The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 843 The spring breeze in the tassel tent is warm, and the amber in the cup is thick

Chapter 843 The Spring Breeze Inside the Tassel Tent Is Warm, and the Amber in the Hebei Cup Is Thick (Part [-])

Coincidentally, this battle, Ding Ning and Lynch entered a battlefield - the relic of life and death.

The Ruins of Life and Death and the City of Sacrificial Water had the same competition system.

What they didn't expect was that they met Lawrence again here!

By the way, the intelligence exchanged by everyone back shows that their experience process is the same as that of Ling Huohuo.

The first level is the first to enter the lawless place.

However, the difference is that after some comparison, Ling Huohuo found that the lawless place he entered was the most difficult.

The others left after finishing the two enemies, and there was only the space between themselves and Ling Zhuo. Not only did they fight several enemies, but there was also a wave of team battles at the end.

Others would think that this might be due to luck, but Ling Huohuo was very sure that this was the demon king's army targeting him!
This is public revenge!

In fact, if you have to say it, Ling Huohuo, the enemy, came to participate in the match of the Demon King Army, and the Demon King Army didn't directly stumble and kill Ling Huohuo.

But this still made Ling Huohuo feel stuffy.

However, the difficulty of the subsequent battles is not much different.

Ding Ning, Lynch and Lawrence did not win the championship on their side of the field, but they still gained something.


"Lawrence, how are you doing recently?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

Facing Ling Huohuo, Ding Ning and Lynch, Lawrence put away his former aloofness and put on a gentle smile on his face.

At this time, there were only Ling Huohuo, Ding Ning, Lynch and Lawrence in the room.

It's been a long time since they saw each other, which made the four of them feel a little bit emotional. They never thought that they would meet in this way at this very moment.

When the four of them were in school, they all lived an ordinary life, playing around and living a carefree life.

But now, after many years, the four of them have experienced a lot and grown up a lot. Their hands have been stained with the blood of the enemy, and they have embarked on different but equally extraordinary paths.

However, although the beauty of the past will never come back, the four of them will always remember it.

The four people who once worked so hard for the exam are now facing more complicated things.

I hope that when the four meet again, they can come up with a satisfactory answer!

After sending Lawrence away, the three of Ling Huohuo were a little bit embarrassed.

Ling Huohuo had to admit that the current Lawrence is indeed strange.

"Okay... are you all ready?"

Ling Huohuo turned her head and looked at the person behind her——

Wearing a long white dress, Ding Ning looked fresh.

Lynch, who was wearing a white suit, was filled with light.

Toyotomi Hideya, who looked like a little woman, was wearing a kimono, and Hongshuang, who was also wearing a kimono, was standing beside her, while Yu Yihu was standing beside them in a cool sailor uniform.

Wearing maid Mai Shiranui, even the maid's clothes can't hide the stalwart of her chest.

The opposite is Rogier, who is eating pancakes and looking proud, um, very rich, an airport.

Sitting next to Rogier was the Gothic Dean Loli who was holding a small umbrella. At this time, she was looking at Rogier with "love" like an older sister. Well, she also owns an airport.

The relationship between Pu Xiaoyue and Du Xiaoxue became close at some point, and they were wearing casual clothes and looking at Ling Huohuo.

Molong hugged her shoulders and closed her eyes to rest. She was very satisfied with the battle she experienced here.

Happy gnawed at the dragon's feet on a bone he didn't know where he got it.

Ling Zhuo was frowning and flipping through a cheat book. Ling Zhuo had worked very hard in studying "The Dafa of Irrigation", and after Ling Huohuo's appraisal, "The Dafa of Irrigation" was a very high-level exercise.

The combination of the three primary colors of magical girls - An Li, Zhao Wanting, and Zhang Xiaoyu, the three of them also changed into their usual costumes.

They were happy to be able to come out alive.

When they go back and pay their jobs, a good life of promotion and salary increase is waiting for them.

Ling Huohuo looked at the eight hundred behind him again, and smiled.

"Everyone, let's go back!"


Still go back by subway.

Ling Huohuo and his team returned to the long-lost studio, which remained the same.

The combination of the three primary colors has returned to life.

Ling Zhuo also went home for the time being. Ding Ning will help him deal with the aftermath of his disappearance for so long. As for the affairs in his home, he needs to go back and find a reason to explain. Fortunately, Ling Zhuo's hair color and pupil color have recovered.

Closing the door of the studio seemed to completely cut off the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

Ling Huohuo nestled on the sofa, rubbing her neck comfortably.

"It's still reassuring here." Ling Huohuo sighed.


Back in the studio, Ling Huohuo didn't play the game directly.

Although I didn't go out for a long time this time, I have experienced a lot of things, and the receipt of goods is also remarkable.

Ling Huohuo took a shower, returned to her room early, and lay on the bed.

The sky and the earth are big, it is better to sleep the biggest.

Soon, Ling Huohuo fell asleep.

However, when he fell asleep, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt his body sink.

"Huh? Someone?"

Ling Huohuo was awakened immediately, but he didn't open his eyes.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo was surprised to find that he was unable to release his perception to detect the other party's situation.

The other party blocked his perception!

Ling Huohuo's mind faltered.

Ling Huohuo felt itchy on his face, and a familiar scent entered his nose, and, judging by weight and touch...

Night raid?

The first thing Ling Huohuo thought of was Toyotomi Hideya.

Because she is the most likely to attack at night, but the quality of her body is obviously wrong.

Light, small, absolutely impossible to be Toyotomi Hideya, because Toyotomi Hideya has at least a D, and the quality is much heavier.

However, the girl who can shield her own perception and is lighter, in the studio...

Well, Ling Huohuo couldn't think of a possible person.

Although the other party is very light, it is still not as good as Rogier or Dean Lori.

The weight is like that of Gabriel and the others, but it is impossible for them to be able to block their perception.

And when the other party came to him, he realized that the other party's strength was not weaker than his own.

When Ling Huohuo felt that the other party was picking up his clothes with one hand and his pants with the other hand, Ling Huohuo couldn't put it on anymore, and opened his eyes for the first time, and then Ling Huohuo was I was taken aback.

A familiar person appeared in front of him.

Ling Huohuo looked at the girl on her body in disbelief.

"You are, when..."

However, the other party responded with a kiss.

The opponent's two hands climbed onto Ling Huohuo's neck, and rubbed his body against Ling Huohuo's.

"Love me~"

If you still hesitate to face the land of your own home, then you are not a man.

Ling Huohuo responded in a deep voice, then turned over, and the sound of rustling and panting came out.

At some point, the light in the room became darker, and the moonlight also quietly disappeared.

The spring breeze is warm in the tassel tent, and the amber in the cup is thick.

 The first six-shift outbreak during the [-]th holiday is expected tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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