The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 838 Even When Jesus Comes, It Can’t Be Changed

Chapter 838 Even if Jesus Comes, It Can’t Be Changed (Part [-])
The gourd in Yi Han's hand, after Ling Huohuo's observation, if nothing else happens, it is indeed a divine weapon, and it is a very advanced one!

If you compare it, in Ling Huohuo's hands, the comparable items are Da Yi's golden arrow and the Void Sage's dagger.

And Sword God's "Sword Code" is definitely more advanced.

Eight hundred is not as good as eight hundred, and eight hundred has not yet become a magic weapon.

Today's Rogier is on par with Yabai, although Rogier was born late, but it is Ling Huohuo's weapon, and the blessings he received made Rogier a weapon that can catch up with Yabai.

However, if you insist on comparison, Yabai will still beat Rogier. After all, Yabai's real master is the sword god, and Yabai's qualifications are actually very high, even if it is a mass-produced product.

As long as Babai doesn't commit suicide, even the devil will give him face.

This is the benefit of having a boss behind you.

Well, it can be done to the extent that as long as Babai doesn't move, the devil will not care about it. If Babai wants to go up and stab the devil, then it's another story.

Closer to home, in a word, with this gourd, Yi Han can push everyone across the board.

Even if you want to use a powerful weapon, you must reach that level, otherwise you will only be dragged down.

However, according to Ling Huohuo's observation, this Yi Han somehow managed to control most of the power of this gourd!
Ling Huohuo suspected that Yi Han might not be on the same channel as the others. He was playing on a private server, right?The dragon-slaying sword is the kind that can be given away by clicking.

Summary: Yi Han is a werewolf!
(This sentence is not wrong)
Not surprisingly, among the six finalists, in addition to Ling Huohuo and four ninth-level powerhouses, there was also a seventh-level Yi Han.

This time, Yi Han stood out even more.

But the matter is not over yet, today there will be two rounds of competition to determine the final three.

Ling Huohuo was still the first to play.

This time Ling Huohuo was facing a ninth-rank powerhouse, not Erqi and Luo Lin.

Looking at the ninth-level powerhouse in front of him, Ling Huohuo said three words——

"Street basher!"

Ninth-rank powerhouse: "..."

Then this ninth-level powerhouse hit the street, and Ling Huohuo successfully entered the top three.

However, others have a different attitude towards Ling Huohuo's strength - serious!
Ling Huohuo's strength has surpassed many people's imagination.

Ling Huohuo and them are no longer in the same dimension of strength.

Yi Han tightened the gourd in his hand, even with the help of the gourd, he didn't think he was sure of victory, probably... [-]-[-].

However, Yi Han's eyes showed fighting intent. He came here not purely for the final reward, but more for the purpose of fighting more powerful people.

Although Yi Han's strength has reached a new height with the help of the gourd, Xiao He is the one who succeeds, and Xiao He is the one who loses. Because of the gourd, Yi Han lacks fighting and pressure, and his strength rises very slowly, but the gourd is Yi Han's life. It is impossible for Yi Han to abandon the gourd.

Sure enough, Yi Han was not disappointed here, and there were indeed many strong players who could stand at one place, but they were still a little worse.

Now, Yi Han set his sights on Ling Huohuo, thinking that Ling Huohuo might let him stand for a while.

The next battle arrangement is Erqi vs. Rowling, and Yi Han vs. another ninth-rank powerhouse.

In the end, Erqi slightly beat Rowling by one trick, and Yi Han again unbelievably defeated the ninth-rank powerhouse.

The final champion will be decided among Ling Huohuo, Er Qi and Yi Han.

The rest of the day passed quickly, and finally, it was the final.

It was still the same arena, but at this time there were only three chairs floating above it!
And this final game also made others even more excited.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, and the strongest often attracts people's attention.

What surprised Ling Huohuo this time was that Er Qi and Yi Han were the first to play this time, not him.

Er Qi and Yi Han stand opposite each other, but they are actually tit for tat.

Erqi's expression is very serious, even if Yi Han has many peculiarities, he doesn't have any fear, this is his pride, the pride of a ninth-level powerhouse!

"I will be the winner in the end, and it won't change even if Jesus comes, I said it!" Er Qi said in a deep voice.

Yi Han: "..."


Yi Han just picked up the gourd in his hand silently, the meaning is self-evident——

Let's pretend!
The battle is imminent!
In the blink of an eye, the two passed by.

"What just happened?"

"How many moves did the two fight?"

"So strong!"


Er Qi and Yi Han kept fighting, spiraling into the sky, standing in the air, facing each other.

The blue gourd floated on Yi Han's chest, showing mysterious dark golden lines.

Er Qi also frowned, with a serious face, and a jade flute appeared in his hand.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, this jade flute has never been used before Erqi, but Ling Huohuo can tell that this jade flute is also inextricably linked with God, but...

"It's still a bit short." Ling Huohuo sighed in a low voice.

Terrifying water energy surged on the field, and the field seemed to be in an endless sea.

The onlookers stopped shouting, feeling a little terrified.

If it weren't for the protective power of the arena, they believed that the aftermath of the battle alone would have smashed them to pieces.

Only those ninth-level powerhouses can remain calm, but they still understand that although they don't want to admit it, there is indeed a gap between themselves and others and these two people.

Ling Zhuo opened his mouth, watching the vast scene in front of him.

"Handsome, this special effect is definitely more than fifty cents!"

There is no way, as the only ordinary person, a bumpkin in the arena, Ling Zhuo sees problems from a very different angle from others.

Er Qi: "Congeal water into stars, the vast sea of ​​stars!"

Yi Han: "Tianlan has no intention, a mysterious machine!"

The two forces collided, covering the sky and the sun, and the stars moved, just like the fusion of the world's oceans.

In Ling Huohuo's position, the off-court situation was different when watching, but it was still amazing.

Ling Huohuo could tell that both sides were serious about fighting with all their might, fighting without holding back.

This battle forced any previous battle to be more desperate and more dangerous.

Er Qi and Yi Han used everything else that could be used except that they didn't have Burning Life.

Finally, the battle came to an end...

Er Qi and Yi Han stood facing each other, but at this moment they were in a mess.

The transition from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet makes the atmosphere more tense.

"In the end... who wins and who loses?"

Someone asked suspiciously.

One person fell to the ground, and the person who fell to the ground was... Er Qi.

The winner, Yi Han!

The whole audience was boiling, even if Yi Han was only at the seventh level, the battle just now made everyone agree with Yi Han's strength!

The winner gets cheers!
Yi Han, on the other hand, looked up at Ling Huohuo who was sitting high on the chair, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

Ling Huohuo's mouth curled into a smile.

"Yi Han, not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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