Chapter 847 Game Carnival
Walking in the advanced city of the future, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun are like an ordinary couple.

"What are you going to do next?" Ling Huohuo asked Xiao Yunyun.

"Take my power to explore the lost land." Xiao Yunyun said.

"Don't stay in the future city?" Ling Huohuo was stunned for a moment, Ling Huohuo knew that Xiao Yunyun had brought a group of subordinates from other worlds.

Elder Naga has already returned to the group, and now Xiao Yunyun's team has already been sent into the Lost Land by Xiao Yunyun.

Xiao Yunyun glanced at Ling Huohuo.

"You took your team away, what am I doing here?" Xiao Yunyun said.

"I did not mean that……"

"Okay, don't explain, the group of people under me are not law-abiding guys. In fact, I caught villains in a different world, either bandits or pirates. I won them before they agreed to recognize me as It's impossible for the eldest sister to stay in the city peacefully, and it will add to the chaos in the future city."

Xiao Yunyun was a little speechless when he said this. At the beginning, he wanted to make a fortune in the devil world and leave. Who knew that not only did he get a lot of benefits, but he also unknowingly took in many people for various reasons, pulling him away. a team.

This power is simply inexplicable.

When I finally came back, only everyone could take it with me.

"Also, even if I wander outside with my power, I can return to the real world at any time." Xiao Yunyun said.

Ling Huohuo nodded, feeling that what Xiao Yunyun said made sense.

"Since you want to lead a team outside, I can tilt the resources of the future city to you."

"That's fine. It's better to get more equipment and mounts. I'm not planning to build a garrison, but a parade team."

"it is good."

Ling Huohuo agreed.

After finishing the topic, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun wandered around the future city for a day.

Not only did he understand the advanced future city, but most importantly, he was accompanied by his lover.


With the advancement of the future city, players in the game enter the future city again, making the future city more lively.

And Yaotian Moren Studio has also entered normal.

Ling Huohuo has returned, Xiao Yunyun goes out and enters the game during the day, and returns to the real world to live in the evening, living a nine-to-five life.

However, Xiao Yunyun was somewhat interested in the fact that there were so many girls in Ling Huohuo's studio, but he didn't say much, and he also had mixed feelings about Ling Huohuo and Toyotomi Xiuya not taking that step.

But in normal times, other people in the studio can feel that there seems to be some kind of gunpowder between Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya.

At this time, the smell of gunpowder between Zhenggong and the third party.

But neither of them showed anything around Ling Huohuo.

Although Ling Huohuo felt something, he could only pretend to be confused, pretending that he didn't know anything, there was no other way, it was better for men to keep their hands off women's affairs.

And Ling Huohuo believed that Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya would give him an answer in the end.


Half a month passed in a flash.

The world is still at peace.

Yaotian Moren's studio is still dull.

As if Ling Huohuo didn't have to worry about anything, now Ling Huohuo just needs to concentrate on playing games.

There is a meeting in the studio at this time.

"What do you think of the carnival held in Beijing this time?" Ling Huohuo looked at everyone in the studio.

That's right, this meeting was held in front of everyone.

Even the doorman, the elder of the Demon Race, has a seat.

Now Ling Huohuo and the others are discussing about a game carnival.

This game carnival was held in China. It was a carnival among gamers. It was officially held, and it was aimed at all "Lost World" players!
In fact, not only Huaxia, but all countries in the world are holding carnivals, but because of China's vast territory and large population, the carnival held is even more grand.

This carnival is mainly divided into two events, one is the team competition, the other is the individual competition, and the rest are some other entertainment events, including the evaluation of various professions.

The individual competition is an individual registration.

The team competition is a team registration, and the team configuration must be ten people.

There is no age limit for participants.

What?Kids can't play games?

Wake up, the kids next door have become superhumans, and they can go to heaven in the real world, what's wrong with playing a game?
In China, the regional competition started first, and the final was held in the capital.

China's 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities, and 2 special administrative regions are divided into seven regions according to their natural geographical location.

Then a team of ten individuals will be selected from each region, and they will go to the capital to participate in the final team and individual competitions.

The final winners and individuals will receive enviable rewards and the highest glory!

Zhonghai City is a municipality directly under the central government, which is divided into East China.

Before the regional competition starts, there will be local competitions.

Filter by city level.

Fortunately, Zhonghai City is a municipality directly under the central government. Although the place is a bit bigger, the competition will go on quickly.

At this time, there is still half a month before the end of registration.

But many individuals or forces signed up early, and some big forces even signed up more than a dozen teams.

As far as Ling Huohuo knows, the future club has signed up ten teams, two of which are the main teams.

At this time, Ling Huohuo and the others were discussing the competition.

Registration is a must, but who will participate, the members of the individual competition and the team competition still need to be discussed.

The characters in the game are used for the competition. Therefore, it cannot be said that whoever is stronger in the real world will participate in the competition. Everything must be based on the strength in the game.

However, this is embarrassing.

Although there are many strong players in the studio, it is undeniable that the studio has been established for a short time, and the high-level game accounts of the members in the studio are not high.

No matter how good the relationship with the world consciousness is, it is impossible for others to pinch an account for you.

At this time, only Ling Huohuo, Lian Weasel, Ding Ning, and Lynch broke through to level [-].

Some of the remaining people have reached level [-], but there are still many people who are still in level [-] or [-].

In this case, even a team will not be able to make up.

The upgrade of "The Lost World" itself is relatively difficult, and it is even more impossible to rise to a high level in a short period of time. The only level jump is only from level [-] to level [-].

"It seems that the remaining half month can only be practiced hard, and..." Ding Ning pushed the glasses that he didn't know where to get.

"We can only build targeted teams. Teamfights are the weak point of the studio, but we can't give up. We strive to hone a complete ten-man team before the game starts, and we don't need to be able to stand out in the regional competition. , but at least it can't be discounted in the local competition. Fortunately, Zhonghai City will win the top three in the team competition. We still have great hopes. As for the individual competition..."

Ding Ning looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Ling Huohuo, it's up to you."

To be honest, the strongest person in the studio is Ling Huohuo, and now he can only rely on Ling Huohuo.

(End of this chapter)

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