The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 866 The Victory Brought by Xiao Hei

Chapter 866 The Victory Brought by Xiao Hei (Part [-])
The woman quietly walked away from the battlefield. Although the faction mission had been issued, players from the evil camp needed to help guard the stronghold, and the rewards were generous, but the woman did not intend to participate.

On the one hand, it was because the woman could guess that this stronghold might not be able to hold this time; Switch to Xiao Yunyun's camp, and then plan.

Then, the woman saw a scene that shocked her——

It wasn't Xiao Yunyun, but that sheep.

Xiao Hei found Xiao Yunyun as his master, and then rushed to Xiao Yunyun's position without hesitation, directly smashing the army formation in front from behind, the army formation was broken, and he was no longer able to stop the army of undead.

Although the members of the parade were a little bewildered by this change, their eyes lit up, and then they immediately raised their weapons, no longer hiding behind the undead army, but rushed into the stronghold.

The army formation is broken, and the members in the stronghold are difficult to defend. Although the strength of the undead army is not good, the strength of the parade team is real!
In an instant, the members in the stronghold were scattered by the impact, throwing away their helmets and armor, and there was no possibility of reorganizing the army formation.

Everything is over!

Outside, Xiao Yunyun saw Xiao Hei, who looked cute and happy, ran to his side twice, and then started grazing on his own, his mind couldn't react for a while.

Is this... the end?

The most troublesome military formation for Xiao Yunyun was broken by a sheep like this?
As if feeling Xiao Yunyun's gaze, Xiao Hei looked up at Xiao Yunyun and smiled.


Xiao Yunyun withdrew his mind, with a happy smile on his face.

Xiao Yunyun patted Xiao Hei on the head.

"An extra meal tonight!"


Xiao Hei was even happier.

Then Xiao Yunyun raised the staff in his hand.

Victory is ahead!

Next, you can prepare to collect the fruits of victory.

Xiao Yunyun squinted his eyes, looking at the battle of the eighth rank in the sky.

Maybe, you can do something yourself.

Ling Huohuo in the distance looked at the smooth battlefield below and shrugged.

However, Ling Huohuo immediately looked in one direction.

He felt as if someone was spying on him just now.

But at this time, the woman who was stared at by Ling Huohuo froze.

Seeing that there was nothing to be done in the stronghold, the woman immediately retreated.

However, when the woman left, she noticed Ling Huohuo who was alone in the distance.

Out of curiosity, the woman used her special skills to investigate, who knew that before she found anything, the other party discovered her, and now she has her eyes on her.

Smiling awkwardly, the woman didn't stop, and walked away quickly with her head buried.

And Ling Huohuo also looked back, Ling Huohuo said that although this woman's chest is not small, but he already has Xiao Yunyun.

Soon, Xiao Yunyun withdrew with a large army that had gained a lot.

Watching the rebel patrol leave, the woman standing in the distance withdrew her gaze.

"System, that person just now..."

"It's scary~"

"Don't be cute, it's shameful to be cute, what about that person's information? Who is the other party? What is the identity of Xiao Yunyun?"

"Ahem, that person..." The system bought a barrier, "If you hug his thigh, you will be really awesome."

"Who is he?"

"Ding! Information: name: Ling Huohuo, strength: unknown, partner: Xiao Yunyun, power: primitive wild forest, others: unknown."

"What are these unknown situations?" The woman's hair was black.

The system is also a bit awkward.

"Well, the opponent's strength is too strong, and can isolate the detection of this system, and only found these information through some information of the main brain."

"If you can't find it, don't say it."

"Wouldn't it look more formal, and it would be more accurate."

"You trash!"

"Vulgar language!"

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

At this time, the support of the evil camp came late.


Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun returned to the real world after setting up the rebel parade.

Because the individual competition is about to start.

This time Ling Huohuo also put on the team uniform designed by Ding Ning.

But there are some problems with the team uniform, because it seems that this team uniform is only for Ling Huohuo.

Probably the team uniform was made for Ling Huohuo just to save face.

The whole is purple, embellished with gold edging, which looks noble and gorgeous.

Well, no matter how you choose the color scheme, you can't change that this is just an ordinary team uniform. I heard that it was made in a small workshop in a hurry. When Ling Huohuo got the team uniform, there were still a lot of threads on it.

Ling Huohuo didn't quite understand why his Yaotian Moren studio had a big business, so why he lived so frugally, until later Ling Huohuo found out that Ding Ning took the people from Yaotian Moren studio and NG studio together to go out at public expense Eat, drink, play, buy...

Oh, teammate!

Although the uniforms are not very advanced, they still look good.

Ling Huohuo stood on the stage wearing the only team uniform in the entire studio and looked decent.

Ling Huohuo and others stood on the stage, and the audience below shouted enthusiastically, shouting the names of the players they supported.

By the way, NG's team managed to have the last laugh.

It's not that other teams are weak, but because NG's team is too strong!

Not only the support of the four studios, Toyotomi Hideya also mobilized the resources of the Huoya Group under her control, and the future club also sent many useful resources.

Everyone's level is not bad, and their combat awareness is similar. The rest is to fight for equipment.

Then the NG players laughed.

In fact, there is also a lot of luck in it, but so what?We have angels here, what's wrong with adding two good luck buffs outside the field, adding a few war halos, holy blessings, etc.?If you have the ability, you can also add it to yourself!
Therefore, the ultimate victory is beyond doubt.

There are 40 people participating in individual battles.

The competition session is almost the same as the team competition, and it still lasts for a week.

Forty into twenty on the first day.

Twenty to ten the next day.

Ten into five on the third day.

From the fourth day to the seventh day, the top five and the last five are respectively ranked.

Therefore, as long as they successfully advance in the first two days, it means that they have already qualified for the final.

As for the ranking, it is related to the order of appearance in the final finals and the opponents matched in the battle, but it is of little significance to Ling Huohuo. Ling Huohuo doesn't have so many calculations. For the individual competition, it is just three words - reckless past !

Forty players entered the game at the same time, and then entered the arena, looking forward to their opponents.

(End of this chapter)

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