The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 865 It's better to marry well than to be born well

Chapter 865
Xiao Hei raised his head and opened his eyes in confusion.

What?fighting?Your own master wants to fight by himself?No kidding!How can I fight with a sheep?

Then, Xiao Hei felt himself being lifted up.

Xiao Yunyun condensed the magic power on Xiao Hei's body, and then threw it out violently.

"Hey sheep!"

Then Xiao Hei flew to the distant stronghold.

Xiao Yunyun clapped his hands, then looked at Xiao Hei's flying figure.

At this time, the skills she and Xiao Hei developed together are not weak, but there are still some small flaws.

That is, after each attack, Xiao Hei will lose the memory of using skills due to the violent impact.

But Xiao Yunyun can guarantee that Xiao Hei's IQ problem is definitely not related to this skill!

"What it is?"

The people in the stronghold also found an extra foreign object in the arrow and magic attack in the sky. Could it be some kind of special prop?
Everyone in the stronghold became tense.

Then everyone stared intently, and then their faces became a little weird.

"That looks like... a black sheep?"


"I'm making fun of you snake skin!"

"Is this the other party throwing a sheep to reward us and let us recover?"

"I have some experience in cooking sheep."


Whether it's the aborigines or the players guarding the stronghold, their faces are a little weird. After playing the game for so long, when have you seen this kind of operation?
Easter eggs?not like.

attack?how is this possible?

Then, under everyone's gaze, Xiao Hei landed, falling faster and faster.

Feeling the wind blowing across his cheeks, Xiao Hei narrowed his eyes comfortably. Although he was in heaven, he was quite comfortable.

But what am I going to do here?

Then, Xiao Yunyun's power attached to Xiao Hei's body exploded!
Countless little blacks suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the sky and the sun!

Xiao Yunyun smiled.

In fact, this is some kind of power of Xiao Hei, but Xiao Hei can't use it because of his IQ problem, so Xiao Yunyun can only be responsible for guiding it, and then let Xiao Hei explode.

Moreover, this skill is not easy.

Countless little blacks falling to cover the sky and the sun reminded the players of the fear of being dominated by black sheep that day.

At this time, a cold snort came from the stronghold, and two figures rose into the air.

It is the two eighth-order powerhouses in the stronghold!
They felt threatened by Xiao Hei, and they came to clean up Xiao Hei's figure in the sky.

Seeing the two powerhouses of the eighth step ascending into the sky, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Yunyun's mouth.



The blocking of the two eighth-level powerhouses was meaningless, and countless black figures fell like plantains in the rain.

The people below hurriedly fell down, but the two eighth-level powerhouses in the front were not so lucky.

When the sound of the explosion disappeared and the smoke and dust cleared away, everyone looked at where Xiao Hei had fallen.

I saw the two eighth-level powerhouses in a mess, lying on the ground without moving, and the cute and cute sheep who had been in the dark were looking around with a pair of innocent big eyes.

Xiao Hei: Who am I?where am I?What just happened?
Xiao Yunyun outside smiled brightly. You may not believe it, but Xiao Hei has eighth rank!

A woman with a black veil in the crowd at the stronghold saw this scene, her eyes flickered for a moment, then she glanced outside the city, and soon saw Xiao Yunyun with a smirk on her face.

The footsteps of the woman covered with a black veil took two steps back without leaving a trace.

The people in the stronghold were also embarrassed and at a loss.

And taking advantage of this momentary mistake, Xiao Yunyun's team took the opportunity to break through the city gate, and the undead army filed in.

"you dare!"

An eighth-rank powerhouse suddenly shouted.

"Your opponent is here!"

An eighth-rank powerhouse in Xiao Yunyun's team suddenly attacked.

The five eighth-level powerhouses in the team were not at a disadvantage in the face of the remaining eight eighth-level powerhouses, and even had a faint advantage, so that these eighth-level powerhouses had no time to take care of the following.

However, not all the strongholds are mediocre, and soon someone will reorganize the team.

"The strength of these undead is not very strong, everyone forms an army formation!"

A simple army formation was established in a blink of an eye, and then a powerful force erupted to attack the undead army. The undead army that had already entered the city was retreating steadily.

Many of them joined the army formation, making the army formation even stronger.

The woman in black gauze avoided the army formation far away.

This army formation is very strange. People nearby will be dragged into the army formation, making the army formation grow like a snowball. If you win, what if you die in the army formation?This army formation does not have the function of resurrection. Although the players lose a lot of things once they die, who would like to lose for nothing?

There was more than one person who moved in the same way as the black-veiled woman.

The woman in black yarn is just a player who has turned to the evil camp.

"System, is that the unnamed witch?" The woman asked in her heart.

A voice sounded from the bottom of the woman's heart.

"That's right, that's the leader of the rebellious parade, the unnamed witch."

"Then her strength..."

"Ding! Scan the strength of the unnamed demon girl...Scan results...The system judges...lv99!"

The pupils of the woman's eyes shrank suddenly, and she almost exclaimed.

Level 99?

A level 99 boss came to attack this small broken stronghold with a large army, you will have no friends if you play like this!

"Host, please rest assured. Although this level is the actual level of the opponent, the mastermind of the game has already suppressed the opponent's strength."

"How many levels are there?" The woman asked anxiously, because the other party was the target of her system's mission, and the strength of the other party would have a great impact on her mission plan.


The woman twitched her lips.

I'm only over level 60, and I have to face a suppressed existence with level 81. It's a lot of pressure!

Fortunately, my mission is not a killing mission, but a contact mission, and there are still many maneuverability.

"By the way, why should I contact this person." The woman sighed.

"Don't be discouraged, the host, this female empress growth system will not lie to you. If you want to become an empress among empresses, you must obtain the inheritance of ten powerful female leaders. The other party is a very powerful female leader detected by this system, and ..."

Speaking of this, the system paused.

"After the system's detection and analysis of some data that is not locked by the brain, if you, the host, can hug the thigh of the unnamed demon girl, it will no longer be a dream to rise to the top in the future, and the other party is also a very good backer."

"How to say?" The woman raised her eyebrows. She couldn't see the attitude of a big boss in a person who attacked Xiao Zhu, um, although the other party's level was indeed very high.

"It's better to marry well than to be born well. Judging from the known data, the husband of the unnamed witch is the third mountain after the two mountains of the devil and the brave!"

"so what?"

"So the host can consider digging a corner or something, ahem..."


(End of this chapter)

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