The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 862 The Defeated Dog's Curtain Call

Chapter 862 The Defeated Dog's Curtain Call (Part [-])
My name is Qiu Feng, and they say that I am a lost dog in life—failed like a lost dog, but I never admit it.

Isn't it just that the girl you like is snatched away by others?
Isn't it the childhood sweetheart who ran away with others?
Isn't it more than 3000 years old and has no girlfriend yet?

Isn't it just a golden hair?

But, I, Qiufeng, don't explain much!

The road of cultivation is long and long, and one retreat does not know the spring, autumn, winter and summer, but suddenly looking back, it is already 3000 years later.

The world is still the same world, although there are some changes, but it is harmless. Practitioners go against the sky, but they follow the trend. In the general trend of the world, I, Qiufeng, are willing to die.

However, despite this, those who once laughed at themselves as defeated dogs have turned into loess and drifted away like smoke.

At this time, who is the loser?

Although I lost my feelings in Qiufeng, I won my cultivation!

Life is sad and deplorable, every peck and drink has its own definite number, who can tell clearly?
The autumn wind that had just left customs stood in the cold wind on the top of the mountain. The wind blew through his golden hair. Looking down at the earth, a sense of pride arose spontaneously, which made him proud and looked forward to the future.

Qiu Feng clenched his fists, feeling the ninth-order power surging in his body, a smile appeared on his face, and he stretched out a hand to cover the sky in his sight.

"If I want this sky, I can't hide my eyes. If I want this land, I can't hide my heart. From now on, I, Ye Qiu, will have a place among the gods in the sky!"

As if responding to Ye Qiu's words, a handsome and brave eagle flew over Ye Qiu's head.

call out--


A golden light flashed across and pierced Ye Qiu's backyard. With a scream, Ye Qiu fell from the top of the mountain and fell into the abyss.

It suddenly rained in the sky.

The ninth-level powerhouse fell, and the sky wept.

A lingering fear flashed across the corners of the eagle's eyes in a human way.

"Fortunately, this person helped block the attack, otherwise I would have fallen today."

Then the eagle quickly flew into the distance.

On a plain far away from the mountain, with Xiao Yunyun in his arms, Ling Huohuo sat on the body of a huge monster that looked like a tiger but not a tiger, a bear and not a bear, a leopard and not a leopard, and a wolf and not a wolf.

The ferocious monster is as docile as a puppy.

And Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were still in the posture of drawing the bow, obviously Ling Huohuo had been guiding Xiao Yunyun to shoot arrows just now.

Behind the two is a team with a large number of people. Everyone in the team is sitting on their own mounts. Moreover, these people's aura is fierce. At first glance, they are not easy to get along with. The weakest ones are sixth-order In terms of strength, there are five other eighth-level existences.

And there are no humans in this team!

At this time Xiao Yunyun pulled up a team in the Demon Realm.

Although demons and demons mainly live in the demon world, there are also many other races, but other races are not worth mentioning under the brilliance of the two races of demons and demons, but there are not many other races , and even other races are the main filling creatures of the Demon Realm.

Seeing the golden arrow go away, the team behind Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun applauded and cheered.

Xiao Yunyun shook his little head proudly.

Ling Huohuo smiled.

In order to enrich Xiao Yunyun's riding skills, Ling Huohuo began to teach Xiao Yunyun how to shoot arrows.

Archery is actually different from shooting with magic.

The magic shot can be manipulated, and if you are skilled, you can even go out of the trajectory of "S" and "B".

But archery cannot interfere after the bow and arrow are shot. Therefore, to use bow and arrow well, not only strength and good equipment are required, but also accurate prediction and various shooting skills are required.

Ling Huohuo's shooting ability seems to be innate.

In fact, Ling Huohuo can feel that his shooting skills are similar to talents brought by Da Yi's arrows. Although his shooting ability is not as good as Da Yi's, it is definitely an extremely powerful existence. After all, Ling Huo That's where the power of fire lies.

But Xiao Yunyun needs to learn from scratch.

Although magic is good, bows and arrows are more suitable for attacking while riding.

As for close combat...

Are mages afraid of close combat?

"It can be regarded as the initial mastery of basic bow and arrow skills, and there is no problem in actual combat." Ling Huohuo said.

Xiao Yunyun smiled.

"Okay, let's go to actual combat!"

"Actual combat?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback, "Where are you going?"

With a wave of Xiao Yunyun's hand, he boldly pointed forward.

"There are enemies ahead of us!"

It was only at this time that Ling Huohuo noticed Xiao Yunyun's lineup selection - "Neutral camp!"

Well, Xiao Yunyun can indeed be an enemy of others if he wants to.

The special setting of the neutral camp is that there is no clear division of friends and foes, and there is no clear affiliation of forces. They usually appear in some small tribes, small organizations, or large forces that live in seclusion. If they are operated well, the opponent will Become a partner, if the operation is not good, the other party will become an enemy.

Alignment does not affect the position of the neutral camp, but once the neutral camp forces belong to a certain faction with a clear camp, the camp selection will change.

The future city is also like this, but the future city has a big business, and the outside world is connected to the territory of the justice camp, so most of the time the future city is still very close to the justice camp, and will act according to the rules.

But Xiao Yunyun's team didn't have these considerations.

But this is not the case for the Void Clan, because the Void Clan has always been from the evil camp.

By the way, although the future city is a neutral camp, Ling Huohuo himself is an evil camp, but Ling Huohuo hides very deeply.

There is no connection between the power camp and the personal camp, otherwise those undercover agents will be exposed.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun changed into very rough clothes, which became the same as the team's painting style, looking very aggressive.

But don't underestimate these rough clothes, this is a full set of level six equipment!

After developing in the Lost Land for a period of time, Xiao Yunyun's team now has a total of more than 100 people.

More than 100 people each equipped with a sixth-level mount.

With these configurations, excluding the existence of Xiao Yunyun, the strength of this team can be considered relatively advanced.

The momentum generated by a large team running up is not weaker than that of thousands of troops!

At this time, the map where the big team is located is a map called "Yanyan Mountain". The strength and people living here are not easy to talk about, and it is very close to the evil camp. It can be regarded as a buffer zone between the justice camp and the evil camp.

During this period of time, what Xiao Yunyun's team did the most was "safari"!
Killing and looting are the main colors of the team.

In fact, it's not that Xiao Yunyun is cruel, but here, if you don't kill someone, the other party will kill you.

Here, there are mostly neutral existences without clear identities, and there are also many righteous camps and evil camps fighting here.

In short, in one sentence - kill is right!
(End of this chapter)

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