The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 854 I Disagree With This Marriage

Chapter 854 I Don't Agree To This Marriage (Part [-])
"By the way, you said there are NG studios, could it be..." Sister Wu thought of something.

Ling Zhuo nodded.

"Although I don't know exactly what happened, but I know that NG is with us. If the team battle team from our studio hadn't met NG's team battle team during the points match, it might not be able to enter the final."

Hearing this, Sister Wu and Ling Xianer's eyes moved.

Others don't know, most people think that NG is just a group of women soldiers, a group of left and right people transferred here, but in fact things are far from that simple.

According to reliable sources, Sister Wu knows that NG is actually a hidden subordinate club of the future club, but the relationship is a bit special, and I don’t know the specific situation, but what is certain is the NG studio, which has not been very prominent. It's definitely not easy. Sister Wu only told Ling Xian'er about this.

And now that NG has contact with Yaotian Moren Studio, could it be that there is any connection between Yaotian Moren Studio and Future Club?This is very intriguing.

Ling Zhuo thought of something and continued to speak.

"One more thing. The NG team seems to be funded by our studio. The NG team battle team in the finals must not be judged by the previous record. Let's look at it based on the data I gave you."

Out of curiosity, Sister Wu took a few pieces of paper from Ling Zhuo's hand, and then checked them out.

Soon, Sister Wu's face became serious, then frowned, and finally became a little gloomy.

"Are these data true?" Sister Wu asked in a deep voice.

Ling Zhuo nodded.

"Of course it is true, I copied it myself."

"What's the matter? Sister Wu."

Other people in the studio asked curiously, looking at Sister Wu's expression, they felt that things were not that simple.

Sister Wu sighed and smiled wryly.

"No wonder the other party dared to show us the data. It's really a desperate data comparison."

Ling Xian'er took the data in Sister Wu's hands suspiciously, found Ling Huohuo's data and looked at it, and then her expression changed.

"What kind of data really? Did he hang up?"


Ling Zhuo walked out of the player lounge with the social turtle in his arms, and completed the task assigned by Ling Huohuo.

"Brother, why do you think the boss wants to show his data to others? And is there anything wrong with those data?" Ling Zhuo asked curiously. Cultivation, I don't know much about things in the game.

"How do I know? This game is not for bastards to play." said the mini social turtle in Ling Zhuo's hand.

Ling Zhuo was speechless for a while, it made sense, but I was speechless.

"Okay, let's go to the game, you kid should be more energetic, you are a little fan, you are one of the 88 pillars!"

"It's a pity that it's water." Ling Zhuo smiled bitterly. Before he really entered this circle, he didn't understand the horror of this world at all. If he had known that this world was so dangerous, he wouldn't let Ling Huohuo take him out of his head. By the way, the big boss is indeed a big boss, and an ordinary person with himself can reach such a high ranking, and he has the power he has today.

"What's more, no one knows me." Ling Zhuo said.

In fact, the identities of Zhu Wang and Zhu Jiang are not well known to everyone. Except for Zhu Wang, almost everyone knows each other, and Zhu Jiang rarely appears in the sight of ordinary people, and few people know him.

The structure of society allows a certain separation between the upper class and the lower class.

It's like everyone knows ***, but the Minister of Education doesn't necessarily know everyone, he doesn't even know his name, let alone recognize him.

"Okay, okay, this is also a kind of protection for you. Practice the Heaven and Earth Promise Turtle Breath Technique I taught you well, and hide your strength well. Don't let others see your strength, otherwise you will be in danger."

"it is good."

Staggering, Ling Zhuo left with the social turtle in his arms.


Finally, the game officially begins!
All the participating players entered the arena and stood on the stage amidst the cheers of the audience.

Players from different studios all wear the team uniforms of the studios, representing their own strength. The more famous the players, the more gorgeous their team uniforms.

However, two surprises happened.

Ling Huohuo looked at the team uniforms on other people and fell into thinking, and no one told him about the team uniforms!
In other words, the entire Yaotian Moren studio doesn't have team uniforms yet!
Ling Huohuo glanced at the direction of the other people in his studio, and found that they were not paying attention to him at all, but were playing with a child.

Wait, why does that kid look familiar?
Then Ling Huohuo saw Father Ling and Mother Ling.

Well, Ling Huohuo remembered that the child was his younger sister, the fourth child of the Ling family!

But so few children come to this kind of place. Sure enough, the children of our old Ling's family are very talented.

Seeing that no one cared about his team uniform, Ling Huohuo looked at his clothes. Fortunately, the clothes Ling Huohuo wore today were more decent, and because he was going to be on stage, the suit he specially wore looked very stylish clothes.

But standing with ten girls in NG's uniforms and skirts, it's so awkward.

As for another accident, it was Yi Dao, Ling Huohuo recognized his face, no, it should be Yi Yi, Yi Qianqian's biological brother!

Because he didn't know what caused Yiyi to have the illusion that he was his brother-in-law, so Ling Huohuo made a special investigation and found out this relationship.

To be honest, Ling Huohuo's mood is quite complicated.

I haven't seen Yi Qianqian for a while, and I only communicated through the Internet and by phone, but I didn't expect Yi Qianqian to make a big uncle for herself without making a sound.

Well, although it sounds strange to say this, Ling Huohuo thinks there is nothing wrong with it.

At this moment, Yi Yi was wearing a suit, and he looked more like a gentleman than a player.

"Brother-in-law-to-be, we meet again." Yi Yi moved closer to Ling Huohuo, pretending to be close.

"Ha ha."

"Brother-in-law, we are the same, we are not wearing team uniforms." Yi Yi said with a smile.

"No, we are different." As he said, Ling Huohuo pointed behind him.

Yi Yi looked and found that standing behind and beside Ling Huohuo were NG's ten girls with different styles, but they were all beauties without exception.

Ling Huohuo gave Yi Yi a look.

Yi Yi looked around him.

Standing beside him are the members of his studio. Not only did he enter the final of the individual battle in his studio, but also a team entered the final of the team battle.

But... besides her sister and his fiancée, there are eight people around him at this time, um... digging melons and cracking dates?
All in all, apart from having special hobbies, the feeling of being surrounded by girls is different from being surrounded by men.

First of all, the force is weaker.

This is a bit uncomfortable for the meaning of emphasizing force.

The last time I heard the words "we are different", Yi Yi lost all victory, and then Ling Huohuo fell from "brother-in-law" to "brother-in-law-to-be", but this time, Yi Yi felt forced to be hit. Can't ask for "brother-in-law-to-be"?
In other words, if I say "I agree to this marriage" by myself, my sister won't beat me up, right?
Then Yi Yi was pushed behind by one hand, and Yi Qianqian appeared in Yi Yi's previous position.

"Mr. Ling, long time no see." Yi Qianqian said with a bright smile.

"It's been a long time." Ling Huohuo also said with a smile.

Although the two had a lot of contact, they hadn't seen each other face to face for a long time.

"I wish you a successful start." Yi Qianqian said with a bit of embarrassment on her face. Although she hadn't seen her for a long time, the feeling did not dissipate. On the contrary, it became stronger and stronger like fine wine fermented.

"It's the same with you." Ling Huohuo nodded with a smile.

Seeing Ling Huohuo's smile, Yi Qianqian blushed.

"Looking at the color and forgetting the righteousness!"

The voice came from behind Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo looked back, and the ten girls of NG were looking at him unhappily.

"Who is there to cheer up the enemy?" Dongfang Shizuku rolled her eyes.

Ling Huohuo was embarrassed for a while.

Yi Yi said that what Dongfang Shizuku said was also what he wanted to say.

(End of this chapter)

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