The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 844 The Extraordinary Association and the Eight Pillar King and Sister

Chapter 844 The Extraordinary Association and the Eight Pillar King and His Sister (Part [-])
The spring night is short and the day is high, and since then the king will not go to court early.

This is the situation in Yaotian Moren's studio now.

As the leader and founder of the studio, Ling Huohuo, no one has seen him for a week.

Fortunately, Ding Ning is still leading the studio.

As for where Ling Huohuo went.

The doorman, the elder of the Demon Race, said that Ling Huohuo had gone out for his honeymoon.

And within a week, a list quietly appeared in the whole world——

"Eight Pillar King!"

The Eight Pillar Kings represent the eight top powerhouses and are named after the eight origins.

As soon as the list came out, the world was in an uproar. Many people found out about the match of the Demon King's Army. Some people knew the power of the Demon King's Army and chose to remain silent, while some jumped out.

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, eight so-called "strongest" appeared on his head. Naturally, he refused to accept it, went to challenge him, and then naturally rushed to the street.

The Eight Pillar Kings did not disappoint. So far, no one has been able to defeat them. They seem to be the strongest, and they deserve their name.

However, according to gossip, it is said that the strongest of the Pillar of Water is not because he is the only Pillar King of the seventh rank, but also because some contestants said that the person ranked second is stronger than him, but the two sides did not fight in the end , Because that person gave up the game for some unknown reason, some people suspected that there was an inside story.

But no one came out to explain.

Not only the extraordinary people pay attention to this matter, but ordinary people also pay attention to this matter. After all, now, as the extraordinary people come to the fore, the number of extraordinary people has increased, and the extraordinary people have gradually become the mainstream of the world.

The more people who pay attention, the more voices there will be.

All kinds of speeches began to appear.

However, after the Demon King's Army personally took action to eliminate some discordant voices, the situation of the whole world went on another track in just one week. To sum it up——

The people are extraordinary!

Although there are still many ordinary people in the world, and ordinary people form the foundation of society, extraordinary people have already become the leaders of the world.

Immediately afterwards, the Demon King's Army promulgated many public regulations concerning extraordinary people and ordinary people. The most important core idea is——

Ordinary people and superhumans have equal status and cannot oppress each other, otherwise they will be severely punished.

Under the high pressure of the Demon King's army, the world has entered a rare stability.

In a week, the world changed drastically.

The Demon King Army has become the topmost existence, arranging the rules of the entire world.

The world has established the Association of the Extraordinary, and the extraordinary must report to the Association of the Extraordinary, and can receive various benefits according to their strength, and have this kind of treatment.

The Eight Pillar Kings have become the eight strongest men in the stable world. They are a symbol of strength, but they have no fixed territory division, but they have great power.

At that time, the top 12 people in the eight battlefields of the competition excluded the first Pillar King, and the remaining people established eight Pillar King Councils at the request of the Demon King Army, which became the subordinate organizations of the Pillar King.

The remaining people are also people with real power. The world is divided. A total of 88 members of these parliaments have been given a region, and the whole world has been divided into 88 regions. They are named according to the numbers. Each member is responsible for a region. the highest decision-making power.

The 88 people are called "88 Pillar Generals".

88 Pillars will also have the right to manage the Association of Extraordinary People.

Below that, are the governments of the world, which are still responsible for running the country and ordinary people.

In addition to the Eight Pillar Kings and the 88 Pillar Generals, those who are ranked can also negotiate with the government and divide them at all levels, stabilizing the circle of supernatural beings with a pyramid-like structure.

The systems of extraordinary people and ordinary people have been divided, but they are still connected.

But also under such an arrangement, the extraordinary gradually integrated into the world of ordinary people before.

In the previous world, extraordinary people and ordinary people were separated, but in today's world, extraordinary people and ordinary people are fused together.

The world has officially entered a new era.

This is the powerful effect.

Originally, the change of an era required at least several years of hard work, but under the strong control of the Demon King Army, the world changed drastically in a week.

However, in contrast, it is the blood and cruelty that has been ignored!

The method of the Demon King Army is very straightforward - those who agree to stay, those who disagree... kill!
Those who know current affairs are lucky to say that it is said that most of the senior staff in the United States has been reduced.

As for those demonstrators, the Demon King Army's answer was very straightforward - kill them all!
Kill until no one dares to object, even if there is objection, it can only be hidden in the heart.

After several mass bloodbaths, the world is stable.

But, what no one knows is.

When the Demon King's army killed all directions, the leader of the Demon King's army, the Demon King, also paid a big price in the Lost Land to prevent the brave from returning to the real world.

Of course, the brave are not feeling well either.


Today's Yaotian Demonren studio is still very calm, no matter how chaotic the outside is, it doesn't seem to affect this place.

After all, Yaotian Moren Studio doesn't have any lofty goals, and there are two pillars in the studio!

Ling Huohuo, and Ling Zhuo!

At this time, Ling Zhuo also joined the studio, and was learning how to use the power of the water system with the social turtle.

A week passed by slowly.

Ling Huohuo, who hadn't seen him for a week, showed up at his home with Xiao Yunyun instead.

Not only Ling Huohuo, it should be said that everyone in the Ling family returned home, including Ling's father and mother who had been missing for a long time!
Ling Huohuo originally led Xiao Yunyun to live a shameless life, but after Ling's mother called, Ling Huohuo took Xiao Yunyun back obediently.

At this time, Ling Huohuo's house was very lively——

The eldest brother Ling Tian took Li Yinman with him.

The second elder brother Ling Huohuo took Xiao Yunyun with him.

The youngest, Ling Miao, brought Yin Ya along.

Ling's father and Ling's mother brought a baby...

Wait, baby?
The three Ling Huohuo brothers gathered around the crib, looking dazed.

"This is..." Ling Huohuo frowned.

"Whose child?" Ling Miao asked.

"Brother's house." Ling Huohuo guessed.

"Fart!" Ling Tian carefully glanced at Li Yinman who was chatting with Xiao Yunyun, Yin Ya, Ling's father, and Ling's mother in the distance.

He let out a sigh of relief when he found that the other party hadn't looked over.

At this time, Ling Tian was injured all over his body, and his left hand was still hanging around his neck.

According to Ling Tian, ​​he was accidentally injured by a passing transcendent on the way to work, and the transcendent was later taken away by the transcendent association.

"I haven't confirmed the relationship with Yinman yet, don't talk nonsense!" Ling Tian hurriedly explained.

"Not sure? Not sure what did you bring home?" Ling Huohuo looked at Ling Tian with contempt.

Ling Tian's old face turned red.

"That... that's not what my mother asked me to bring back~"

As Ling Tian spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller.

Not because of anything else, because of a guilty conscience.

Although he wanted to pierce that layer of window paper, every time after piercing through, the window paper would close again for some inexplicable reasons. No matter what he did, Ling Tian always felt that the two of them could not really get together, which made Ling Tian Days have been very tangled.

Is it really necessary to cook raw rice and cooked rice?

The most important thing is that the majestic devil king, for some reason, always feels guilty when he sees Li Yinman, and he can't say what he wants to say.

 Celebrating the National Day holiday, today is six more
(End of this chapter)

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