The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 855 Regional Competition Finals

Chapter 855 Regional Competition Finals (Part [-])

In a rental house, a figure watched the live broadcast on TV, especially when it was a close-up of Ling Huohuo, and the hand that was putting potato chips in his mouth stopped.

"I found it, Ling Huohuo!"

The figure stood up.

He has a famous name, the same name as a certain leader—Su Chuanliang!

At the same time, he also has a special identity - Queen, Snow White's stepmother!
The figure licked its lips.

"I can finally... By the way, why am I looking for Ling Huohuo?"

The figure looked around, there were snacks and lunch boxes all over the floor, and various jars of happy water.


"The fat house made me fall, all in all, catch Ling Huohuo first!" The figure walked to the TV, and then unexpectedly got inside.

Follow the network cable to find you, and ask if you are afraid!

Soon, after the host's opening and the contestants' self-introductions, the competition began.

The first is the personal battle.

Fifteen into five in individual battles.

elimination system.

First, there will be a 5-to-[-] match, with one player having a bye, and then an [-]-to-[-] match. The four winners will be ranked, and the four losers will decide No.[-].

At the same time, the ranking of the points competition also has an impact on the ranking of the finals.

The first round of byes was neither Ling Huohuo nor Yi Yi, but a man... Well, Ling Huohuo didn't know him.

Among the fifteen people, nine men and six women.

The venue for the final is much larger than the venue for the points competition, and there are various random terrains.

Ling Huohuo's opponent in the first game was a woman, the terrain was grassland, and Ling Huohuo had the advantage.

The opponent is a thief-type professional. Thief-type professions are better at hiding than assassin-type professions. Although the attack burst is not high, they can poison and make traps. , are good at team uniform crispy occupations, such as... Mage.

It might be troublesome for other mages, but Ling Huohuo is a mage who can fight against boxers!
Although the opponent's strength is also there, but in a real battle, if Ling Huohuo's AOE skills go down, the opponent will lose blood. After all, even if the thief can hide, he can't get out of the field, not to mention that the grassland is not suitable for the thief to hide in stealth. If you observe carefully, you can find the traces of the opponent's movement, and the thief itself is also a crispy profession.

In the end, the female thief tried to attack Ling Huohuo with her domineering body against the damage, but she was still killed by Ling Huohuo.

After all, Ling Huohuo can escape into the void. Unless you wait for Ling Huohuo to run out of mana, this trick is really unsolvable, but Ling Huohuo's mana consumption speed and mana recovery speed are like this——
100, -100, -100, -100, -100...

+500, +500, +500, +500, +500...

This is really a sad story.

However, Ling Huohuo was quite surprised by this female thief. After all, not everyone can learn the trick of dominance. Equipment with dominance or skill books with dominance are very rare, and dominance of different levels can last for a long time. The time is also different.

This female thief's dominance time is longer than that of Ling Huohuo's ring belt. The thief with the domineering body has a bit of chest, bah, it's fierce!
However, although Ling Huohuo's dominance time is shorter than that of the female thief, it is different, because Ling Huohuo's dominance is a god-level dominance!

Emphasize it again, it is god-level!

Many restricted skills and areas are difficult to limit god-level skills.

This is the basis for Ling Huo Huo Yin Yi Yi's set of operations.

However, there is still a difference between the finals and the points match.

Many times, when there is not much difference in strength, the battle is a process of fighting each other's cards.

But many people will not easily reveal their hole cards during the points match.

Even in the finals of the local competition, if it is not necessary, it may only be exposed a little.

If some special skills or equipment in the game are used as hole cards, they can completely turn the tide against the wind and achieve a real counter-kill.

If a data is given, those strong players in the game, under normal circumstances, may only show 50.00% of their strength in the points competition of the local competition, 70.00% of their strength in the finals, and 90.00% of their strength in the regional competition. Strength, the final finals showed real strength.

After all, the more hole cards are exposed, the greater the possibility of being targeted, unless someone keeps collecting other people's information in normal games.

What's more, can the strength used by players in the usual games really be trusted?
These things have become the consensus of those strong players who want to challenge for the championship, retain their strength, and then shine in the finals.

There are reservations between each other, and both sides will also keep more cards.

After all, before the finals, as long as they can get the qualification to continue to advance, it is enough.

It doesn't matter if you suffer a little loss or suffer in the usual battles.

The winner is king, and the process is harmless.

Of course, there are some people that need to be guarded against, that is, those whose goal is not to win the championship, but the kind of people who want to take every battle seriously. , and it is easy to gain fans, but it can only be called two words - "head iron"!
Although Ling Huohuo also showed impressive strength, it was hard for others to believe that this was Ling Huohuo's full strength.

Although Ling Huohuo sent all his materials to Ling Xian'er's studio, so what?

Even if the other party sells Ling Huohuo's information without morality, Ling Huohuo has nothing to say.

Faced with the desperate data gap, probably only those players at the top can compare with Ling Huohuo.

However, Ling Huohuo still has a disadvantage, and that is the level.

Ling Huohuo felt that in order not to overturn the car, he had to find a way to improve his level.

Even if the level cannot be improved, Ling Huohuo still has his own other cards.

"The Lost World" is not a simple game, or in other words, there is still a difference between extraordinary people playing games and ordinary people playing games.

The battle went quickly.

The team competition will start when the individual competition is in the second round.

The team competition is different from the individual competition. There are many things to consider, such as tactical arrangements and command, so some preparation time is required. The first round of the individual competition is the preparation time for the team competition.

Yi Qianqian looked at the randomly selected teams and was taken aback.

"The first prize has been drawn."

Game [-]: NG studio VS Yiwu studio.

second round:……


Still an elimination system.

Although this elimination system is somewhat unreasonable, it is only the final of the local competition, and no one cares about the degree of fairness at all. As long as the strongest team and that person can be sent out, the remaining teams and individuals will be added. .

After all, there is only one champion!
Only the strongest are eligible to get it!
A collection of thousands of great achievements... ah, it's all over the place.

The game continues.

(End of this chapter)

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