The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 860 First Leap City Advances

Chapter 860 Advance to Leap City (Part [-])
Finally, the regional competition began.

Because the cooperative relationship has already started, all contestants from Yaotian Moren Studio, NG Studio, Yiwu Studio and Wutong Studio went to the regional competition area together.

Well, in fact, the competition area of ​​the regional competition is in Zhonghai City, and it is also the central venue.

The flow of people in Zhonghai City has increased significantly these days.

Most of them are players who came to participate in the competition and those who followed them. Most of the players who can make it to the regional competition are well-known players, and they will be famous at the last time, which makes Zhonghai City much more lively.

Due to the large number of participants and teams, the competition is not held in one day, and the individual and team competitions are also held successively.

The first is the team competition.

The 24 teams in East China are still in a simple elimination system, divided into six days.

24 into twelve on the first day.

Twelve into six the next day.

Six into three on the third day.

From the fourth day onwards, there will be a competition between three teams. It is no longer a simple elimination system, but a three-game two-win system. The three teams will compete separately, and the champion will be selected based on the final points.

Until the end of the sixth day.

Because only one team is selected, the team competition will be more intense.

There is only one team in Ling Huohuo's alliance that has entered the regional competition, and that is NG's team.

However, it is a bit embarrassing to say it, that is, the teams of the other three studios have all been defeated by NG, and the removal is also related to the NG team.

To this Dongfang Shizuku just smiled and said nothing.

But this at least means that NG's team is strong enough.

And in the past one and a half months, NG's team has also grown in strength again with the help of the teams from the other three studios.

In contrast, one of the remaining three studios entered the individual competition, namely Ling Huohuo, Yi Yi and Ling Xian'er.

At the beginning of the team competition, representatives from the four studios were present to watch.

How should I put it, maybe NG really wants to continue to attack his own people. The first battle is the civil war between NG and another team from Zhonghai City.

The teams in the competition were randomly arranged, and there was no inside story. Therefore, the players in Zhonghai City felt a little headache about this result, but there was nothing they could do about it.

NG was originally the first to qualify in Zhonghai City, and after this period of growth, even if the other team in Zhonghai City had also grown, it was no surprise that they knelt down.

This is probably killing a teammate to sacrifice the flag.

24 into twelve successes.

Then the next day, NG's opponents were teams from other cities.

The opponent is the team from Zhejiang Province.

At this time, NG officially played the first battle against teams from other cities, and the opponent also entered the line with the first place in the regional competition.

However, even if they are both number one, the gap is not small.

The resources of the four studios are gathered in the NG studio, and the enhancements brought about are not less than the resources that the club can provide.

After all, Ling Huohuo held a lot of good things in his hands.

Although NG's victory was somewhat difficult, there was nothing to doubt about it.

After two consecutive battles, people from other regions suddenly discovered that this women's army from NG seemed a bit fierce!

NG's popularity is also gradually rising.

However, Ling Huohuo did not continue to pay attention to NG's game.

Because Ling Huohuo has returned to the future city of the primitive wasteland.

Together with Ling Huohuo are Babai, Xiao Yunyun, Molong and Luojier.

This time I came back not for other things, but for the further development of the future city.

Before being promoted to the sixth-level city, the future city has accumulated a lot of resources. With the accumulation of a large amount of resources, the future city has been promoted to the first level again in a short period of time. At this time, it is already a seventh-level city.

This is the difference between technology bases and other types of bases.

Science and technology bases mainly rely on resources, while other bases mainly rely on strength.

The primitive desolate forest can attack the aborigines to appear at the seventh or even eighth level. It is not too difficult to upgrade the future city to the seventh level with the accumulated resources, but this is also the maximum limit.

If the future city wants to continue to be promoted, it has become very difficult to rely solely on the inherent resources of the original wild forest.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo's return this time is mainly for the development of the future city outside the primitive wild forest.

The situation of the future city has stabilized. It constitutes a seven-level future city, and four satellite cities established by four clans have also been upgraded to six levels.

In addition to the four satellite cities, there are many small cities with various purposes established by other races.

The entire primitive wasteland has also become lively.

By the way, the Druids brought by Guo Xiaoyu still didn't build a city, but they built a temple to worship the two goddesses they worshiped, but... There is also a life-sized stone statue of Guo Xiaoyu in the temple.

Ling Huohuo went to see it a few times. Although he really wanted to ask what kind of operation it was, he didn't ask any more in the end. After all, no matter how strange things related to Guo Xiaoyu were, it just needed to be treated as a normal operation.

However, the druid's temple is very strange, the position is not fixed, but can move continuously, in other words, the temple is alive.

If the Druids had not given Ling Huohuo permission, it would take some time for Ling Huohuo to find the Druids' temple.

The Druids still seldom appear in the city, which made the Druids quickly become a legend in the future city. Many players felt that there might be some special missions in the Druids, and even set off There was an upsurge in finding the Druids.

However, the Druids still stayed in the jungle obediently. It was the same sentence - staying in the depths of the forest was the best!

For the development of the future city outside the primitive wild forest, the future city has already made preparations a long time ago.

Some elders of the four clans jointly established a city outside the primitive wasteland as a springboard for exploring the outside world. Now, this springboard is about to officially function!

Surrounded by the patriarchs of the four clans, Ling Huohuo led the people to Xianyue City, a city built in the future city outside the primitive wild forest and used as a springboard.

Xianyue City was only at level four at the beginning, and with the promotion of the future city, Xianyue City has also been promoted to level five, and today, Xianyue City will be officially promoted to level six!
Once Xianyue City is promoted to level six, then Xianyue City will be able to officially establish satellite cities around it, and then formally let go of its hands and feet to explore the outside world, instead of simply conducting business with outside forces.

But don't underestimate Xianyue City today.

Xianyue City has ten seventh-level powerhouses and hundreds of sixth-level powerhouses stationed there for a long time. Such a configuration is rare even in seventh-level cities.

Because Xianyue City is outside the primitive wasteland, the development of Xianyue City is also the closest to the outside city, and under Ling Huohuo's request, Xianyue City attaches great importance to the role of players.

For example, for the promotion this time, Xianyue City issued many tasks to the players, and with the help of the players, the promotion standard was reached instead of using the resources of the primitive wild forest.

There are only so many resources in the primitive wild forest. Although it is enough, it cannot be used for fishing. In the future, there will be more cities belonging to the future city. It is impossible to simply use the resources of the primitive wild forest. Help is the means to open source!

The establishment of this model is also helpful for the further development of cities in the original wasteland in the future.

Again, although primitive wasteland is good, it limits development.

This time Ling Huohuo came to watch the ceremony, to watch Xianyuecheng's promotion.

Ling Huohuo looked at the bustling Xianyue City and nodded.

"Let's advance!"

(End of this chapter)

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