who do you think will win in the end?" Rowling asked Ling Huohuo curiously.

The winners also looked at Ling Huohuo.

They really couldn't see anything about the following battles. After all, Yi Han's ability to enter the top [-] at the seventh level explained a lot of problems in itself.

Ling Huohuo still held his head up.

"Easy cold."

At this time, Ling Huohuo gave the answer.

The eyes of the other four ninth-rank powerhouses trembled.

Will Yi Han of the seventh rank win?

Something...something is wrong.

No one wanted to jump out and ridicule Ling Huohuo for not being able to see the situation clearly. After all, theoretically speaking, being one step behind represents a huge gap in strength, especially when the level is high.

However, Ling Huohuo's strength is also there, this is the existence of a ninth-level powerhouse!

You can't just talk nonsense, right?

"Then I wonder if senior can tell the reason?" Erqi asked seriously.

Off the court, Yi Han had already fought against the opponent of the eighth rank, and the situation of instant kill did not appear, but Yi Han fought the opponent vigorously.

Ling Huohuo also spoke slowly, and said, "Because he stands out."

What the hell reason?

The others were a little messy for a while.

Luo Lin suddenly noticed that Ling Huohuo was looking at Yi Han with deep eyes, especially at the gourd on Yi Han's waist.

Is there something wrong with that gourd?
Rowling pondered.

If Ling Huohuo knew that Rowling had noticed this, he would definitely give Rowling a thumbs up and sigh "A woman's intuition".

As for Yi Han's problem...

With an artifact in hand, he is a krypton gold player.

As the saying goes, non-chiefs are afraid of Ouhuang, but Ouhuang is afraid of krypton gold!
By the way, the former Ling Zhuo can also be counted as a krypton gold player, but he met the GM number Ling Huohuo.

(End of this chapter)

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