The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 845 Stretch out your legs

Chapter 845 Stretch Out Your Legs (Part [-])

"Don't talk about us, how is your development going?"

Ling Tian hastily changed the subject.

"Home base." Ling Huohuo nodded and said.

"Well, home run." Ling Miao said shyly.


Ling Tian: MMP.

"Let's change the subject and talk about this child." Ling Tian said.

Ling Miao looked at the child in the crib.

"Well, it's a girl." Ling Miao said.

"This child seems to be brought back by the parents." Ling Tian said with a frown.

"Dad, Mom, and the others dug it out of the grave, right!?" Ling Huohuo's brain was wide open.

The other two were taken aback, they all knew about Ling's father and Ling's mother's business, and it's hard to say what's under the tomb. In this way, it's really easy for Ling's father and mother to dig it out from the ground.

Ling Huohuo was knocked on the head, Ling Huohuo and the three raised their heads, and found that at some point, Ling's mother appeared behind the three of them.

"What are you talking about? What was dug out of the grave? Did anyone say that about your sister?"

"Wait, sister???" The three of Ling Huohuo were shocked.

Mother Ling ignored the three of them, but with a maternal smile on her face, she picked up the baby on the crib.

"Baby, it's time to eat~"

With that said, Mother Ling carried the baby upstairs to breastfeed.

The three of Ling Huohuo petrified on the spot.

"This, this, this..." Ling Tian.

"That, that, that..." Ling Huohuo.

"Oh, oh, oh..." Ling Miao.

"What's wrong with the three of you?" Li Yinman and the three daughters looked at Ling Huohuo and the other three with some doubts. The way the three tongues were trembling at the same time made people find it very funny.

Ling Huohuo and the others came to their senses, but they ignored Li Yinman's and the others' inquiries, and rushed towards Ling's father who was chatting and laughing.

"Dad, I think you should explain the situation of that child!" As the eldest son, Ling Tian became the representative of the three to speak.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao nodded.

Father Ling had a smile on his face.

"Is there anything to explain, that is the child born to me and your mother, the fourth child in our family, your sister."

"Then you have been missing for so long..."

"It's time to give birth~" Father Ling was still smiling, as steady as an old dog.


All three of Ling Huohuo wanted to say "MMP".

Missing for so long, not seeing anyone alive or dead, just to go out and give birth to a child?
Moreover, why are you still able to have children at such an old age! ! !
"Hurry up too, your mother and I have already had four children, but you still have one~" Father Ling added a knife.

The three of Ling Huohuo looked at each other speechlessly.

The faces of the three women in the distance were a little red.

The matter of the fourth child of the Ling family has come to an end for the time being.

The three of Ling Huohuo also found out the situation of the fourth child of the Ling family.

The fourth child of the Ling family is a girl, just half a year old.

The name is Ling Xue.

The feeling of knowing that I suddenly have an extra sister is tantamount to the feeling of not returning home for a long time. When I return home, I find that my house has moved.

It was hard for the three of them to accept,
But the facts are there, and it is difficult for the three of them to accept it.

The three of them are not ordinary people, so it is certain that this child has the same blood as them!

This time home, Ling's father and Ling's mother are not going to go out, which means that they wash their hands in the golden basin, and they are no longer university professors, so they can take care of their children at home with peace of mind.


Still the same sentence, the ancestral craftsmanship cannot be lost, and the matter of tomb robbery...

Well, the three brothers Ling Huo and Huo refused without hesitation.

Now that they all have their own family businesses, they are not going to continue to rob graves.

And the three disciples of Ling's father and Ling's mother also became the tutors of the capital university, or had their own lives. Except for the occasional contact, they knew that they were doing well, and everyone hadn't seen them for a long time.

Then, Ling's father and Ling's mother placed their hopes on the children of the three brothers Ling Tian who hadn't appeared yet.

The three of Ling Huohuo couldn't understand why Ling's father and Ling's mother attached so much importance to tomb robbers.

Ling Tian almost couldn't hold back and ordered the Demon King Army to dig up all the ancient tombs in the world.

As for Ling Xue, Ling's father and Ling's mother didn't mention the matter of letting her rob the tomb at all, and the three brothers Ling Huo and Huo naturally didn't chat about this topic boringly.

The enjoyable meal was soon over.

Everyone didn't say anything about the supernatural being, nor did they talk about the other party's abilities.

For some things, it is good to know, but if you talk too much, it will be difficult to explain, and it may even touch the secret of the other party.

After staying at home for two days, Ling Huohuo took Xiao Yunyun back to the studio. Ling Huohuo's studio is in Zhonghai City, and he can often come back to visit.

Ling Tian went to live at Li Yinman's house for the time being. Ling Tian said that he was on sick leave and went to Li Yinman's house to recover from his injuries. Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao gave him an encouraging look, hoping that he could take this opportunity to get closer to Li Yinman. further.

And Ling Miao took Yin Ya back to the capital.

At this time, Yin Ya also joined the Future Club, and Ling Miao also resigned as the captain of the elite team, but became an ordinary player of the Future Club, spending all day with Yin Ya.

Although Ling Miao became less topical, Ling Miao's strength did not decrease at all, and his status in the future club did not decrease at all.

From this day on, Ling Tian became an ordinary employee, Li Yinman was an ordinary restaurant waiter, Ling Huohuo ran a not-so-famous studio, Xiao Yunyun was an ordinary young lady, and Ling Miao was the worst. Well, as an ordinary player in the future club, Yin Ya is the same as him. Ling's father and Ling's mother are retired at home and concentrate on raising their children.

Well, everything is so ordinary. This is the ordinary Ling family. Although there are many troubles in life, it is flat and makes people feel happy.


simple is the best.

(Plain and light ass~)


Put on a handsome suit and comb your hair to look like an adult.

Ling Huohuo followed Xiao Yunyun with some health care products.

Today, Ling Huohuo is going to do a very important thing - meet the parents!

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun have known each other for so long, and Ling Huohuo has wiped out Xiao Yunyun, so it's not good not to say hello.

You can't wait until you have a child before coming to the door, can you?

Ling Huohuo suspected that Xiao Yunyun's parents would break his leg at that time.

After such a long time, Ling Huohuo is finally ready to pay a visit.

By the way, before leaving, Ling Miao also visited Yin Ya's family. It is said that the process went smoothly, and Yin Ya's family recognized Ling Miao as her son-in-law.

But Ling Tian met Li Yinman's parents earlier. Recently, Ling's father and Ling's mother also wanted to meet Li Yinman's parents, and set a date earlier.

"Don't be nervous, my parents are easy to talk to." Xiao Yunyun comforted Ling Huohuo.

"I'm not nervous."

"Don't be nervous, why are your legs shaking?"

"Isn't this the first time? No experience."

"We didn't see that you were inexperienced when we first met."

"Can you stop driving?"

"Okay, okay, let's go!"

Walking into Xiao Yunyun's villa, Ling Huohuo saw Xiao Yunyun's parents sitting on a chair...

Xiao Yunyun's father was serious, while Xiao Yunyun's mother was smiling.

"Xiao Yunyun, can you explain what happened to the baseball bat in your father's hand?"

"This..." Xiao Yunyun's eyes drifted a little, "I just told my parents about our mission recently, so they may not be able to accept it, so please bear with me~"

Xiao Yunyun's father got up and grabbed the baseball bat.

"Nine-headed stick flash!"

"I really can't bear this~ Dad, stop!"

"It's useless to call him dad! Don't think that you can just yell if Xiao Yunyun admits it, just stretch out your legs!"


(End of this chapter)

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