Chapter 863 Get a vote at the end (second update)

After bypassing the two mountains, Ling Huohuo saw the first target.

To Ling Huohuo's surprise, the opponent turned out to be a mixed team of two groups of players and aboriginals fighting!

Yanyan Shanye has special treatment for players.

Yanyan Shanye also has a special title among players - "battlefield map".

After choosing the battlefield mode to enter Yanyan Mountain, although the player will drop some items and gold coins when he dies, he will not lose his level and receive other punishments, and he will be resurrected at the starting point when he is full.

This can be regarded as a kind of protection for the players in the dangerous zone.

Moreover, players who kill people from hostile forces here can also get military exploits, whether they are NPCs or players, that is to say, here, everyone's heads are clearly marked with a price.

Merits can be used in a variety of ways, but they are mainly used to exchange for equipment and positions.

In addition to these, the more interesting part of the battlefield map is the "battlefield mission".

Battlefield missions can be received repeatedly, and are generally missions that require the cooperation of players and NPCs to complete.

There are two types of missions. One is a mission that players and aboriginal forces complete together. The mission initiator is the aborigines for various purposes.

The other is that these NPCs are real NPCs. Although they seem to exist like the aborigines, they are actually dummies manipulated by the world consciousness.

The mission is sent by the world consciousness, and the purpose is the pure mission.

Ling Huohuo took a brief look and found that the NPCs in these two teams existed in this way.

It is worth mentioning that all NPCs manipulated by world consciousness will have special functions, and most of them will issue some special tasks.

The tasks of such NPCs appearing on the battlefield can generally be received repeatedly.

It is the favorite of many gold-making groups or combat exploit groups.

Not for anything else, because the victory lies in stability.

Right now, players from the two camps should be doing their battlefield missions, and there was a conflict during the missions.

Xiao Yunyun pursed his lips.

"Although such a team has less harvest, it is just right for warming up."

Xiao Yunyun raised the staff in his hand.

"Army attack!"


The team behind Xiao Yunyun divided into two torrents, rushing towards the distant battlefield.

"It's the rebel parade!" The player exclaimed.

"This mission is over!"


Then there was the sound of killing in the ranks.

"Recently, during the carnival, there have been a lot fewer players and strong players here, but those aborigines are still there, but the ones who often come to deal with us are the existence of the evil camp." Xiao Yunyun said.

Ling Huohuo shook his head with a smile. Looking at Xiao Yunyun's appearance, it was obviously not the first time he did this.

But Ling Huohuo had nothing to say.

The rule here is that you can hunt and kill anyone you see.

And everyone is an adult, not talking about right or wrong, only talking about benefits!
Soon, Xiao Yunyun's team returned with a bag.

The bag was handed over to Xiao Yunyun, who briefly checked it.

Ling Huohuo also glanced at it. There were only some coins, some potions, or some recovery items in the bag, which was not considered rich.

Players who come to the battlefield know that they will either kill or be killed here, so few people will come with precious high-level props. What they bring most are potions and recovery props.

This also made Xiao Yunyun get the least amount of things from the players every time he came out to hunt.

Those real big heads are the aborigines, especially the gathering places of the justice camp and the evil camp!

For this harvest, it can be said that nothing is better than nothing.

Xiao Yunyun put away his things.

Although there is Ling Huohuo's support behind him, this time Xiao Yunyun is equivalent to starting a business on his own. If he wants to develop, he still needs Xiao Yunyun to lead the team to gather resources.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunyun has no plans to establish a garrison, which can save a lot of expenses and resources, but it takes more thought and resources to arm and supply the team.

After all, you have to keep moving, and you need equipment and supplies.

The big team continued to call.

"Yanyan Shanye can't stay any longer. I have made a lot of money in Yanyan Shanye recently. If there is no accident, the evil camp and the righteous camp have begun to notice us, but the strength of the team is not enough to face a large-scale battle. , so we have to transfer in these two days." Xiao Yunyun said.

"So?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"So... take advantage of the last time, let's make a big deal!"


Yes, this is Xiao Yunyun.

There are only two leaders in the entire team, one is Xiao Yunyun, and the other is Kappa Yejiro. Now Yejiro has the strength of the sixth level, but because of the race and power system, the combat ability is not stronger than other members However, it is a rare presence in the team with an online IQ, and Xiao Yunyun will still discuss some things with him.

But most of the time the whole team acted according to Xiao Yunyun's ideas, and acted completely according to Xiao Yunyun's will.

This time Xiao Yunyun set his target on a supply point of the evil camp.

This supply point is a supply hub for the evil camp. It is rich in resources and large in scale, or it is more appropriate to call it a city, so it also has powerful guards.

Xiao Yunyun has already stepped on this supply point, and there are at least ten eighth-level powerhouses among them, and there are quite a few powerhouses left.

But the trouble is not these strong men, but the opponent's army formation and the city that can be used to defend.

The military array can superimpose the strength of the individuals in the team and exert a powerful force. It is a very powerful attack method in the stronghold.

Although Xiao Yunyun is not afraid, she is the only one who is not afraid. If she wants to win the stronghold, she will probably pay a huge price, and it will probably be delayed until the other party's support arrives, and in the end she will lose all her money.

And the city is also designed to be easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Xiao Yunyun said that she chose this place because if she offends the evil forces, she can take the team to the hinterland of the justice camp. The support of Ling Huohuo and Future City is more convenient, and, maybe this record can make her Swipe a wave of favorability in the justice camp and get a lot of benefits.

As for returning to the evil camp, that is impossible.

Now the leading forces of the evil camp and the righteous camp have gradually emerged, and the leader of the evil forces is the Demon King City of the Demon King Army!
Only when you can't think about it will you switch to the camp of evil forces.

Therefore, the Demon Slayer City led by the brave seems to be much more reliable.

In addition to these, there are enough resources in this stronghold. If this stronghold is really taken over, Xiao Yunyun's team will grow rapidly in at least half a year.

The reason why he dares to attack this stronghold now is because Ling Huohuo is here!

(End of this chapter)

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