The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 864 Attacking the stronghold

Chapter 864 Attacking the Stronghold (Part [-])
Looking at the stronghold in front of him from a distance, Xiao Yunyun showed a smile, nestled in Ling Huohuo's arms, raised the staff in his hand, and pointed to the stronghold city in the distance, the other people in the team looked at Xiao Yunyun quietly. Yunyun, with anticipation in his eyes.

Finally, Xiao Yunyun spoke.

"Mine! Mine! All mine!"


Everyone in the team shouted loudly, agreeing with Xiao Yunyun's words, and their enthusiasm suddenly rose.

Looking at the team that suddenly erupted, Ling Huohuo blinked his eyes, why did he suddenly feel that this team was more rude than his previous Hundred Ghosts Night Walk?

Ling Huohuo's Hundred Ghosts at Night are not domesticated. They were all well-known monsters in the past. Even if Ling Huohuo used his strength to subdue them, they were not so easy to talk to outsiders.

Even if a tiger meows like a cat, it still cannot change the fact that it is a tiger, and it is also the kind of wild king of beasts who has drunk blood!
Therefore, every time Ling Huohuo was mobilizing, the members of the Hundred Ghosts of the Night Walk were more willing to use shouts instead of words, which fully revealed their rudeness and tyranny.

However, after the Hundred Ghosts transformed into the Hundred Ghosts of the Void, the style of the Hundred Ghosts of the Void is different.

Today's Void Hundred Ghosts can even be called mysterious!

It was as if another veil had shrouded the Void Hundred Ghosts.

Moreover, compared with the past, the ghosts of the void have one more hobby of shuttling in space and being a LYB.

Although Ling Huohuo could feel the position of the Hundred Ghosts in the Void, Ling Huohuo rarely got the real body of the Hundred Ghosts in the Void, because the Hundred Ghosts in the Void always shuttled through the gaps in space.

Not only the lost land, because there is a space channel connecting the real world in the future city, the footprints of the ghosts of the void have spread all over the two worlds.

The sentence "Void is watching you" is not meant to be said, because apart from Ling Huohuo, no one knows if there is a Void Hundred Ghost standing behind him.

This also made Ling Huohuo's Hundred Ghosts even more elusive. Once Ling Huohuo launched the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, the power that could be released would definitely not be the same as the original Hundred Ghosts Night Walk.

However, even so, there are some people and things that the Void Hundred Ghosts cannot see, such as the headquarters of the Demon King Army.

The Void Hundred Ghosts didn't find the headquarters of the Demon King's Army, and the peripheral forces dug up a lot, but they still don't know the real situation of the Demon King's Army.

This shows that the Demon King Army is a stronger LYB!

And the tyranny of Xiao Yunyun's team was even worse than that of the original Hundred Ghosts Night Walk.

But soon Ling Huohuo was relieved.

This team was pulled together by Xiao Yunyun in the Demon Realm, and most of them were bandits.

Where is the devil world?
In comparison, the current real world is a paradise.

In the chaotic and dangerous place of the Demon Realm, except for those truly powerful races, the remaining races can only survive if they become stronger and more ruthless.

In the demon world, there is only such a stable place as the demon resident.

Looking at Xiao Yunyun and her team at this time, Ling Huohuo seemed to see himself and the original Hyakki Yaxing in a trance.

A strange color flashed in Ling Huohuo's eyes, he suddenly couldn't wait to see what Xiao Yunyun could bring this team into in the future.

"The whole army is attacking!" Xiao Yunyun waved his hand, and everyone in the team drove their mounts, shouting, and charged towards the distant station.

However, Xiao Yunyun did not move, and the team also consciously passed through both sides of Xiao Yunyun.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, and just passed by, is his head so hard?

But soon Ling Huohuo knew Xiao Yunyun's proof.

Xiao Yunyun recited a lengthy incantation. With Xiao Yunyun's current strength, a skill that requires such a long casting time is definitely a big move that cannot be ignored.

"Undead Armies!"

I saw the magic falling, and a neat army of undead cavalry appeared around the rushing team, protecting the members of the team in the middle, and then rushed to the distant stronghold.

This is not over yet, a huge magic circle was left behind where the army passed by, and teams of undead warriors of different professions came out of it, and then rushed to the stronghold.

At this time, the stronghold in the distance also discovered the situation here, sounded the alarm immediately, closed the stronghold, and prepared to defend and counterattack.

However, after Xiao Yunyun released the magic, he withdrew his hand and did not continue to cast spells.

"This is not enough to win the stronghold, but after I join the battle, it will only be a matter of time before I win. All you need to do is to deal with possible reinforcements." Xiao Yunyun looked back at Ling Huohuo and said.

Ling Huohuo smiled and nodded.

"Do not worry."

Xiao Yunyun smiled, then suddenly pecked Ling Huohuo's lips, and then flew out of the mount, rushing to the stronghold battlefield ahead.

Ling Huohuo was taken aback for a moment, then smiled too.

"Kiss before the battle?"

After Xiao Yunyun left, the mount that Ling Huohuo was sitting on suddenly stirred up, but Ling Huohuo kicked the sides of the mount, and the mount calmed down again.

Looking at the city that was already on fire in the distance, Ling Huohuo's eyes also flashed with pleasure.

Although he almost died in the lawless place of the Demon King's army at the beginning, Ling Huohuo strengthened his mind and realized the origin of life and death. His control over the origin of life and death has reached a new height, and he has grown rapidly.

But this doesn't mean that Ling Huohuo's psychology is not uncomfortable.

Compared with the righteous camp, the evil camp is more united... no, it should be said to be unified.

The Demon King's Army has a very strong control over the evil camp, and the family dominates. It is no different from fighting against the evil camp first.

If you can win this important stronghold, it will be as pleasant as digging a piece of meat from the forces of the Demon King Army.

Watching him build tall buildings, watching him entertain guests, now Ling Huohuo expects something like "seeing his building collapse".

Although it is more appropriate to say that the prosperity of the past is all floating clouds, Ling Huohuo is very cool.

Maybe one day when I become stronger, I can also try to follow the example of the sword god and chase after the demon king?
Ling Huohuo was thinking wildly.

On the other side, Xiao Yunyun also officially started.

Although he didn't continue to share a ride with Ling Huohuo, Xiao Yunyun actually had a mount himself.

A pure black, cute sheep appeared beside Xiao Yunyun.

When the sheep first came out, there was still a little confusion in the pair of bright red eyes, and then the reaction came——

dinner's ready!

In the impression of the black sheep, every time the owner calls himself out, it is time to eat.


After calling out to Xiao Yunyun, the owner, the black sheep walked to the side lawn and chewed the green grass on the ground.

Xiao Yunyun has black lines all over his head.

This sheep is indeed her mount, and it is the devil sheep that Guo Xiaoyu got out in Ling Huohuo's sheep herding mission.

Since following Xiao Yunyun, this devil sheep has been continuously evolving, and has also opened up its intelligence. Even after eating something by mistake, its race has changed from a goat to a sheep. If it wasn't for Xiao Yunyun, it could still perceive The contract, I almost didn't dare to recognize it.

As for why it was eaten by mistake... because this demon sheep has always liked to go out for a walk by itself since it opened up its intelligence, and its brain is not very good.

That's why Xiao Yunyun generally didn't let the demon sheep out, for fear that it would change its race if it ate something.

But now, Xiao Yunyun needs this sheep to assist him in releasing a skill.

"Xiao Hei, stop eating and fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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