The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 848 Judging by your appearance, you probably don't have a girlfriend yet

Chapter 848 Judging by your appearance, you probably don't have a girlfriend yet
Another half month.

It's finally time for the game to start.

Everyone entered the game early, waiting for the game to start.

Trials are played in-game.

The local competition will be based on the provincial level, and three teams will be selected, and the top five in the individual competition.

In the final team competition, three out of ten will be chosen, and five out of fifteen in individual competition will be played on the field.

Because of this competition, the "Lost World" system also has a competition channel.

In fact, Ling Huohuo felt that the game competition that followed the selection of the Eight Pillar King was very coincidental.

After the competition in the real world, they start to compete in the game, and this competition system is inexplicably familiar.

And there is another point, this game started more like diverting people's attention.

Now that the society has just stabilized, there is still a lot of turmoil, but this kind of carnival suddenly appeared in various countries around the world. The topic centered on worldwide games can distract the attention of those who are idle and painful, and is conducive to world stability.

Moreover, games are currently the only bridge that can narrow the distance between ordinary people and extraordinary people.

In addition to these, Ling Huohuo also received a message from the Demon King's Army.

Not only Ling Huohuo, but also the Eight Pillar King and the 88 Pillar Generals also got the news——

Assist in the holding of carnivals in various countries!

In this way, the relationship between the Demon King Army and this carnival is very intriguing.

If this matter is really controlled by the Demon King's Army, then what the Demon King's Army wants is shocking.

From the perspective of the Demon King Army's rectification of the world, the ultimate goal of the Demon King Army is likely to be - to control the world!
It is not to simply obtain it, but to develop this world into another resident of the Demon King Army!
However, even if you ask the elders of the Demon Race about this matter, the elders of the Demon Race cannot give an answer.

Because the elder of the Demon Race was banned!
The Demon King may have sensed the position of the Demon Elder, so he gave the Demon Elder a silence package, so that now the Demon Elder knows nothing about the Demon King’s army, and can only become a gatekeeper. uncle.

Fortunately, the elders of the Demon Race did not rely on this ability to live. After being silenced, their lives were still chic.

But what makes Ling Huohuo strange is that if the Demon King can silence the elders of the Demon Race, why didn't he silence the elders of the Demon Race who wandered outside and revealed information about the Demon King's army?
Well, there is only one truth - there are some things about the Demon King Army that they don't want to let themselves know!
However, what exactly is the Demon King Army hiding from him?


Ling Huohuo entered the game through the game channel.

This week, team battles and individual battles will be held at the same time. There will be matchmaking matches within seven days, with a point system. The winner gets three points, the loser gets no points, and there is one point for a tie, but the possibility of a tie is not high.

A week later, the points will be counted, and the former will enter the final.

The two events start at the same time, which also puts those who participated in both team battles and individual battles at a disadvantage. It is difficult to take care of both, which is also a means of balance.

Because of the limitations of Yaotian Moren Studio, Ling Huohuo did not participate in the team battle, but only participated in the individual battle, and all the remaining "elites" went to participate in the team battle.

The final team battle candidates are Kamaitachi trio, Ding Ning, Lynch, Toyotomi Shuya, Gabriel, Vinet, Raphael, and Satania.

It can be regarded as the best of the best.

The rest of the people who wanted to participate in the personal battle also tried to participate, focusing on participation.

Those who did not participate can watch the battle.

Ling Huohuo looked at his spectator list, um, Xiao Yunyun was the only one.

Blue skinny!

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo had expected it.

Others have said before that Ling Huohuo's side is sure to win, and the team battle side is more interesting.

The battle on Ling Huohuo's side also started.

Randomly matched, Ling Huohuo was teleported to the arena.

The names, levels, HP, and number of spectators of both sides are displayed above the head.

The man who was fighting Ling Huohuo was a man named Requiem, and his equipment should be a fighter, level 61. There were more than 5000 people watching the battle, and he seemed to be a well-known player.

And Ling Huohuo's side also showed it - the passing boss, lv61, number of spectators: 1.

Ling Huohuo felt ashamed inexplicably.

Requiem Moyuan obviously also saw the situation on Ling Huohuo's side, especially the number of spectators.

Seeing the expression of An Hun Mo Yuan on the opposite side, Ling Huohuo looked indifferent.

"It's okay, just laugh."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"..." Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo felt that he could no longer control the void power in his body.

"My girlfriend is watching the battle." Ling Huohuo said expressionlessly.

The laughter of requiem and resentment came to an abrupt end.

"It looks like you don't have a girlfriend yet, tsk tsk."

"Go to hell, charge now! Sprint! Abandon healing swordsmanship!" Requiem Mo Chou rushed towards Ling Huohuo with the big sword in his hand.

Warrior melee mage, this wave is stable.

The staff in Ling Huohuo's hand touched the ground.

"Void Trap!"

The ground became muddy, and Requiem's ​​feet suddenly sank into the ground.

The staff in Ling Huohuo's hand turned.

"Void devours!"

Requiem Moyuan was pulled down by the phantom under his feet, but Requiem Moyuan had no way to do it. As Requiem Moren fell, his blood volume was also continuously consumed, and half of his blood was lost in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"I won't tell you." Ling Huohuo shrugged.

Requiem Moyuan let out a loud roar, and threw out the weapon in his hand.

"The Ultimate Throw!"

At this time, one of Requiem's ​​cards is that if the opponent is hit by his weapon, he will not only fall into two seconds of silence, but also cause huge damage. At that time, it will be his chance to get out of trouble and fight back!
However, the ending is destined to disappoint Requiem.

Ling Huohuo moved lightly, dodging Requiem's ​​weapon.

Requiem Mo Yuan's expression was normal, and then, Requiem Mo Yuan's blood volume dropped sharply by a quarter.

Requiem's ​​blood volume was emptied, turned into fragments and disappeared, and his head portrait became dark.

Winner, big guy passing by!
Ling Huohuo shrugged.

Although the opponent is also level 61, Ling Huohuo has a godly outfit on him who can't stand it.

The attribute gap is too big, unless there is someone who also wears a magic costume, otherwise, the opponent who is ten levels higher than himself may not be able to beat him.

In the real world, Yi Han can hold a divine weapon and beat a ninth-level powerhouse, let alone a game of eating equipment.

The advantages of divine costumes will be highlighted more clearly.

Speaking of the two god outfit rings, Ling Huohuo also felt a little toothache.

The task of the two god outfit rings will also start.

Although the awareness of the world did not urge Ling Huohuo, doing tasks can help Ling Huohuo and the studio to strengthen their strength. Now the development of the studio needs the help of external forces.

Of course, the task will not be easy.

"Then let's go to the task after this carnival is over."

(End of this chapter)

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