Chapter 861 Player City (Part [-])
The core of the city chosen by Xianyue City for promotion is the void magic stone, which is the abyss magic stone after Ling Huohuo infects it with the power of the void.

"Void magic stone: originally the abyss magic stone that carried the consciousness of the abyss devourer, it was eroded by the evil thoughts of the abyss devourer, and later eroded by the energy of the void, the evil thoughts melted, and the abyss magic stone was transformed into a void magic stone... The abyss magic stone is extremely Rare and precious, the void magic stone transformed into is even rarer and more precious now!"

"Function: It is an extremely rare material that can carry consciousness."

The void magic stone can carry consciousness. As the core of the city, the city will become the incarnation of the city lord and can exert powerful power.

Xianyue City is an important city for future urban exploration, and Ling Huohuo must provide sufficient security for it.

The urban core of this subordinate city actually has a level of authority.

The hierarchy is a pyramid structure.

The first level is that Ling Huohuo has the highest authority in the future city and all its subordinate cities.

The second level of authority is the city lord of the city and the city lord of the city to which it belongs.

For example, take Xianyue City as an example.

There is no doubt that Ling Huohuo has the highest authority.

Under Ling Huohuo, it is the authority of the city lord of Xianyue City, which is second only to Ling Huohuo's authority.

The city lord can control all authority in the city, but after a conflict with Ling Huohuo's order, Ling Huohuo's order will take precedence over the city lord's order.

So will some conquered cities, handing over their supreme authority.

Although Ling Huohuo and the city lord have the same power, Ling Huohuo can control the authority of the city lord.

It would be the same if Xianyue City had a satellite city.

Ling Huohuo, the city lord of Xianyue City and the city lords of the satellite cities of Xianyue City have the same power in the satellite cities, but Ling Huohuo's authority has priority over the city lords of Xianyue City, and the city lords of Xianyue City have priority over the city lords of satellite cities.

Using the Void Magic Stone as the core of the city, if there is a problem with Xianyue City in the future, Ling Huohuo can connect his consciousness to Xianyue City as soon as possible to check what is going on, and even provide remote support.

The lord of Xianyue City is an elder of the Frost Giant, and there are three elders from the other three tribes below the council.

This promotion will have its operations.

Accompanied by the city lord of Xianyue City, the promotion was confirmed.

The entire Xianyue City was shrouded in a layer of purple power.

Different from the promotion of the future city, the promotion of Xianyue City this time is even more magical.

The originally khaki city gradually transformed into a purple-based painting style.

A magnificent purple statue rises in the city's central square, where the power of the city's core is manifested.

The core of the city is in the City Lord's Mansion, and that statue is the embodiment of the power brought by the core.


No matter how Ling Huohuo looked at it, he felt that the statue was his Void and wise form!
But the difference is that the statue is more gorgeous, and it doesn't wear a mask, but only half of the face can be seen clearly.

Except for people who are familiar with it, it is difficult for others to see that this is Ling Huohuo.

After all, the fidelity of this statue is really high.

When the purple light dissipated, Xianyue City changed drastically, and its range became larger.

Seeing that Xianyue City was successfully promoted, everyone present smiled.

Then everyone looked at Ling Huohuo. As the big boss, Ling Huohuo needed to express something at this time.

Ling Huohuo connected to the authority and core of Xianyue City.

Ling Huohuo tried to use the power of the void magic stone for the first time.

Ling Huohuo only felt a tug, and his consciousness rose into the air, and he was able to completely overlook the entire city, and even control every position of the city, mobilizing the power floating in the city.

As soon as Ling Huohuo's thoughts turned, a huge phantom wearing a robe appeared in the sky of Xianyue City, just like Ling Huohuo's void wise man.

The residents and players in Xianyue City saw the huge figure in the sky before they recovered from the city's promotion, and then they all looked up at this scene in shock.

Ling Huohuo looked into the distance in mid-air.

"Friends come from far away……"

"Even if you are far away, you will be punished!"



The advancement of Xianyue City is only the first step in the exploration of the Lost Land by Ling Huohuo's forces.

Players and NPCs view the Lost Lands on two levels and in two aspects.

The Lost Lands are made up of powerful parts of the real world and worth exploring.

After all, there were true gods walking on the earth in the era of ancestor Fan, and the strength of ancestor Fan Ling Huohuo had already been determined, so it was not a parallel import.

Although the power of the ancestor Zongfan has now turned into a ball of flames and is controlled by Ling Huohuo, it can be used to hit people just right. Although he has never hit a god-level figure, it will be very effective if he thinks about it.

The first step in the development of Xianyue City after its promotion is to establish a satellite city.

There is a large piece of unowned land outside Xianyue City, which can be used to build satellite cities.

Xianyue City defaults to build four satellite cities.

The satellite cities of Xianyue City are a little different from the past in that two of the four satellite cities belong to the players!

Let the player build it, and the city master is also made by the player himself!

This is not the innovation of Xianyue City. There have already been cities built by players in the game. Generally, guild cities are established on the basis of guilds. The first force to build a city is the mythical guild.

Longteng Guild and Future Guild also established their own guild cities.

The same is true for Youmeng Pavilion.

There are already quite a few guilds that have established themselves as guild cities.

However, the guild cities have not been around for a long time, so the level of each guild city is not high. The guild city of the mythical guild is the highest level, but it has just reached level five.

Guild cities are very valuable for the development of guilds, and each guild is building its own guild city in full swing to unlock more functions.

The preciousness of guild cities is beyond doubt. These two guild cities handed over to players were built for the two guilds that helped Xianyue City the most.

This is the condition for the other party to agree to assist Xianyue City to advance.

But even so, the other party has only obtained the qualification to build a city, and the city still needs to be built step by step.

Handing over the two satellite cities to players has greatly deepened the connection between Xianyue City and players, and made it easier for Xianyue City to contact players.

Ling Huohuo also agrees with this.

It has to be said that the players at this time have already become the climate, and the establishment of the first player city has already indicated that the players have begun to formally affect the development of the Lost Land.

After Xianyue City was promoted, Ling Huohuo followed Xiao Yunyun and left.

After confirming that Xianyue City can develop normally, Ling Huohuo has nothing to worry about.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo was going to see the situation of Xiao Yunyun's team.

(End of this chapter)

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