The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 846 Advancement of Future City

Chapter 846 Advancement of Future City
Although Xiao Yunyun hadn't come back for a long time, under Ling Huohuo's narration, Xiao Yunyun also understood what happened to Ling Huohuo during this period.

Similarly, Ling Huohuo also learned about Xiao Yunyun's experience.

Ling Huohuo was a little moved, but also a little distressed for Xiao Yunyun.

However, Xiao Yunyun returned safely.

As for Hualifu, although Ling Huohuo was a little surprised that Xiao Yunyun would bring it back, according to the contract, he relieved Hualifu from the erosion of the power of the sword god, and after the contract ended, Hualifu also naturally returned to the Demon Realm up.

Walliver didn't want to stay with Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun any longer.

Neither of these two men is simple.

What's more, there is a demon king in this world, why don't you stay and wait to be slaughtered?
As for Ling Huohuo's piece of lust, Hua Lifu had already given it to Xiao Yunyun.


future city.

Looking down at the future city, Ling Huohuo smiled.

"what do you think?"

"Why didn't you upgrade to a Tier [-] city?"

"Wait for you." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"The first family business we won together will of course wait for you to come back."

Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo with trembling eyes.

Suppressing the emotion in his heart, Xiao Yunyun leaned on Ling Huohuo.

"Then now that I'm back, are you going to upgrade the future city to level six?"

Ling Huohuo smiled and hugged Xiao Yunyun.

"Of course, but I'm hesitating what to use as the core material."

"Then let me choose, I will definitely choose the most suitable core." Xiao Yunyun looked up at Ling Huohuo and said.

"Yeah." Ling Huohuo nodded.

For the future city, Ling Huohuo no longer has much need.

Choosing the core for the future city is not for its own development, but for the growth and development of the future city.

Under Ling Huohuo's gaze, Xiao Yunyun took out a cube with a sense of technology.

"What is this?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"This is what I got in the Demon Realm. The seed of the Sekesh tree is said to be something related to technology. It is very suitable for the future city. Let's see if this can be used as the core of the city."

Ling Huohuo held the seed of the Sekesh tree and looked it over.

To be honest, if Xiao Yunyun hadn't said it, Ling Huohuo might not be sure that this thing was a seed.

No matter how Ling Huohuo looked at it, this thing was a piece of metal.

"Things from other worlds? It's really interesting." Ling Huohuo suddenly became interested in other worlds.

And under Ling Huohuo's inquiry, the world consciousness quickly destroyed the news, and the seeds of the Sekesh tree could really be used as the core of the city!

Under Xiao Yunyun's gaze, Ling Huohuo chose to use the seed of the Sekesh tree as the core of the city and began to upgrade the future city.

After the core of the city is determined, the development direction of the future city is determined to be science and technology. Although the development of the science and technology side is more difficult than the mysterious side, Ling Huohuo is very curious about the future development of the future city.

Looking at the future city that is being upgraded, Ling Huohuo tightened his arms, and in Ling Huohuo's arms was Xiao Yunyun leaning on him.

"After the things in this world are over, let's travel and explore other worlds." Ling Huohuo said suddenly.

Xiao Yunyun was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"it is good."


People living in the future city suddenly feel that the future city has suddenly changed.

"what's the situation?"

"Someone attacked the city?"



Even the managers in the city are very puzzled.

But then, a layer of light covered the entire city, and all the people in the future city were transferred outside the city.

"This situation is..."

"The future city is advancing!!!"

"Is the future city going to be called a sixth-tier city?"

Is the future city advanced? ? ?
Those who are the managers of the future city are stunned.

Why no notification? ? ?

Meow meow meow? ? ?
In fact, even ordinary players are surprised. The prosperity of the future city is well known, but it has not been advanced. Although I was a little confused before, I didn't have too many ideas.

However, now that he suddenly advances, there is no notification. Doesn't the future city even give him any tasks?

"The city lord is back!" said the elder of the dragon clan.

The senior management of the future city nodded.

Although the development of the future city made them a lot of profits, and later Ling Huohuo also withdrew his own staff, as if he was going to hand over the entire future city to other people, but the senior management of the future city had no other thoughts.

On the one hand, it is Yu Ling Huohuo's strength.

On the other hand, it was because of his kindness to Ling Huohuo.

Without Ling Huohuo, the primitive wasteland might still be that prison.

Compared with the outside world, the biological strength of the future city is still much worse. However, the advancement of the future city means that the status of the future city will be higher in the future, and all ethnic groups will be able to benefit more.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the senior executives brightened up.

However, the high-level people all understand that if their race wants to continue to develop, they can only continue to hold Ling Huohuo's chariot.

The primitive wild forest itself has become a force. If it is dispersed, although there may be development, it is absolutely impossible to become stronger!
The advancement of the future city has caused a lot of waves among the players in a short period of time.

The future city is an area very suitable for players from level [-] to level [-]. It is considered an advanced map with rich resources, but it is also obvious that the future city is closed and the level of the future city. The functions of the fifth-level city are limited. .

When the future city first appeared, it really caused a wave, and as a map that opens a new chapter of the game, the primitive wild forest has a special meaning among players. Some people even think that there may be a very special hidden mission in the future city. But with the passage of time, more maps have been explored, and the ability of a fifth-level city in the future city to develop primitive wasteland has become limited.

Moreover, there are so many choices, and with the pig-hoofed characters of the players, the heat of the future city is gradually cooling down.

The primitive wasteland at this time is more like a resource point for players, and few big guilds will devote a lot of energy to develop in the primitive wasteland.

Only the future club has taken root in the future city.

And now the advancement of the future city also means that the functions of the future city will increase. The most important thing is - there will be more tasks!

At this time, all forces and players can see it.

Ye Qiu also noticed the future city.

"The future city has finally advanced. Although it is a bit late, but... If I remember correctly, the advancement of the future city is very special. It first evolved into a sixth-level city, but soon continued to advance..."

The continuous advancement proves the changes of the future city.

Ye Qiu has been waiting for the advancement of the future city, because this is another opportunity to rise up!

Moreover, the advancement of the future city also means that a new chapter of the game is about to begin!

Looking at the towering towers in the center of the future city in the live broadcast, Ye Qiu smiled.

"Sure enough, it's still the same level of advancement. Is that the tree of Sekesh? The pinnacle of technology in "The Lost World"!"

Ye Qiu took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Notify all first-class players and top players, have a meeting! Let's discuss the lighting of the guild's technology tree."

(End of this chapter)

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