Chapter 839 The Contest Ends (Part [-])
In the final finals, the rest time is not fixed, because there will be a debate, so both sides can recover to the peak state and then proceed to the state. The Demon King Army even provided resources for recovery. The effect is powerful. At this time, respect for the strong.

Time passed, and soon, Er Qi returned to his peak state.

And the next battle was between Ling Huohuo and Erqi.

If Ling Huohuo wins, Ling Huohuo will have a final battle with Yi Han, and Erqi can only get the third place.

If Ling Huohuo is defeated, then the battle is over, Ling Huohuo is third, Erqi is second, and Yi Han is first.

This time, it was Ling Huohuo and Erqi's turn to stand on the field, while Yi Han sat on a chair.

Erqi didn't hide, and when facing Ling Huohuo, he put on a serious look, holding the jade flute in his hand.

Looking at the jade flute in Erqi's hand, an illusory golden shadow appeared beside Ling Huohuo, making it hard to see clearly.

Faced with Ling Huohuo's changes, everyone became serious.

They know very little about Ling Huohuo's people, because Ling Huohuo doesn't do much, and everyone doesn't know much about Ling Huohuo's strength. Now Ling Huohuo has a special action, which naturally attracts people Notice.

"Please give me more advice!" Er Qi nodded to Ling Huohuo.

Er Qi found that even though he was holding the jade flute in his hand, there was still a kind of pressure in the face of Ling Huohuo, which made Er Qi's mind sink.

You may overturn yourself!

However, Erqi is still not afraid. If he is afraid because of these things, he will not be able to reach the height he is today.

Not only Ling Huohuo's strength, but also many people don't know about Ling Huohuo's identity. Therefore, compared to the battle between Erqi and Yi Han, the battle between Erqi and Ling Huohuo is more curious.

Perhaps, after this battle, the outcome will be determined.

When the notification that the battle started appeared, Er Qi moved.

"Congeal water into stars, the vast sea of ​​stars!"

When he came up, he opened up the big game, and he was talking about people like Er Qi.

On the other hand, Ling Huohuo twisted his neck and made a gesture of bending a bow and shooting an arrow.

The power of the water system condensed on Ling Huohuo's body instantly, but compared to Er Qi's vastness, Ling Huohuo's side was hidden and undisclosed.

A golden longbow appeared in Ling Huohuo's hand, and on the bow was a golden and blue arrow.

Everyone stared nervously at Ling Huohuo.

Although Ling Huohuo didn't seem to have anything special about him, no one dared to underestimate Ling Huohuo.

Yi Han's gourd also trembled twice, which made Yi Han's expression more serious.

"You may die with my arrow." Ling Huohuo said in a clear voice.

"Do you mean that you can kill me instantly?" Er Qi's voice was a little low.

Ling Huohuo didn't answer directly, but smiled.

"Are you ready?"


Everyone is a little confused.

Then, Ling Huohuo let go of the hand holding the bowstring.

Arrow shoots.

Unlike what he imagined, there was no massive collision, the arrow just passed by Er Qi's body, and then dissipated.

Everyone looked dumbfounded.

Just... what happened?
Are you kidding me now?
Then, with a thud, Erqi fell to the ground, and the power of the water system dissipated.

This made everyone's eyes widen in disbelief.

Ling Huohuo stood up, and the longbow dissipated in his hand.

Ling Huohuo didn't kill Er Qi, but it was inevitable to lie down for a while.

Da Yi's divine power, the power of life and death, plus the water power added by Ling Huohuo for polishing, this is the real body of the arrow just now.

With the comprehension of power and the comprehension of the origin of life and death, Ling Huohuo's power has now entered another level, and it is still possible to bully these people.

But... still not enough!
Looking at Erqi to the end and the sign of his victory displayed above, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt a little dull.

Everything ended so quickly that no one could react, the field was silent, and Yi Han stood up in shock.

If Erqi hadn't been sent to the emergency department, everyone would almost have thought it was a fake beating.

Ling Huohuo raised his head and met Yi Han's gaze.

At this moment, Yi Han's eyes were full of disbelief.

The enemy he tried his best was killed by Ling Huohuo in a flash?
You TM are the protagonist of the invincible flow!

Yi Han was about to question him aloud.

Yi Han panted violently, and for a moment, he felt an unbearable pressure on Ling Huohuo's body.

Looking at Yi Han, Ling Huohuo raised his lips.

"I hope you don't go astray." Ling Huohuo said pointedly.

"What?" Yi Han was taken aback.

"I give up the next game." Ling Huohuo said.

There was an uproar.

"No.1: Yihan!"

"No.2: Ling Huo Huo!"

"No.3: Twenty Seven!"

"Please receive your reward!"

As soon as Ling Huohuo finished speaking, the final ranking was displayed on the monitor.

Randomly, two balls of light appeared in front of Ling Huohuo and Yi Han.

Ling Huohuo turned on the light ball.

A cheat book appeared in front of Ling Huohuo - "The Dafa of Irrigation"!
Ling Huohuo couldn't complain, what kind of name is this?

But Ling Huohuo still put away the cheats.

"Why?" Yi Han questioned Ling Huohuo, even if it was his reward, he didn't bother to take it.

"Why did you give up the game? Is it the victory given to me at this time?" Yi Han's face turned cold.

Ling Huohuo shrugged.

"Who knows?"

In fact, the reason why Ling Huohuo chose Qisai was not only because Ling Huohuo didn't think it was interesting, but also because of the Demon King's Army. , something bad will definitely happen.

Ling Huohuo is more trusting in fate now, and that feeling is probably a warning from the Demon King's Army to him.

In the mysterious space, Esfelt, Jeffet Ross and Besiqi watched Ling Huohuo's situation.

Eisfeldt nodded in satisfaction with Ling Huohuo's choice.

"Okay, Bessie, put away the whip and dripping wax."

"Cut, it's boring."

Bei Siqi put away the leather whip and dripping wax in her hand.

"His Royal Highness Ling Huohuo's perception is a little sharp." Jeffet Ross said.

"Well, that's not bad." Esfeld commented.


Ling Huohuo felt his body relax inexplicably.

Shaking his head, Ling Huohuo looked at Ling Zhuo in the distance.

"Ling Zhuo, let's go."

"Okay, boss."

Ling Zhuo also had a reward, which was a piece of blue spar. Ling Zhuo couldn't see anything special, but he still put it away. After hearing Ling Huohuo's words, Ling Zhuo hurried to Ling Huohuo.

The guiding light appeared again, covering everyone.

"I will defeat you in a dignified manner in the future!" Before leaving, Yi Han's voice came from Ling Huohuo's ear.

Ling Huohuo waved his hand.

"Remember to bring your own cement."

(End of this chapter)

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