Chapter 849 Hand over the hatchet

"Justice from heaven!"

"Fatal Strike!"

"The blade of the dome!"



Yaotian Moren Studio also ended the first team battle.

Unlike Ling Huohuo, Yaotian Moren Studio's opponents are not strong, and they are still a team below level [-].

Therefore, there is no doubt that the team battle will win.

"Okay, let's start the next battle as soon as possible, the victory belongs to us." Toyotomi Hideya said.

After all, we have two angels here!

The double-layer angel BUFF is in place, so I ask you if you are afraid?


NG studio also ended their first team battle. The girls did not engage in individual battles. They preferred team battles to individual battles.

"Go on, maybe we can meet Ling's team, haha..." Dongfang Shizuku smiled.

The other girls smiled and nodded.


Yi Qianqian smiled as she watched her brother win a game in the picture.

"When I stand on the podium, that guy will see me too. Really, I haven't even made a phone call for so long."


The battle is in full swing.

And the major media are also broadcasting the battle.

Some media will also explain some characteristic battles, and at the same time track and broadcast the battles of those star players, or randomly select some battles to broadcast.

The game has started for more than an hour, and Ling Huohuo has also experienced more than 20 battles.

On average, each battle takes less than 3 minutes.

And it's a complete victory!
In addition to the score that has risen to 72, another increase is the number of Ling Huohuo's audience.

After some fighting, the number of Ling Huohuo's spectators has risen to more than 1000.

Those who watched Ling Huohuo fighting had a premonition, perhaps, this person is really a big boss!
After all, not everyone can deal with opponents so quickly, let alone kill people with similar levels!

Several battles were controlled within 3 minutes, but more than 20 battles were all like this, which shows a lot of problems.

Ling Huohuo had no idea about this.

This local competition is not easy, and even a strong person may not be able to guarantee that he will definitely be able to succeed.

After all, this is a points match, and it is not only the winning rate that determines the final score, but also the number of matches!

In seven days, there will definitely be people who will try their best to play enough games and use quantity to fill quality.

As for the fact that playing games for seven days in a row is too tiring...

What?You can't even get angry?What games do you still play?
"So, go ahead..."

time flies.

Four days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was the fifth day in a blink of an eye. Counting the fifth day, there were still three days left.

Ling Huohuo still maintained a record of complete victory.

The standings have already begun to be announced, and Ling Huohuo's results have been stable in the top three.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo has been upset for four days.

Ling Huohuo discovered that these grandsons who played games were better than the other. Ling Huohuo spent all his time in the game except for eating, resting, and dealing with personal hygiene, and he won all the games. That's it, Ling Huohuo still couldn't get the first place.

Do these people not eat or rest?

Do you really want to die suddenly?

Didn’t the chrysanthemums created by God not even use for excretion when he created man?

Ling Huohuo complained fiercely in his heart.

In fact, at the end, the number of people fighting will not be as many as in the previous few days, at least [-]% will be reduced!

Most of these [-]% are ordinary players.

The remaining players are those mainstream players.

After all, most players found out that after three or four days, the points are only a few tens, and they can't even keep up with the top fifteen, so they are still playing wool!
Only those who are really hardcore players can guarantee the win rate.

After all, light liver is not enough, winning rate is still important.

The rise of Ling Huohuo also attracted the attention of many people.

Now Ling Huohuo has become one of the major media's attention objects.

And Ling Huohuo's number of spectators for each battle has reached 50!
Although Ling Huohuo is only famous in Zhonghai City for the time being, there are more than 2000 million people in Zhonghai City, and the player base is not small, and now most of the players will concentrate on the top few players in the standings.

And some legends about the ID "Passing Big Brother" were also found out, which became popular for a while, but more people were surprised by Ling Huohuo's strength.

In Zhonghai City, there were only two players who won all games, and one of them was Ling Huohuo.

In other cities, there are also some players who have won all the games, and one of them is Ye Qiu!
Quan Sheng has become a representative of strength!

In fact, what the players in Zhonghai City want to see more is the duel between the two unbeaten players in Zhonghai City.

The ID of another all-win player in Zhonghai City is Yi Dao.

Yi Dao's news was dug out, and he was the leader of a newly rising studio.

What the players are even more curious about is why they have never heard of the names of Ling Huohuo and Yi Dao before. I didn't even know there was such a game boss in my city!

As for the team battle, the team battle situation of Yaotian Demonren is not so exaggerated. There are wins and losses, but the winning rate is still good, reaching over 90.00%. It is currently ranked No.11, one step away Enter the top ten and qualify for the local finals.

However, according to Ding Ning's analysis, the studio's team battle is almost at its limit. It is very hopeful to qualify for the finals, but the final victory in the finals depends on God's will.

If the team battle team wants to participate in the regional competition, they can only pray to God.


Ling Huohuo looked at the opponent who was matched this time and blinked his eyes.

This is a name that Ling Huohuo has been hearing about recently - Yi Dao.

Ranked first!

Others who noticed the match also cheered.

Finally, the peak match that everyone is looking forward to has arrived!
The only two players with a perfect winning percentage in Zhonghai City finally met!

Although they didn't meet in the finals, it was still exciting.

In the blink of an eye, the combined number of spectators on the battlefield of Ling Huohuo and Yi Dao reached 200 million!

Ling Huohuo 50, Yi Dao 150 million.

Ling Huohuo was also speechless at this gap.

Ling Huohuo estimated that this might be the number one attribute bonus.

However, although the number of spectators is not as good as that of the opponent, the battle still has to continue.

Ling Huohuo and Yi Dao appeared in the battle field.

Ling Huohuo looked at Yi Dao.

Yi Dao wore a simple-looking combat uniform, with an ordinary appearance, but the aura on his body was hard to ignore.

This is not an easy opponent!

Ling Huohuo's eyes narrowed.

And Yi Dao also looked at Ling Huohuo at this time, then nodded for some reason, suddenly smiled, and waved at Ling Huohuo.

"First time meeting, hello, brother-in-law~"


! ! ! ! !

The onlookers were all stunned.

Xiao Yunyun's unconcealable murderous aura emanated from Yaotian Demonren's studio, Toyotomi Hideya smiled and handed over the hatchet.

 The first sixth shift is over, and two days after the second sixth shift, the remaining rudder masters and hall masters will explode in the next sixth shift.

  During the National Day holiday, I wish you all a happy new year and wish you an early year.

  Well, the author is gone~~(~o ̄▽ ̄)~o. . .Rolling around... o~(_△_o~)~. . .Roll around~(~o ̄▽ ̄)~o. . .Rolling around... o~(_△_o~)~. . .Roll around~(~o ̄▽ ̄)~o. . .Rolling around... o~(_△_o~)~. . .Roll around~(~o ̄▽ ̄)~o. . .Rolling around... o~(_△_o~)~. . .

(End of this chapter)

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