The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 850 At this time, the contest between the forces

Chapter 850 At this time, the contest between the forces (one more)
What the hell is brother-in-law?

Not only Ling Huohuo, but other people also had this question.

Could it be that Yi Dao and the passing boss are actually a family?

Seeing this scene, all the members of Yaotian Moren Studio wanted to say something, but they wisely chose to shut up when they saw Xiao Yunyun who was sharpening the knife while Toyotomi Hideya was sharpening the knife for her.

Although Satania couldn't see the situation clearly and wanted to say something, Vinette blocked her mouth with pineapple buns.

If you open your mouth at this time, you will definitely be chosen as the one who sacrifices to heaven.

Although Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya are a little angry in the studio, they have actually recognized each other. The conflict between the two is more like a fight for favor, but if there are outsiders who want to take their pigs away ...

Is it because we can't lift the knife anymore, or has he drifted away recently?

In Yiwu studio, everyone in Yiwu studio is watching Yi Qianqian.

Yi Dao's real name is Yi Yi, and Yi Yi has only one younger sister, Yi Qianqian.

Yi Qianqian's face turned red, even though she had been training in the mall for a long time, she still couldn't save face when dealing with some problems.

"Who... who is his brother-in-law? Oh, my brother likes to talk nonsense!" Yi Qianqian said with a stiff neck.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see what's going on.

Those men in the studio who were interested in Yi Qianqian felt heartbroken, and then looked at the screen.

"Uncle, beat him up!"


Leaving aside Ling Huohuo's psychological activities, Ling Huohuo now feels that his neck is a little cold.

But then came a question——

Why am I his brother-in-law?

Take advantage of me?

Wait, what if his sister is good-looking?
In that case, I don't seem to be at a disadvantage.

On the other side, seeing that Ling Huohuo hadn't moved for a long time, Yi Dao frowned, and then spoke again.

"Hey, let me say, you didn't show any signs when you saw uncle?"

"What do you want to express?" Ling Huohuo asked suspiciously.

"Of course I admit defeat, and then let me keep winning." Yi Li said naturally.


All the people watching the battle took a sip.

I have never seen such a brazen person!
Even those who originally supported Yi Dao had to admit that Yi Dao was really shameless.

Ling Huohuo understood. Sure enough, this person was just trying to build relationships, and then won without a fight, and he was still taking advantage of him.

"If you want to admit defeat, I agree with you two." Yi Dao continued.

And Ling Huohuo drew out the short blade on his waist.

Ling Huohuo's actions also attracted the attention of others.

Ling Huohuo has been fighting with a staff for so long, and this is the first time Ling Huohuo has drawn out the short blade on his waist.

Is there anything to say about this short blade?

Or a hole card?
Yi Dao frowned.

"Brother-in-law, what do you mean? Are you going to do something to your uncle?"

"First of all, let's not say whether I know your sister or not. Secondly, if I really want to be with your sister, I would rather get your approval than to be recognized!" Ling Huohuo's face behind the mask revealed Kind smile.

But Yi Dao was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, he was no longer frivolous before, and his aura once again increased.

Ling Huohuo's expression turned serious, and it could be seen that Yi Dao was not a simple character!

"It seems that young people nowadays need some training!" Yi Dao clenched his fists.

"Fierce Fist, Yi Dao!" Yi Dao put on a stance ready to fight.

Ling Huohuo almost couldn't hold back the applause.

This is a good pretense.

Not to mention anything else, Yi Dao's simple movements just now are indeed extremely attractive, and he can immediately feel that Yi Dao is not on the same level as the others.

Ling Huohuo suddenly understood why Yi Dao has so many fans, strength is one aspect, the key is that Yi Dao can pretend to be aggressive!

The style is high, and there is a sense of hierarchy in the pretense, which is really eye-catching.

As for myself, although I am strong and win all the battles, I seldom talk in every battle. First of all, I am not attractive enough, and the cloak and mask also cover up my "handsome face", which makes my attractiveness drop to lowest.

Those viewers, more than the player's own strength, want to see what the player can attract them!

Probably equivalent to the difference between an honest man and a playboy.

Even if both are as rich, women are more likely to be attracted to playboys!

Moreover, this kind of gap will inexplicably give an illusion of being suppressed during the battle.

After making up his mind, Ling Huohuo put away his staff and placed the short blade across his chest.

What follows is not only a confrontation of strength, but also a confrontation between forces!
"All things are false, all things are permitted!"

Randomly, Ling Huohuo's body appeared an aura that is as real as it needs to be.

What the hell!

Yi Dao's heart sank.

Although he didn't understand what Ling Huohuo's words had to do with the current atmosphere, why did Mao feel so forceful?

However, no matter what, the fight must continue, and it is impossible for Yi Dao to weaken his momentum!
"Where the heart is going, the fist is going!" Yi Dao stomped on his feet and rushed towards Ling Huohuo, extremely fast, but also with a fierce power!
"True strength comes from the tearing of the heart!"

With a low voice, Ling Huohuo also walked towards Yi Dao holding the short blade.

The onlookers were all surprised by Ling Huohuo's actions.

"You have a long life, the mage is going to melee!"


"Breaking Dawn!" Yi Dao threw out a punch, and the air seemed to be controlled by Yi Dao, pressing against Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo's eyes narrowed, and the sharp blade in his hand was held backwards.

"A concentrated will can penetrate stubborn stones!"

A sharp breath appeared, confronting Yi Dao's attack.

The two pass by each other.

"For peace of mind."


Yi Dao was a little surprised that the attack just now failed?
"Is it a dodge skill?"

Yi Dao turned around immediately.


This time it was Ling Huohuo's turn to be surprised. He felt that the space around him was shattered, and he couldn't escape into the void again.

However, escaping into the void is not what Ling Huohuo relies on.

"Only broken things are true freedom!"

Void power erupts.

Ling Huohuo's ability has now become a skill, and those who are really strong in the game will not use the skill according to the mode of the skill, but use the skill to the point where they want to.

After all, even as a game, "The Lost World" has a very high degree of freedom.

The force collided and an explosion occurred.

Suddenly, Yi Dao's eyes changed.

"Long live the void!"

A low moan sounded behind Yi Dao.

Yi Dao crossed his arms immediately, because he knew that when he heard the sound, it was too late for him to turn around.

He didn't understand why Ling Huohuo, a sorcerer, would have such weird positions and displacements. From the beginning, Yi Dao hadn't figured out Ling Huohuo's method of movement.

Moreover, as a warrior's intuition, the blow from behind made Yi Dao feel a fatal threat.



(End of this chapter)

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